Chapter 14 - Moment of Bottled Up Jealousy That Came out of Nowhere

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Time passed and Twice was now sitting at an award show in a circle at one of the tables that was meant for the performers.

Jeongyeon and Jihyo were sitting across from each other - Jeongyeon between Momo and Sana while Jihyo was between Chaeyoung and Dahyun.

It was a crowded and loud event and conversations were held between only the people that were sitting the closest to each other - no shouting in the world could help you hear someone at the end of a table, that's at least what Jeongyeon thought.

"It's so crowded, isn't it?" Momo spoke directly into Jeongyeon's ear for her to hear her.

"Yeah!" Jeongyeon replied with a smile.

"I kinda can't wait to get out of here and go home... I'm just not feeling it tonight."

"You, okay? You sick?" Jeongyeon got instantly worried.

"No, mom" Momo teased. "I just feel tired... We haven't stopped promoting for a while now and I need a rest."

"I hear ya"

The duo continued their conversation about needing to rest while Jeongyeon kept one eye on Jihyo. She looked beautiful tonight.

Well, to Jeongyeon, she would look beautiful wrapped up in a potato sack, but tonight she took special notice of Jihyo - she looked like she was glowing. Head held high, smile from ear to ear, it was a sight to see.

As the night went on, groups started to talk among themselves

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As the night went on, groups started to talk among themselves. Jeongyeon however decided to check her phone for a bit because she didn't feel like talking that evening.

And then she saw something interesting.

Jihyo was way on the side, talking to someone. She was laughing pretty hard and touching the person's arm while the person was enjoying their company.

Jeongyeon squinted her eyes to see better and there Jihyo was - talking to the singer Chungha.

Oh... Wow... They seem uhm... They seem uhm like they are having uh.... A good time.. Yeah... A good time...

Jeongyeon tried to control herself. After all, she had this conversation with herself before - Jihyo wasn't her property and she could do whatever she wanted with whomever she wanted. Plus, there was no need for Jeongyeon to get jealous. They were just talking.

And laughing.

And then talking again with grins on their faces.

And then Chungha would touch Jihyo and put her hand on Jihyo's shoulder as Jihyo would laugh at one of her jokes. And then Jihyo, being playful and everything, showed off her arm muscles so that Chungha could feel them. 

They are... uhm... very touchy I see.... Jeongyeon thought to herself. And very relaxed around each other....

And then another round of laughing and being quite close to each other.

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