Chapter 48 - Moment of Mirroring

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Another morning, another day for Jeongyeon to take care of herself.

She was lying in her bed, looking at the dark ceiling once again.

So is this my life now? Am I just... Going to be doing this? Is my life just getting up, avoiding Jihyo while I try to do my best in front of other people, and then avoiding Jihyo some more? This can't be good for my health.

Jeongyeon then lied there in her bed for a while, contemplating on life and what to do next.

She knew Momo and Chaeyoung still weren't over discussing their current situation, so today was going to be yet another day where Jihyo had to came up with an excuse for the managers and the fans. The internet was already buzzing with worried fans, hoping that Momo and Chaeyoung would recover as soon as possible.

I hope so too. Jeongyeon would think while reading online comments.

She did not know what the future is going to hold for them as a group. And since she was a part of that group, she did not know what the future was holding for her specifically as well.

I mean, what can you do in this situation? Not much. We're performing this song today at a showcase without two members, meaning it will feel very empty.

Damn, I hope Momo and Chaeng will work this thing out soon....

Jeongyeon went to do her morning routine, slowly and steadily, while paying attention not to wake up anyone before they need to.

After she was done, she went to the kitchen to get some breakfast and found Momo and Chaeyoung in the living room, sleeping next to each other once again.

I mean.... They do look precious sleeping next to each other, I am not going to lie. But... If they're hurting, they should really consider breaking up and just moving oooo... Hold on, hold on - Wait! Who am I to judge? It took me so long to get through my OWN indecisiveness, who am I to say what someone should do in this situation? Ahh.... Damn... Just damn... Brain, turn off! I might as well enjoy my toast in silence.

And Jeongyeon did as much. Soon, the rest of her co-members started to gather around in the kitchen wanting to get breakfast. It was all silence once again.

After a while, Nayeon was the first one to talk:

"So... We getting them up or?" she was talking about Momo and Chaeyoung.

"I mean... They have to get up sometime soon, no?" Jihyo replied.

"I guess we'll have to see." Sana added as the group turned their heads towards the living room.

Still sleeping.

After a while, Jihyo gently went to the two and decided to wake them up.

"Hey... Hey, I'm sorry to be waking you up but... We wanted to know if you'll be joining us today."

Chaeyoung fluttered her eyes slowly as she started to wake up. She looked Jihyo who kindly waved at her. Chaeyoung just gave her a small smile.

"Hey" she replied back.

"Hey" Jihyo greeted her once again.

"So... Yeah, no... Not today."


"Yeah... I'll call the managers and tell them that I'll be joining tomorrow, but not today."

"What about Momo?" Jihyo was confused.

Chaeyoung then turned her head towards Momo. She looked at her, and how she was sleeping peacefully. A smile appeared on Chaeyoung's face.

Momo just slept.

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