Chapter 83 - Moment of Sharing Good News

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"Dearly beloved!" Jihyo started out her monologue in front of Momo, Chaeyoung, Mina and Nayeon, while Jeongyeon was standing behind her. They were all in the kitchen.

Jeongyeon already facepalmed herself when Jihyo started to speak.

"What are you? A priest? Is this a wedding?" she chimed in chuckling.

"Do you wanna say it?" Jihyo side-eyed her.

"You know what? I got nothing and this is way too funny, please, continue." Jeongyeon continued to chuckle, but she managed to cover up her mouth with her hand.

What a dork.

"Boooring!" Nayeon replied.

Mina looked at her surprised.

"Sorry babe... I just... I thought they would... You know what, never mind, Jihyo continue." this earned Nayeon a soft kiss from Mina.

"Whipped." Jeongyeon coughed into her hand, causing Jihyo to chuckle beside her. Nayeon looked like she wanted to say something, but she managed to keep herself calm. Instead she just side-hugged Mina.

"Okay, so even though Nayeon might not believe us, Jeongyeon has in fact spent the last couple of days at my place with my parents."

"Fake, not true." Nayeon murmured. She then looked at Mina again and bit her lip shyly. "Continue." she added softly.

"Super whipped." Jeongyeon coughed again, causing Jihyo to chuckle one more time.

"So... It's true... You told us to do one thing and you did the other." Momo reflected.

"Yeah... Look, I'm not proud of it." Jeongyeon replied. "We already told Mina last night but we might as well tell it to you too... I'm sorry I told you all not to do one thing that I eventually ended up doing... It was wrong of me to leave you out like that... The next time Jihyo has a problem, we will all be on the next train over there, okay?"

"It's okay... As long as Jihyo is alright, I'm okay with it.... Are you okay, Ji?" Chaeyoung then asked, hugging Jihyo. Jihyo softly hugged back.

"Of course... I'm fine. My parents are fine. They are actually... Really getting better."

Jeongyeon fought the thought of laughing really hard at that moment. Jihyo sensed it, and she was really glad Jeongyeon actually managed to stay calm.

"Well.... Maybe we should celebrate, huh? Like the last time we did?" Nayeon spoke up this time. Mina looked at her proudly and said: "That's actually a great idea... We should celebrate for Jihyo!"

"And here I thought you'd be mad at me for being so obnoxious this morning." Nayeon replied. Mina just smiled and kissed her again, silently adding: "You always manage to surprise me hihi."

Nayeon was furiously blushing after hearing those words, covering her face with her hands.

She then looked at Jeongyeon and Jihyo who were grinning at her.

"Fine! I'm whipped for her! Can we get this over with?"

"Yeah, sure... But, Jeongyeon and I have an announcement actually, that's why I asked for your attention. So like, I said, Nayeon, she really was at my place for the last couple of days."

Nayeon nodded.

"...aaaaand... We started to talk, Jeongyeon and I... and well... to keep things short, Jeongyeon and I are going on a date."

"What?!" Chaeyoung, Momo and Mina asked surprised at the same time. Their facial expression went from surprised to happy in a matter of seconds. 

"Oh, I'm so happy for youuuuu!" Chaeyoung cooed and went in for a group hug with both Jeongyeon and Jihyo. They hugged back. Soon, Momo and Mina were hugging them as well. It felt like an affectionate and loving moment from everyone within the group.

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