Chapter 10 - Moment of Rest

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Twice has always had one of the most hectic schedules in the music industry - even when you don't think they're doing something that month, they are - promotions are a part of their daily routine.

"Okay, everyone, I need you to get back into your positions, now it's time for the group choreography scene... Momo, please stand a bit to the left, thank you!" the director politely instructed the group.

Momo just happily jumped to the side, making the whole group giggle.

Oh how I live for these random small moments.... and Momo just being a dork! Jeongyeon thought to herself.

"Aaaaand one, two, three, action!" the director instructed as the music started to play and everyone got busy doing the choreography.

"Heart Shaker? More like "Leg Breaker" at this point." Jeongyeon commented after the third time she messed up a shot.

Jihyo chuckled. Jeongyeon noticed and smiled at her.

"Do you think you'll manage it?" Jihyo then asked.

"Sure.. I guess I'm just tired these days, you know, we're always going somewhere to do something."

"Yeah... " She nodded somberly.

"You okay?"

"..." Jihyo sighed. "I sometimes just want to be in bed the entire day, you know?"

"I know what you mean..."

"You know... like that evening when you showed me that song... what was it called, Old Jeongyeon?"

"You know damn well that's not the name of the song." Jeongyeon chuckled as she said that and lightly slapped Jihyo. "It's Old Soul."

"Yeah, yeah, I remember, I was kidding heh... I liked that evening... Even though you ran away from me later on."

"I had to turn off the ringing on my phone, I told you" Jeongyeon immediately became defensive.

"Pft... Excuses." Jihyo playfully rolled her eyes and Jeongyeon chuckled. "Anyway... Do you think we could watch a movie tonight?"

"Sure" Jeongyeon's voice went a bit higher than usual, but Jihyo didn't comment on it. "Should we check out with the rest of the group if they wanna join or?"

"No, I meant, you and I, in our room... Like, we could find a movie we both haven't watched and just, you know, watch it... Chill, be in our beds... I feel like I need to be in our room, and not in the living room tonight"

"Okay, no problem.. I can buy us food for later if you want?"

"That would be amazing!" Jihyo's eyes smiled harder than her smile at that moment. "Okay now, get a grip and let's kill this choreography!"

"Right there with ya, wifey" Jeongyeon teased which earned her a slap on the shoulder from Jihyo. And just before the director told them to get into places again, Jihyo quietly said:

"I'm still waiting for that ring, you know?"

Jeongyeon just rolled her eyes.

Jeongyeon was coping with everything. She learned how to deal with herself a bit better - by following Suho's and her own advice, she just decided that she would act like herself around Jihyo. No need for a push and pull situation. So if she sometimes goes too strong with her reactions, she's okay with that. If she's sometimes too nice about something, she's okay with that. She could be feeling better, but this was a fine alternative to her previous way of living where she was weighing every sentence and action.

The Moments In-Between - A JeongHyo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now