Chapter 22 - Moment of (Mis)reading the Situation

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What should I do? Where do I go from here? Is this REALLY the time to do anything about my feelings? I mean...  Any time is good, but... Now? After Chungha spent the night here? And I still don't know what had happened to them... What if I'm too late? What if none of my feelings mattered at all because I was too afraid to say something and now it's all gone? What should I do? 

Should I listen to Suho's and Baekhyun's advice? Should I just get it over with and confess? Or should I listen to the other advice and just keep it to myself while I find another hobby that will take away my daily thoughts of Jihyo? What would that entail? What could I possibly do that DOESN'T involve Jihyo? I guess... I guess there is one solution.

Jeongyeon had many thoughts on her mind and she wasn't fully embracing any solution at this particular moment in time. But she knew she had to do something. Something had to change.

Somethings has to change.

It really has to.

Jeongyeon finally got out of the shower. Physically, she felt better than before - she was now clean.

Emotionally, however, she was devastated. What to do now? She asked herself as she slowly and shyly walked towards her and Jihyo's room.

Or is it Jihyo's and Chungha's room now? Damn, just thinking about it makes me sick. But... I'm the one at fault here.... She sighed just thinking about it.

Jihyo and Chungha were in the room, sitting on Jihyo's bed, looking at some videos onlines, smiling and giggling.

Jihyo turned around as soon as she saw Jeongyeon and said:

"Hey! You okay? That was a long shower heh"

"Yeah, no, I'm fine... I'll be better."

"Do you want us to leave you in the room so you can have your peace?" Jihyo then asked that question one more time.

"Oh, yeah... Sure... I think that would be best." Jeongyeon responded with a tinge of heartbreak in her voice.

Jihyo and Chungha happily obliged, oblivious to what was going on with Jeongyeon.

And just as Chungha exited the room, Jihyo stopped and said to her:

"Go, I'll be right there soon. And here, take this money, in case the pizza delivery comes sooner."

"Okay" Chungha responded and happily went to the living room.

Jeongyeon was surprised.

"You okay?" Jihyo asked with pleading eyes.

"Yeah" Jeongyeon laughed this time. "Why do you keep asking me that?"

"Because you look awful! And I don't mean it as in that you look ugly, you're beautiful but... you look like a bus hit you or something... Did a bus hit you?" it was amazing with how much sincerity Jihyo asked that question. Jeongyeon thought that there was so much care in her voice. And calling her beautiful like that nearly broke her heart.

"No heh... I'm just... Can you... Can we sit down?"

"Oh, this is serious then." Jihyo replied as they sat on each other's beds. But before Jeongyeon sat down, Jihyo pulled her over to her bed. Jeongyeon was surprised, but didn't question it.

"Is this about before?"

"About what?" Jeongyeon asked.

"About you telling me that you wanted to talk to me about something"

"Oh, you remember that"

"Yeah, I listen" Jihyo smirked as she lightly slapped Jeongyeon on the shoulder, causing Jeongyeon to wince in fake-pain. The way they giggled after that was adorable.

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