Chapter 54 - Moment of Analysis

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The band finally finished playing their entire set and thanked the audience for their applause, cheers and involvement for the concert. After that, they quietly got off the stage.

Jeongyeon kept quiet during the entire second set, just silently admiring the way everyone was playing and having a good time while doing so. She never took her eyes off the band and more often than not she would look at the saxophone player and enjoy the melody that would come from her playing.

As the band was finished, Jeongyeon then finally turned to face Chungha once again and Chungha did the same. Chungha kept quiet this time, making polite eye-contact with Jeongyeon but not saying anything as she took a sip from her glass. Jeongyeon did the same and smiled.

"So... " Jeongyeon finally spoke first. "How did you like the whole thing now that you've heard it?"

"Well... It was nice." Chungha squinted her eyes when she said "nice".

"Oh... So, you didn't enjoy it as much as I did?"

"Jeong... I don't think anyone's ever enjoyed live jazz music as much as you did just now. You couldn't take your eyes off from the stage haha"

"Well... It was nice!" Jeongyeon defended.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Chunga replied.

"Well, then that's it... You can..."

"What? I can leave now?" Chunga replied laughing.

"No, but... I mean...  This whole night was weird, you didn't enjoy the show... I mean, I'm surprised you didn't leave in the middle of the performance, I wouldn't have blamed you." Jeongyeon honestly replied.

"Nah... I mean, why? I got dressed up, it's Friday, I was promised some company, so I thought why not? And since I'm already here, might as well enjoy your company since the concert is over... Or were you going to leave now as well?" Chungha said half-jokingly.

"Haha no, but... This is so weird being here, now that you know everything."

"As opposed to it not being weird if I had known in advance what was going to happen tonight? Yeah, totally." Chungha sarcastically replied.

"Well, if you hadn't known, we could've discussed my issues with Jihyo without it being awkward!" Jeongyeon replied matter-of-factly.

"Well, like I said before, we can discuss literally anything else... If you want to, that is..." Chungha then sipped on her drink once again and put her glass on the side of the table. 

She tucked her hair behind her ears and looked at Jeongyeon as she waited for her response.

"Alright... That seems fair. Kinda would be bland to just get up and leave now" Jeongyeon responded while nervously chuckling.

"Oh no, we can go! I seriously don't mind. If you think there's nothing to talk about, I'm okay with leaving." Chungha got up as she said that, leaving a confused Jeongyeon.

"Hah, no, it's just... Wow, you really have no problem with just leaving, do you?"

"I'm just trying to read the room" Chungha then smoothly sat back down.

"How does one become like you?" Jeongyeon then asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... So confident. So out there. So strong that you believe that it's okay to just walk out on someone in a club."

"Time. Patience. Love for yourself. If you appreciate yourself well enough, you will know what to do and when to do it." Chungha calmly responded.

"So you weren't always like this?" Jeongyeon asked.

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