Chapter 52 - Moment of Immersion

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The band started to play as the lights were now dim and the audience got silent. It was a nice atmosphere created in this small club - tables arranged in a modest, yet classy fashion with candles in the middle for mood lighting.

As Chungha and Jeongyeon exchanged looks while they sat next to each other, the band started with an opening long note, something smooth that would immerse the people into listening the song.

They also quickly ordered drinks since Jeongyeon hadn't ordered anything while Momo was there and Chungha just arrived. While Jeongyeon contemplated on what she was going to order for a second, Chungha ordered herself a glass of wine.

"Oh, wine, ay?" Jeongyeon raised her head.

"I mean, why not? It is Friday. And I think it will go well with this event." Chungha noted smiling.

"Uh, yeah, sure... Make it one glass for me too, please" Jeongyeon then ordered as well as the band continued to play.

Jeongyeon just stared at the band playing and listened to the music, losing herself in all the magic she felt while listening to it. Her smile was plastered across her face.

Something about the melody of the song transported her into another world. In this imaginary world, she was walking down an empty street while rain was falling. It was nighttime.

She brought an umbrella, but would close if every so often to just feel the rain fall on her. It was a lovely, yet lonely feeling. Her walk took her through the empty street to the very end where there was an entrance to a park. The rain stopped falling.

She observed how everything was slowly moving and peaceful - people walking at a slow pace now that the rain was gone. The moonlight was struggling to shine while breaking through some clouds.

Jeongyeon was walking around slowly, exploring her surroundings, enjoying the sights.

At one point, she sees someone at the other end of the park, standing face-turned away from Jeongyeon. She marvels at the person who stands so still and watches the sky.

She knows who it is. She doesn't pretend she doesn't because it would be foolish not to know. She knows she shouldn't be thinking about this person and should be enjoying this evening in the park by herself. And she's trying. She's trying to get involved with the people in the park.

She talks with them, they listen, they nod, they smile, but Jeongyeon sort of feels empty while they respond to her. Their is no dislike between the people and her, just no connection. And even though there are traces of joy in their conversations, in the end, Jeongyeon feels empty.

She tries to marvel at the beautiful nature surrounding her and for a moment she does, she really does - everything is still wet from the rain that fell, it was a beautiful sight to see and Jeongyeon just soaked it all in. She got lost in it. But soon, that left her empty as well.

Jeongyeon turned her attention to a bench where she saw a case. A case with her saxophone inside. She opens it and starts to play the saxophone, imagining the melody that she was hearing from the stage by the band being played by her. She loved it. She felt fulfilled. She felt like she had meaning and power while doing so.

But soon the song that she was playing was over and Jeongyeon felt empty again. She didn't know why that was because she really enjoyed doing everything she did up until that point.

Suddenly, she felt the person she saw earlier approach her. She knew who was coming her way.

She turned around and saw a gleeful Jihyo. A playfuly Jihyo. An adorable Jihyo. A beautiful Jihyo.

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