Chapter 64 - Moment of Partially Remembering Events

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Jeongyeon was lying on her back with her eyes closed. She was in a half-sleep state of mind - she felt like she could drift away into another dream, but that she could also wake up if it was needed and right now she was debating with herself which of the two she should do.

While lying on her back, she tried to remember what had happened last night since she started drinking. She couldn't remember much, except for the last couple of moments from the party and that was the time when she was basically sobering up already anyway.

Jeongyeon decided to enter her daydream.

She remembered lying on the left couch in the living room, while Dahyun was on the middle one and Nayeon was on the right one. The other members were, at the time, in the kitchen, not listening to their conversation.

She remembered she said to both of them that, sometime before, she had asked Momo how it was to be in a relationship with a co-member. She then also noticed she had never asked neither Nayeon nor Dahyun how it was in their relationships and she wanted to change that now.

Nayeon and Dahyun asked her why she wanted to know that, and Jeongyeon simply told them that she wanted to be more involved with their lives. The two smirked at each other. Jeongyeon wasn't aware why, mainly because she couldn't remember what had happened before during that evening, but she didn't want to interrupt their answers. And soon, they started to give their answers:

"It's actually great, Jeong! I get to see Tzuyu wake up every morning, or in our case, she gets to see me wake up every morning because I like to sleep in. And seeing a beautiful person such as Tzuyu as the first thing in the morning is like having the feeling of all your dreams coming true at once. Besides that, we get along just great even though we are very different - we listen to each other, we try to compromise when we can, and when we don't, we "fight" over it until one of us wins. Usually she wins because I'm a huge sucker for her... But I never compromise who I am... Just, what I do.... and I think that's the most important thing I've learned." Dahyun ended her speech with a smile, causing both Jeongyeon and Nayeon to look at her amazed.

Damn, little tofu, damn!

"Whaaat?" Dahyun whined.

"It's just, wow, that was a very mature answer..." Nayeon replied.

"And you didn't expect it from me? Girl, please, I've been the longest in a relationship in this group, I know a thing or two about these things!" this response made all of them chuckle.

Jeongyeon and Dahyun then focused their attention towards Nayeon:

"It's amazing! Yeah, everything is... "all chill" as they say... Yeah, I'm on top of all of it and I know what I'm doing... And whatever Dahyun said as well!" she responded, a grin on her face the entire time. Nayeon looked a bit uncomfortable with that answer which her body language implied. She looked at Jeongyeon. Silence.

"Okay... That was... Something. I'm going to go and get a drink, do you two need some?"

"Nah, I'm good" was the response from both Nayeon and Jeongyeon as Dahyun walked away to talk to the rest of the group in the kitchen.

"It is not amazing, I am not "all chill" and I don't know what to do! Jeongyeon! I am terrified!" Nayeon jumped over one couch to talk to Jeongyeon privately in a hushed voice.

"Haha wait, what? Why? Nayeon, calm down!" Jeongyeon was in disbelief. She tried to look calming so that Nayeon could open up to her more easily.

"She. Is. Perfect. And I mean, perfect... She's kind, she's lovely, she looks out for everyone, she takes care of me, she laughs at my jokes, she's so nice."

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