Chapter 55 - Moment of Arms Being Linked

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"So Suho told you about this place, ay?" Chungha asked as they sat down.

"Yeah, a real darling he is!"

"I hope that wasn't your Yoda impression"

"No... Yes!" Jeongyeon laughed as she said that, Chungha joined in.

"I think it needs to come more from the backside of your throat, like this - "a real darling, he is"."

"Ohhh, I like that!"

"Yeah, a lot of boring nights in the dorm with IOI made me do a lot of impressions"  Chungha joked.

"How was that? Being in a group versus being a solo artist now?"

"Both have their advantages, I can't lie. Like now, I live alone. Which, again, has its advantages and disadvantages, but I sure do like the peace and quiet."

"I bet" Jeongyeon chuckled as she replied.

"Also, when you're a solo artist, you get more creative control of your work and less input... Which, again, can have its advantages and disadvantages, but I'm not complaining."

"Do you miss any of the members?"

"Oh yeah, definitely! But I tend to stay in touch with most of them whenever I can"

"Yeah, I saw that livechat you did and then you switched it up with a call from Doyeon, that was neat!"

"Aaa yeah, Doyeon, she is very sweet! I adore Doyeon! But yeah, we all talk when we can... So yeah, I miss the girls... But like I said, having a place to live for myself now really is nice."

"Heh, and like I said, I bet" Jeongyeon replied smiling.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Your living situation seems nice, a mansion"

"Yeah, but I'm not living alone there heh.... It's a classier version of the dorm if I had to compare it to anything."

"Very much so! I really liked spending time there"

"Has Jihyo shown you the jacuzzi?"

"Yes! It was amazing! I would love to get in there, it looked really comfortable!"

"It is!" Jeongyeon replied smiling.

"So... You don't like living with the other members?"

"No... No... I like it, like you said, it has its advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage being that I can't get far if something happens and I need to get away to clear my mind... That's why I usually go for a run if I need to clear my head."

"Oh running? I thought about starting to do that as well... Do you have any particular route where you run or?"

"No, it's always just random, the route that is. I usually go through parks or just the streets in our neighborhood, but nothing particular."

"I heard there's a nice running track just nearby actually, if I do start to run, I might end up running there" Chunga replied.

The waitress came soon and the two of them placed their orders, two burgers with some fries and drinks.

"Are the burgers really good?" Chungha asked.

"Oh yeah, juicy, but not like, too juicy. But also they're not too dry... It's just the right amount."

"Sounds good. The fries?"

"They're alright... Nothing too fancy, but you know, put some ketchup on them and they'll do"

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