Chapter 68 - Moment of Being A Constant in Someone's Life

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During the next couple of days the mansion had felt emptier. Jihyo left it the day after Jeongyeon and she had their conversation. Dahyun and Tzuyu also left soon afterwards to go on a vacation to the Caribbean, something they had planned for a while. Sana decided to go back to Japan to see her family, while Momo, Chaeyoung, Nayeon, Mina and Jeongyeon stayed behind.

When Jeongyeon wasn't at the mansion, she would hang out with Chungha. They wouldn't spend time together every day, but when they could, they would enjoy each other's company. 

Jeongyeon explained Chungha her current situation with Jihyo. Chungha just wondered if the two of them would be okay, to which Jeongyeon replied that she hoped that the whole situation would get better in the future.

"I'm here if you need me. Both of you can talk to me, I am not a gossip-y person, I will keep things to myself."

"I know heh... You seem chill."

"Well, my name nearly was Kim "Chill"-Ha, so, you know..." Chungha joked, causing Jeongyeon to laugh.

"And I'll talk to Jihyo when I can."

"Yeah... She probably wants to move away from that subject as well... So... Maybe talk about anything else, heh..."

"Seems fair. I just want to help you two if I can."

"That is very sweet of you"

And with that Jeongyeon learned that Chungha wanted to help both Jihyo and Jeongyeon if she could.

The activities in the mansion were sparse, most of the time at least some member was outside of it, if not all of them. When they did hang out together, it would be mostly during lunchtime or when they could videocall the other members to see how they were doing.

"Heeey..." Dahyun and Tzuyu happily greeted the group while waving. They were in a hotel room with sunshine coming through the blinds.

"Heeey! Oh wow, look at Dahyun! Dahyun, are you getting a tan?" Momo asked excitedly.

"Yes! This is all thanks to this here little rascal who always takes me out to the beach." Dahyun then ruffled Tzuyu's hair as they both giggled.

"Yes, Tzuyu is definitely a "little" rascal standing next to you" Nayeon replied, causing them all to chuckle.

"How has your trip been so far?" Chaeyoung asked."

"Oh, wonderful! We went on this cruise ship for a couple of days and I just wanted to say - we should all do it someday as a group because it is incredible and just so relaxing." Tzuyu replied, her grin going from ear to ear.

"Sounds good to me." Momo replied smiling.

The conversation continued on for a while with everyone exchanging questions and remarks on what has happened in the last couple of days. Jeongyeon didn't ask much, but she did listen intently and smiled after she heard all of Dahyun and Tzuyu's shenanigans.

They're just... so adorable.

"Anyway, stay safe under the Sun and we'll talk to you soon." Nayeon was ending the call.

"We will" the duo replied and the conversation was over.

"Okay so... We've covered them, we've covered Sana... Should we call Jihyo, is that okay Jeong?"

"It's fine." Jeongyeon replied casually, waving her hand.

During the last couple of days the group didn't bother Jeongyeon with any questions regarding Jihyo and she was very thankful for that. She wouldn't mind too much if they did, but it was great to get her mind off of her whenever she could. Which was not too often, but still, it was nice.

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