Chapter 84 - Moment of Soft and Playful Gestures

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Jeongyeon went to her room and started to think about what she could be doing in order to prepare for the "big, proper date" that she had in mind.

Okay... Okay... Calm down... So.... What do people do on dates? Okay, how did I come up with this idea and why didn't I think of something more clever when I said I would do it? Something like "Hey, Ji, maybe a night in the mansion could be considered a proper date too"? No? Okay... I mean, I guess she wouldn't hate that idea, but... I could still do something special for her. I could make her feel special... Hmmmm....

Jeongyeon spent the rest of the day in her room, trying to figure out what she wanted to do on her date.

She researched, went online, looked out her window to think more clearly. She would only get ouf of her room to go and eat something.

By the end of the day, she was informed that Momo was leaving the mansion. She told everyone that she misses her family and that it would be best for her to go and visit them for a while.

Jeongyeon gave Jihyo a knowing look. And just with a glance and a slight nod, Jeongyeon had understood that Jihyo talked to Momo about this and there was no need to worry - Momo would be back. Momo wanted to leave that night, but decided to stay one more evening because of the sudden celebration they all planned - the celebration for Jihyo's return to the mansion because her parents were getting better.

Before they got ready for the evening, Jihyo and Jeongyeon videocalled Sana to tell her the news that they were going on a date. Sana, supportive as she is, said she always knew that something would happen after Jeongyeon had confessed to everyone about her love for Jihyo.

"But let's not get ahead of ourselves." Jeongyeon replied. "It's only just one date."

Jihyo slapped her on the shoulder.

"What? I'm telling the truth." Jeongyeon whinned.

"You're under-selling it."

"Fiiine..." Jeongyeon rolled her eyes. "We're getting married after it and this is the greatest romance humankind has ever seen."

Jihyo slapped her again on the shoulder.

Sana just chuckled.

"I'm glad to see my parents be playful." she noted, causing both Jeongyeon and Jihyo to smile.

Sana said she was enjoying her time with her family and said that she would stay in Japan for a while, mostly to go on trips inside the country with her family.

When a later call was established between Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Dahyun and Tzuyu, the latter two were as happy as Sana when they heard the news. It was amazing for them to hear it and they also offered their full support for this possible blossoming relationship.

"Does this leave Sana as the only single one in the group?" Dahyun noted.

"I mean... Technically no, Momo and Chaeyoung aren't a thing anymore... Right?" Jeongyeon replied.

"But... aren't they though?" Tzuyu noted. "I mean... They're not together now, but... Those two are wild cards, so I wouldn't rule anything out."

"Smart." Jihyo approved.

"But Sana... Sana's doing her own thing. She's making people laugh on the internet, she might even go on some comedy shows... So, she's got things planned for her." Jeongyeon pointed out.

"Sure, true" Dahyun and Tzuyu nodded at the same time.

"Anyway, you two having fun?"

"We saw dolphins today, what do you think?" a huge grin appeared on Dahyun's face.

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