Chapter 46 - Moment of Three Helpful Replies

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Sua: I'm sorry to hear that... That's... Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that :( 

Jeongyeon: Yeah, I'm sorry too...

Sua: How come you had the guts to do it in the end?

Jeongyeon: I don't know... But in the end, it had to be done. I basically shouted it out before yesterday's performance of Yes Or Yes and after that we told each other we would talk about it when we got home. We got home, and that's when she told me that she has no such feelings for me. That she loves me, but not the way I love her.

Sua: Wait, you actually said that you "loved" her?

Jeongyeon: Yeah. I thought to myself, since I'm already confessing, I should fully confess.

Sua: Damn, you like, really exposed yourself, haven't you?

Jeongyeon: You wouldn't believe... But at least I can say that I've surprised you :')

Sua: Oh, how so? :)

Jeongyeon: Well, you said that I might be a person that wants things to stay the same. That I like being miserable, because if things stay the same, then I myself don't have to change... Well, I'm here, I confessed, things will now have to change.

Sua: Have to, yeah, but... Will they?

Jeongyeon: What do you mean?

Sua: Well, change doesn't happen because we wish it happens. Change happens because we act upon something.

Jeongyeon: Well, I did act upon something, I confessed...

Sua: Yeah, but now comes the actual hard part - actually changing things in your life. What are you going to do to change things?

Jeongyeon:  Don't know. This is my first day after the confession. Technically, it hasn't been even like 12 hours since I've confessed.

Sua: Oh yeah... Why are you awake at 5AM anyway?

Jeongyeon: I haven't slept much and I have to get out of bed in like half an hour anyway... You?

Sua: More or less the same, I'm going for a run soon.

Jeongyeon: I would join you if I had the time.

Sua: Next time then. Shrimp?

Jeongyeon: Huh?

Sua: The last time we talked and we got to a delicate subject, I offered you shrimp, I thought it would be appropriate.

Jeongyeon: Running is a delicate subject? :P

Sua: It is when it's 5 in the morning :P

Jeongyeon: Fair enough... Send me some shrimp then! :D

Sua: Will do! But the delicate subject I was refering to were your plans regarding the future. :)

Jeongyeon: Nothing gets past you, ay? :P

Sua: Have you ever met Gahyeon? She's in my group.

Jeongyeon: Briefly, once, I think.

Sua: She's a little prankster and so I have to keep my eyes wide open at all times. So yeah nothing gets past me :D

Jeongyeon: Oh, now that we're on the subject of "you", how are you doing? How is your love life doing? :)

Sua: Nothing new, why do you ask?

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