Chapter 42 - Moment of Disappointment

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Jeongyeon returned to her own dressing room where she found her members sitting in a circle, talking, smiling and generally having a good time.

"But seriously though, Momo, you were on fire tonight!" Dahyun complimented her.

"Thank you! I really did give it my best" she smiled in response. "I had a great time, people were just gawking at me, like "whoa, who is she?" and I was like, "I'm Momo, y'all"." Momo struck a pose then, moving her body around.

This gave everyone a good chuckle, however, Chaeyoung pulled her with her hand and shook her head "no", causing Momo's smile to disappear.

"But I only want you to look at me" she then gave Chaeyoung puppy eyes to which Chaeyoung rolled hers. 

"Trouble in paradise?" Sana teased.

"No!" Momo responded happily, while Chaeyoung said nothing at all. It felt weird to most so they didn't pry. Jeongyeon could see that Jihyo wanted to ask Momo and Chaeyoung more but she kept quiet out of respect of their privacy.

"Ooookay, so uh... Do we wanna see Red Velvet now? I think they'll be performing soon." Jihyo suggested and everyone happily agreed to do so.

Jeongyeon nervously stared at Jihyo as everyone was slowly exiting the dressing room. Jihyo stayed as she looked directly into Jeongyeon's eyes.

"You two comin'?" Nayeon asked, being the last one at the door.

"Yeah, soon, we just need to talk." Jihyo politely replied.

"Oh, okay, what about?" Nayeon asked with a smile.

"No, just Jeongyeon and me, it's private." Jihyo again responded politely.

"What do you mean, private? Is everything okay?" Nayeon was being unusually curious, but ultimately just wanted to help.

"It's... Well it's private Nayeon, I don't know how to explain it any other way." was Jihyo answer.

"Oh, okay... Just... Whatever it is, please work on it, okay?"

"What do you mean?" this confused Jeongyeon.

"You did just see what happened between Momo and Chaeyoung, right? ... Like, I'm not the only one who saw it, right?" 

Silence. Nayeon continued:

"Something is not going well there and I hope those two will manage not to fight and cause any trouble for themselves or for the rest of us-"

"Nayeon!" Jihyo spoke, her tone was very questioning of what Nayeon was implying.

"Look, I love MoChaeng, I do, they're adorable! But... I do hope that nothing bad will happen there... And if anything bad should happen, I hope you two will be on it."

"Why us? It's their situation." Jeongyeon asked confused, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yah, and we all know who the moms are." Nayeon replied in one breath. Jeongyeon and Jihyo just rolled their eyes. Nayeon nevertheless continued:

 "So I need you two, even though you are not in their shoes because you are not dating each other, to sort whatever private thing you have so that you can be there for Momo and Chaeng when needed, okay?"

"Nayeon, we don't even know if there's a problem-" Jihyo replied.

"Okay?" Nayeon repeated with a serious tone in her voice.

"Will you just leave already?" Jeongyeon replied tired.

"I will if you will work on your private thing, whatever it is." Nayeon smirked.

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