Chapter 76 - Moment of Blurry Memories

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The following day, just as Jihyo had predicted, her parents really did manage to go to marriage counseling. Jihyo couldn't be happier for them and she wished them well, waving them off from the front porch as if she was sending her own children to school.

"I can see why you and Jeongyeon are the parents in the group." her mother joked as they were leaving. Jihyo just offered a smiled.

Later, Jihyo and Jeongyeon decided to go through town and visit the market place where Jihyo saw those figurines of a bunny and a penguin holding hands.

Jeongyeon approved.

"I know they'll love it! Especially, Mina! Can you imagine her receiving this as a present?"

"Right?" Jihyo replied.

"Her eyes will go wide, she'll cover her mouth, she'll hop up and down but not too much and she'll hug Nayeon as if she was holding on for dear life."

"And Nayeon will be there all flustered because she still doesn't know how to react to some situations when it comes to Mina."

"True... Also, should we look into that? Maybe Nayeon really has some problems with communicating her feelings... Although, I did tell her to talk openly with Mina in situations like that...."

"Then I'm sure she listened to your advice... And I'm sure she'll get better at it."


"Let's not rush to any conclusions Jeong, she's still young, she has to learn."

"She's older than both of us." Jeongyeon deadpanned.

"And, well, people can learn at any age." Jihyo pointed out.

"Hah, sure" Jeongyeon sarcastically replied as the two continued their walk through the market place.

"I mean... We've done a good job so far, don't you think?"

"Of raising seven kids? Yeah, I'd say so."

"Can you believe that Dahyun and Tzuyu came out as the most mature ones in the end?"

"I mean... Let's not rush when it comes to Dahyun..." Jeongyeon jokingly pointed out.

"Yeah, Tzuyu is the mature one there..."

"Yah... I've seen things...."

"We all have, Jeongyeon... we all have...."

"Well.... Uh... that took a weird turn..."

"Doesn't it usually take a weird turn when we discuss our group for too long?"

"Touche.... A meal?"

"You betcha!" Jihyo giddily replied, she even hopped on her feet, causing Jeongyeon to giggle.

"Who's the bunny now?"

"I don't know what you're talking about... Also, I would like a meal with carrots now!" Jihyo joked, raising her head high.

"Dork..." Jeongyeon replied playfully rolling her eyes.

The duo spent the day together, mostly going through town and enjoying food and each other's company. Their discussions ranged from fiction to real life events and since they've spent the last two days together, they mostly discussed events that happened throughout their career.

"Remember this?" Jeongyeon then showed Jihyo a photo of them together from their early days.

"Remember this?" Jeongyeon then showed Jihyo a photo of them together from their early days

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