Chapter 72 - Moment of Sudden Realization and Sudden Denial

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As she was falling asleep, Jihyo started to think about how she was grateful Jeongyeon was there. She was in a half-dream state, feeling a bit tired.

I mean... She travelled all this way! She came just for me! And she said that she didn't do it because of her romantic feelings for me... She said she did it because she is my friend. And I believe her! She truly is the greatest friend ever! And she is so nice! To have her in my life is the best feeling in the world!

She snuggled a bit more into Jeongyeon's arms with those thoughts.

She is caring and understands me and she laughs at my bad jokes and I laugh at her bad jokes and... We're friends again! We are there for each other again! I'm so excited!

She cuddled a bit more.

And I can't lose her. Even though she said she wasn't there for me, and even though that was true for a while, she never really got away... And now... She's fully back! She came back! She came back to our mansion in the middle of the night just to talk to me... From Chungha's place! For a while I was scared I would lose her to Chungha.

Jihyo then furrowed her eyebrows while still keeping her eyes closed.

Wait... Lose her to Chungha? Why would I lose her to Chungha? Chungha's my friend and I'm her friend and we're all friends... Why would I lose Jeongyeon to her? What would I lose there? Brain... What's the meaning of this? What did you mean by that? ... Seriously? You're going to be silent.... Okay... I get it, you're tired too... It was probably just a misleading thought anyway... Yeah... But brain, you had me worried there.... 

Jihyo then went back to her happy thoughts, her face relaxed once again:

But she's here. She never left. She's always been here. She....

Jihyo then realized.

Wait... SHE'S the constant in my life. I told her this before, back then when she still hadn't confessed to me.... but now... It makes even more sense now. I can't lose her. I need her. And having her here really helps things... I'm so glad she's staying. I hope she stays for as long as she feels comfortable here... And I mean... Just having her here and just having her being so caring and understanding... It's just.... She's perfect.

Jihyo then quickly opened her eyes and looked up at a sleeping Jeongyeon. She looked at her jawline, her nose and her curved smile as she was silently sleeping.

Wow... She's... She's so pretty... I mean... Wow.... Just look at that face... That smile...

Jihyo then suddenly shook her head.

Brain! What are you doing? What is this....? I need stop that ! And, and.... and I need to leave her be, that was weird... Why am I so weird all of a sudden? I mean, I hate to repeat myself, but it must be just being tired... Maybe I'm too tired? Maybe that's why I can't fall asleep. Hmmm....

Jihyo then closed her eyes so that she could focus on her sleeping. She tried to calm herself down and lead herself into the world of dreams.

She focused on her breathing so that she could ease herself to sleep. She thought about nice things, about relaxing things. About things that made her feel comfortable and relaxed.

I just want to surrender myself to sleep.... I just.... I want to go to "Sleepyland" and enjoy myself there.... Maybe... Maybe I'll rest on a fluffy cloud... a nice, fluffy, cuddly, pretty, beautiful, amazing, lavender-scented Jeongyeon-shaped cloud- WHOA! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....! Brain... What was that again?

Jihyo then opened her eyes wide. She looked at Jeongyeon once again. She was still sleeping.

Jihyo slowly got out of Jeongyeon's embrace.

Jeongyeon furrowed her eyebrows and suddenly woke up, but luckily she didn't startle Jihyo.

"Oh, I'm just going to go for some water." she whispered, coming up with an excuse right on the spot.

Thank you brain, at least for this!

"Get me a glass as well, please." Jeongyeon asked politely, still trying to figure out what was happening.

Jihyo nodded her head as she went downstairs. Jeongyeon rested her head as soon as Jihyo left the room.

Jihyo was now trying to clear her head.

Okay, okay, okay... It's okay... Let me just find a simple solution.... I was just... daydreaming about Jeongyeon because I was sleeping in her arms... Nothing weird about that... Yeah, we've slept with each other a million times... No big deal... And and and... Before we went to sleep, we talked about emotions and how pretty she is so that's why my brain went there... That's why I had these specific thoughts... Yeah, I shouldn't worry... my brain is just tired and mixing thing up... Yeah, no worries there. I don't have anything to admit. After all, too much of EVERYTHING is happening around me anyway, no need to add the drama of additional feelings... Additional feelings that DON'T EXIST, brain.... Okay... Okay... Breathe in, breathe out... Okay, you can do this... Okay, get some water.... Okay... Brain... We cool? Cool. Let's get back. I'm shaken to my core, but I also am still tired and I need to sleep.

Jihyo got back into her room and found Jeongyeon sleeping while facing the bedroom wall. She left enough room for Jihyo.

Jihyo put the glasses of water down and got into bed.

I mean, she embraces me all the time, I guess I could spoon her once, I won't die if I do that.

Jihyo then turned on her side and spooned Jeongyeon, hugging her tightly.

"Hehe... It's funny..." Jeongyeon mumbled half-asleep.

"What is?" Jihyo asked, trying to adjust herself.

"You spooning me."


"It feels less like you're the big spoon and more like you're a backpack." Jeongyeon joked, and Jihyo lightly slapped her on the shoulder, but also lightly chuckled.


"Good night."

"Good night."

She truly is a dork... But that joke was kinda funny heh.... Oh how I love her... Jihyo snuggled up closer, rubbing the tip of her nose into Jeongyeon's neck.

As a friend! I love her. As. A. Friend.... Ugh, good night, brain, I am turning you off, this has been enough.

And with that and a defeated quiet sigh, Jihyo went to sleep.

The rain outside continued to fall as the wind continued to blow.

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