Chapter 31 - Moment of Family Supporting Each Other

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"So how are the lyrics coming along?" Nayeon asked as she strolled around the living room.

"Not good." Jeongyeon muttered under her breath.

"No inspiration?"

"Yeah... But I'm mostly still worried for Jihyo... I don't know if she'll be able to make it before we record this song and EP."

"I know what you mean... She hasn't replied in a couple of days. I'm really getting worried."

"I know, me too... But I guess we have to keep our heads up, no?" Jeongyeon asked.

"I guess... But like Momo said the other day - it's hard when not all of us are here."

"It is... That's why I'm trying to focus my time on this." Jeongyeon then went back to writing.

"I'm sure something will come up." Nayeon cheered her on, giving her a smile, Jeongyeon smiled back.

"So, what have you been up to these days?" Jeongyeon then asked.

"Not much, actually... I did have contact with Jennie, she told me they were making a new girl group in her company and the company wants that she like "manages" it."

"Manages it?"

"Like, helps them, educates them, gives them a few pointers and what not."

"Oh, so like a mentor?"

"Yeah, I think."

"Wow... That girl is working her way up, isn't she?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Yeah, I'm proud of her, she's doing really well for herself." Nayeon smiled.

"Imagine us as a group being mentors to some new rookies someday!"

"Oh, that will be a blast" Nayeon replied chuckling. "Can't wait for Momo to step in and show them how to dance properly" the duo chuckled as Momo entered the living room.

"I... would be a great mentor" Momo said, holding her head high.

"We never said you wouldn't" Jeongyeon smiled at her.

"How's the song coming along?" Momo then asked her.

"I don't... I don't know where to go. I kinda wanna give off a hopeful vibe out of it, but I don't know.... I need a simple yet effective "motif", if you will."

"Oh, so like me smiling?" Nayeon replied cockily.

"Or me posing?" Momo added. The two got a laugh out of Jeongyeon. It was a nice atmosphere within the living room as they all talked.

"I'm sure I'll think of something" Jeongyeon said in the end.

And then there was a phonecall. Jihyo was calling Jeongyeon.

"Hey!" Jeongyeon nervously picked up.

"Hey." Jihyo replied calmly on the other side. Jeongyeon could hear a somber tone in her voice.

"I'm sorry I haven't replied to all of your texts." Jihyo kept her tone sad.

"Yeah, it's okay, we're here for you... Where are you? How are you? I... I don't know what I can or cannot ask."

"It's... I'll talk to you all tonight. I just wanted to call to tell you that I'll be back."

"Like Terminator!" Jeongyeon did not know why she said that, or why she said that in the most cheerful voice she had, but she was now regretting it.

Until she heard Jihyo chuckle on the other side.

Huh! Okay! Damn, that was a close call!

The Moments In-Between - A JeongHyo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now