Chapter 26 - Moment of Indirect Rejection

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"So..." a solemn voice started to speak. "How are we feeling today? Are we doing okay?"

There was a bit of a silence in the studio of Radio Kiss FM as the host Yeri talked to seven of the nine members of Twice.

"Yeah, we've been doing okay, heh." Jihyo spoke softly, but confidently.

"Many of our listeners are great fans of your music, so it is very unusual for us to have only seven of you here."

"Well, it is unusual for us as well" Chaeyoung added. "But, things have been okay so far."

"How much can you tell us about Mina's condition?"

"Well, the other day she had a stomach "situation"... She was in the hospital for an afternoon but was released from the hospital that evening and sent to our mansion. We took her home and now she is resting. She later had a combination of fever and a stomach ache, but in the meantime her body calmed down. And yeah... She's basically resting, and she is getting better, so that is a relief." Jihyo replied.

"And Nayeon?" Yeri asked, knowing the answer, but wanted to confirm with the rest of Twice.

"Well, she is taking care of her now. We all took turns in taking care of her, and now was Nayeon's turn. She actually said that she has no problem being with her for multiple turns, so yeah, we figured it was best to keep the situation as it was." Momo answered this one.

"Do you think that what she has is contagious?"

"No, the doctor didn't say anything." now Jeongyeon chimed in. "So far, she's the only one having issues, but, we do hope she will recover soon." the rest of the group agreed with her.

"So hopefully, you'll be promoting as a nine-member group again?"

"Yes!" Sana cheerfully added, making everyone giggle.

The conversation between Yeri and Twice flowed without any trouble - they had known each other for a while anyway and coming on to Yeri's show was something that they really enjoyed to do. Yeri had a format that a lot of other radio hosts started to copy as soon as she started her short career as a radio host - she took care of the more serious topics at the beginning of the show, always making sure that her audience heard the honest truth, but also to help the artists better explain their current career situation. Near the end of the show however, she always wanted to end on a lighter note so she would go with lighter questions.

With Twice, it was the same.

At the beginning they talked about Mina's and Nayeon's absence, along with Mina's condition. Later they touched upon further projects that were going to be done by Twice, both music and non-music related. Yeri of course made sure everyone present was involed in answering the questions, which they happily did.

And then came the end:

"So, near the end of the interviews, we here at Radio Kiss FM like to have a little fun and ask our guests fun questions, do you think you would want to participate in this?" she asked with a smile. Twice happily agreed.

They first discussed Sana's recent social media posts and talked about how she was serious "comedy material" with her jokes, puns and the way she generally behaves in her little online videos.

"Like, she is killer, she should have her own show as well" Chaeyoung was the first one to comment.

"Oh, come on, stop it...! But also, please continue!" Sana playfully replied and made everyone chuckle.

After they've discussed it a bit further, Yeri went on to comment Momo's recent post:

"Under this photo of you kissing Mina on the cheek, you wrote: "I hope you'll get better soon, my girl!" and then you threw in a little heart! Firstly, that is adorable!"

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