Chapter 74 - Moment of Thinking About Happiness

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"Jeongyeon!" Jihyo's father happily exclaimed as he entered the kitchen. Jeongyeon instantly got up from her seat and went towards him as they both spread their arms for an embrace.

"Papa Park!" she exclaimed happily as she hugged him.

"It is so nice to see you!" he replied, moving away from the embrace as they both looked at each other gleefully.

"It's so nice to see you too... And, you know what? I want to talk to you later.... Heh, we'll catch up later Jeongyeonie, but now...I guess, grab your cereal and come into the living room, let's all talk." he invited everyone to join him there. They sat on the family couches, one across from each other, Jeongyeon and Jihyo on one couch while Jihyo's parents went for the other one. They continued to eat their cereal as they sat down.

Jihyo's parents intertwined their fingers and embraced each other as they happily looked at Jeongyeon and Jihyo who sat right next to each other as well. They were both confused about this possible announcement.

"Well, first off, I have to say, congratulations to you two!" the father started off with a friendly hand gesture.

"On what?" Jeongyeon and Jihyo replied confused, and then looked at each other.

"Well, Jihyo's mom over here told me that you two were-"

"Oh, they are not" she interrupted him chuckling. "I thought they were and they are being really weird about it, but apparently they are not dating, honey."

"Moooom!" Jihyo whined again. Jeongyeon began to laugh all over again.

She then continued to ear her cereal while Jihyo put down hers.

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is very embarrassing..." Jihyo's father spoke. "I apologize."

"No need, this is real good" Jeongyeon continued to laugh, even slapping her knee while laughing once again. She nearly spilled her cereal. Jihyo just gave her a side look.

"Whaaat? Your parents are adorable, I can't help with that." Jeongyeon defended.

"That is true, we are." Jihyo's mother concurred, nodding her head, smiling. Jihyo just rolled her eyes and looked at them.

"Okay, so what is the announcement then?"

"Well, Jeongyeon, Jihyo... As far as I've heard, you're both aware of our situation." he pointed at himself and Jihyo's mother, Jeongyeon and Jihyo nodded.

"And I'm sorry that you had to hear about this Jeongyeon... I mean, you are family, but still.."

"It's okay papa Park." Jeongyeon replied, putting her cereal on the side now as well. Jihyo's father just nodded thankfully and continued on:

"So anyway, this morning while you two were asleep and breaking a bed together-"

"Daaaad" Jihyo whined again.

"We'll fix it, don't worry" he calmly replied. He then continued:

"Anyway... Your mom and I had a talk. We both wanted to initiate that talk actually and that's what immediately got us closer together." Jihyo's mother nodded happily to that sentence as her father went on:

"...And we kinda figured that the last time she and I wanted to fix things, we went to marriage counseling but... Back then we stopped pretty quickly, thinking "oh, we've got this"... "

Jihyo's father sighed before continuing:

"Well... After yesterday's fight and after hearing that Jeongyeon came here as a worried girlfriend to see you because you were upset about us, we've decided that we had to discuss this thing one more time and see what we truly wanted to do with our marriage."

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