Chapter 88 - Moment of A Date Going Wrong, part Three

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"Oh wow! There's a lot of people here!" Jihyo commented as they got inside.

"Yeah, I've heard there are a couple of tournaments being hosted tonight so that's why there's that many people... But I think that works in our favour - less people will be focused on us." Jeongyeon replied with a smile.

"Can't argue with that." Jihyo smiled. She's a smart one!

And just as they walked in, they moved towards a more emptier section of the arcade.

"Oh, I haven't played this one in ages!" Jihyo happily commented as soon as they arrived at an old arcade game from her childhood.

"Wanna play it now?"

"Uh.... YES!" Jihyo giddily replied as Jeongyeon went to get the necessary change to play the game.

Jihyo patiently waited and ate a bit of the chocolate that Jeongyeon bought her.

Yeah, so far, we're far enough from anyone that we are in the clear, nobody is paying attention to us.

Jeongyeon soon returned and Jihyo was ready to play.

"Okay, let me just..." Jihyo then tied her hair in a high ponytail while she looked concentrated at the game.

Yeah... That... Image isn't awakening anything inside of me... Nope, I'm cool. Jeongyeon thought to herself as she stared at Jihyo.



"Coin, please?" Jihyo asked again cutely.

"Oh... Oh yeah, sure." Jeongyeon nearly let the coins fall out of her hand as she handed one to Jihyo.

"Calm down, ostrich, no need to lose your cool." Jihyo playfully smirked at her.

"Pft... Whatevs." Jeongyeon barely managed to let that out. Jihyo just looked at her, giggled and then turned around to play the game.

And Jihyo then let herself go - she played the game like she never stopped playing it. For Jeongyeon, it was mesmerizing to look at Jihyo destroy the game the way she did.

"I didn't know you... You played this well."

"Well, I was raised along with two younger sisters who love to play videogames so... My grip on things has always been pretty good."

"Yeah... But... This is an arcade game and I.... I'm just impressed."

"Well, what can I say-" Jihyo pulled a lever a bit harder than she expected. She even let out a grunting sound.

Oh yeah... This REALLY isn't awakening anything inside of me... Calm down, Jeongyeon! Jeongyeon nearly started to fan herself when she heard Jeongyeon just then.

Jihyo suddenly lost a life and grunted once again.

"Damn it... I was so close."

"You and me both." Jeongyeon murmured.


"I was so close to coming up with a great way to make fun of you but now I have nothing." Jeongyeon replied, nearly realizing she got caught in her fantasy.

"Oh... Okay... So... Uh, do you wanna try? It's a pretty intuitive game."

"Oh I think I've played this one before."

"Really?" JIhyo was surprised. "Okay,  let's see how you do then."

"Is this a challenge?" Jeongyeon was surprised.

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