Chapter 30 - Moment of Being Hopeful

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Baekhyun: No, I fully disagree. I think you made the right decision.

Jeongyeon: Really? Because I feel like I should've told her.

Baekhyun: As she was leaving? On the doorstep? With the other members watching? While she was having an unknown crisis? While she was crying? Do you really think she would appreciate to have another thing on her mind at that point?

Jeongyeon: I mean... Yeah, no, I guess you're right. That wouldn't be the best place or time to do it. But at least I made the right decision! And I was there for her! And and and I was actually ready to confess!

Baekhyun: That is true! All great points! :D I'm sorry I went off there... I just wanted to stay on point and really assure you that you made the right decision.

Jeongyeon: No, no! It's okay! You were just being honest! And I appreciate the straightforwardness :)

Baekhyun: Is what I do ;D But also... She is coming back, right?  Everything will be okay, right?

Jeongyeon: I don't know if everything will be okay, but... She is coming back, that she has acknowledged in our group text. She's been very sparse with the details, but, what she has told us is that she feels ashamed.

Baekhyun: Oh... Well, that's bad :/ But yeah, at least she's coming back eventually.

Jeongyeon: I just hope she's alright. It's been only a few days, but I truly miss her and I can't wait till she comes back!

Baekhyun: You ready to confess to her? :)

Jeongyeon: In due time... First I want to know what happened to her. I wanna be there for her when she gets back. I want her to feel like her problems matter to me because they do. Then, if and when everything's fine and dandy, I'll be able to open myself... But like you said, I don't think I should be springing it onto her because, well, she probably has a lot on her plate right now, whatever it is.

Baekhyun: Yeah, leaders don't just leave unless it's something big, so I get it...

Jeongyeon: Wait, Suho did this too?

Baekhyun: Yeah, but it was usually just a short break every now and then. I think he just wanted to clear his mind every now and then, Exo can be a handful... But he would be back, just like Jihyo will be as well :) and I agree with you - give her some space, be there for her and eventually, you'll be able to confess to her heh :) I support you, Jeong!

Jeongyeon: Thanks Baeky, I'm glad we're friends! :P

Baekhyun: Me too! :D

Their conversation ended there as they both needed to get back to their groups. The days at Twice's mansion felt longer than usual - everything kind of slowed down and felt as if there was a beating heart missing within the home.

Nayeon would usually be the one that tried to cheer everyone up:

"Come on! She'll be back sooner than you think.... Help me out Jeong!"

"Yeah... She will, she said so herself." Jeongyeon affirmed.

"So why don't we do something that we would all do as if she was here with us? We could watch a movie and all sit in "Floorland"." Nayeon then struck a pose in order to keep the energy flowing, but the remaining members felt sad. Empty even.

"It's just not the same when there's someone missing.... I remember when we had to do those interviews when Mina was sick and that felt bad... And she was in the house the entire time... It's not like she was gone from it." Momo complained.

"I know, but still..." Nayeon was at a loss for words, so Jeongyeon stepped in.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"I wanna see Jihyo." Sana barely let those words out. The rest of the group just nodded.

"O-kay... so... do you want me to videocall her on the phone or?" Jeongyeon was unsure if that was the right call, but she had to make it.


Dahyun spoke:

"I don't think that that would be best... She wants her privacy right now, after all." the rest agreed.

"So... what are our alternatives?" Jeongyeon then asked, crossing her hands, smiling.

"Ooooh, look at mom over here, striking a pose" Momo teased, making everyone chuckle.

"No, mom is listening, tell me, what do you wanna do?" at this point the atmosphere was getting lighter. Jeongyeon did not know what came over here, but she felt glad she could make everyone feel a little more at ease.

"I wanna watch our behind the scenes from our music videos!" Dahyun then stepped in, earning herself a couple of confused looks.

"Because... Jihyo will be there... and she's always goofy and fun in those videos... She isn't crying, so... I thought that would be nice." Dahyun pointed out.

"Oh, that's right, yeah, yeah" was heard throughout the living room. Tzuyu then gave Dahyun a qucik kiss on the forehead as the group sat on the couches and hooked the TV to the internet in order to watch the behind-the-scenes videos of their music videos.

It was a blast, everyone was laughing and having a good time, enjoying seeing Jihyo's face.

Soon, they watched the behind-the-scenes videos for their song What is Love? and got to a scene where Jihyo, in her own fashion, rushed to hug Jeongyeon.

Jeongyeon fondly remembered that moment with a smile on her face.

It was at that part of the video where Jeongyeon had asked Jihyo who she was pretending to be in the video and Jihyo just said "I'm your girlfriend", like it was the most natural thing in the world.

Jeongyeon wished back then that that was true and she especially wished now that that was true.

She chuckled at seeing a dorky Jihyo smiling at her.

Good times, heh... I hope there are better times ahead of us.

I wish I could be there for you Ji... And maybe someday I fully will... I hope you're doing okay.

Days were passing, but luckily Twice had no events where they had to attend anything for now. Even though, the time for a new comeback was approaching as it was revealed by their managers that Twice should soon prepare for a new song.

The girls protested, saying that it wouldn't make sense to have a comeback without Jihyo. The managers replied that if Jihyo wasn't able to record the new song, they would postpone the promotions, so everyone felt at ease.

Jeongyeon just stared at the texts that were sent from their managers:

The new song, we thought it could focus on handling rejection, what do you say? - was what the message read.

Jeongyeon thought to herself - Oh, I have plenty to say about that. I should sing first in this one haha!

Jihyo wasn't responding to the group texts. The last thing she wrote was:

Talk to you all soon.

Talk to you all soon

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