Introduction <3

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This is my first book. I hope you guys like it!


Name: Kate Loyal (played my Riley Hubatka)
Age: 18 years old
Status: relationship with Johnny Mash

Name: Kate Loyal (played my Riley Hubatka)Age: 18 years old Status: relationship with Johnny Mash

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A bubbly girl, who loves her friend and does anything for them, but.... she's broken, in so many ways....

Name: Jaden Hossler
Age: 19 years old
Status: relationship with Mads Lewis (A/N I know they are not together anymore)

Name: Jaden Hossler Age: 19 years old Status: relationship with Mads Lewis (A/N I know they are not together anymore)

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Kate's best friend, he cares about her a lot and that have been friends for a long time... he knows everything.

Name: Anthony Reeves
Age: 18 years old
Status: relationship with Avani Gregg

Name: Anthony Reeves Age: 18 years old Status: relationship with Avani Gregg

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Kate's first online best friend, she can tell him anything. They had a thing but not anymore...

Name: Payton Moormeier
Age: 16 years old
Status: single

Name: Payton Moormeier Age: 16 years oldStatus: single

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Kate's other best friend. They met a year ago. He is like her little brother.

Name: Mads Lewis
Age: 17 years old
Status: relationship with Jaden Hossler

Name: Mads Lewis  Age: 17 years old Status: relationship with Jaden Hossler

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She hates Kate, because she thinks that they are too close....

Name: Avani Gregg
Age: 17 years old
Status: relationship with Anthony Reeves

Name: Avani Gregg  Age: 17 years old Status: relationship with Anthony Reeves

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Kate's girl best friend. They talk about everything and tell each other a lot.

Name: Johnny Mash (played by Brandon Westenberg)
Age: 19 years old
Status: relationship with Kate Loyal

Name: Johnny Mash (played by Brandon Westenberg) Age: 19 years old Status: relationship with Kate Loyal

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He is an asshole, but Kate doesn't see it... he does not approve of her friend.

Other people in this story:
Boys from SWAY LA

Other people in this story: Boys from SWAY LA

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--------- DISCLAIMER ---------

All the characters are fictional and that's the same for the story. I'm using their names and faces just for the story!
The storyline is an original, written by me.




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