Chapter 19 - Moment of Friendship

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"So...?" Jeongyeon winced, not knowing where Baekhyun was going with this.

"Yeah, you stormed over to us through a major crowd, and I mean, there was a lot of people at one point, but you somehow managed to storm through it!"

"Yeah, it was pretty intense" Suho added.

"I was about to ask you what happened with you and Jihyo, hoping you had good news... But uh, yeah, you did not have any news" Baekhyun pointed out.

Jeongyeon just looked at him embarrassed. He continued:

"So anyway, after the "eat-Baekhyun's-face-incident"-" this earned him a slap on the shoulder, but he continued:

"...After the incident, we managed to make you sit still and ask you what had actually happened. You held your head high and started to drink anyone's drink that was on our table, commenting, I think you said..."

"I think she said: "Don't mind me, I'm just getting obliterated tonight."." Suho added.

Jeongyeon felt the burning in her cheeks as the duo continued, mostly Baekhyun:

"We still wanted to know what had happened, but you ignored us... And then you laid back on the sofa and calmed down while looking at the ceiling."

"We were confused, but were happy that you didn't continue to destroy your body with alcohol." Suho added again with a concerned tone of voice.

"So we decided to leave you alone as you were silent and we just kept an eye on you. And then it happened - you fell asleep leaning on Suho who decided to hold you so you wouldn't fall of the sofa."

Jeongyeon then looked softly at Suho and said:

"I... I'm sorry... And... And thank you for being so kind." she put her hands on his and he reciprocated.

"It's. No. Problem."

"We're friends, after all!" Baekhyun added with a smile.

"You've said that word an awful amount of times in the last five minutes, does it mean something to me?" Jeongyeon asked. Suho and Baekhyun just smirked at each other.

"Oh, we'll get there." Baekhyun answered and continued the story.

"So, we checked if you had passed out or if you had fallen asleep. We figured you had fallen asleep because when Suho tried to wake you a bit, you flinched and said, in the cutest baby voice ever, "don't wake me, I wanna sweep"." this caused Baekhyun and Suho to chuckle again, and at this point Jeongyeon just embraced the embarrassment and chuckled along.

I mean, I might as well enjoy my night of being a clown, no? she thought to herself.

"Aaaand that's when things got hyper again."

"How so?" Jeongyeon was confused.

"Well, we didn't want you to actually sleep in a club, so we decided to take you home, or at least out of there. I suggested this place and Suho agreed. We wanted to inform your co-members, but the crowd was huge and we couldn't see them anymore." Suho started the explanation and Baekhyun finished it:

"And then we picked you up and you were like "No! No! I wanna stay! I wanna ruin someone's night! No! Noooo!"... Or something to that effect..."

"Oh no...." Jeongyeon was mortified again. "I... I really don't know what got over me... I've never been like that..."

"That's because you have all this emotion inside of you and you don't know how to get rid of it." Baekhyun commented. "And last night, you just let yourself out of your cage.... At least that's my explanation, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong... but I have been there" he sighed.

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