Chapter 29

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"Just tell me Vani", I said cutting her off. "I d-don't know I-if I should t-tell you", she said sobbing, "m-maybe it's not t-true." "Please tell me Vani, because you're clearly not okay", I said rubbing her back. "Promise me you won't get mad at me", she said looking at me for the first time since I arrived. "I promise", I said. I was actually scared what she was going to tell me. "M-Mads texted me last night. S-she sent me a picture... o-of y-you and A-Ant", she said sobbing. I looked confused at her not knowing where this was going. "She t-told me... she caught y-you m-making o-out with h-him", she said not looking at me. I lost my words. I just didn't know what to say. Obviously I didn't do that, nor Anthony. I couldn't believe Mads could go that far. "I-is it t-true?", she asked under her breath. She looked at me and I hugged her tight. "No, of course not. I could never do that to you and Anthony wouldn't either. And we are friends", I said pulling away. She nodded still not really convinced. "But what about the picture?", she asked looking away. "Can I see it?", I asked. She grabbed her phone from the charger. She opened the messages with Mads and gave me the phone. I took it and she started to cry again. I looked at the messages.

Mads Lewis

Hey girl
I don't know if I should tell you
It's about Kate

Don't talk to me anymore
I don't want to hear it

I think you should know

I don't care Mads
You were really low to do that to Kate

Well here
I took this a month ago

They are just friendsThis doesn't say anything

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They are just friends
This doesn't say anything

Well are you still friends if you make out?

What are you talking about?

I caught them making out that night

She wouldn't do that to me
You're just trying to turn everyone on Kate

I'm serious Vani
I wouldn't lie to you
They are always hanging out alone,
Nobody knows what they do then

Stop Mads, you're lying
Leave me alone

I'm just looking out for you, girly

(read 10:49 pm)

I can't believe this! She is making this up! If she want to hurt me, that's fine. But not my friends and drag their relationship down with it! I locked her phone and put it down. "Avani look at me, please", I asked taking her hands. She looked up at me and tears were still rolling down her face. "We didn't kiss, and definitely didn't make out", I said reassuring her. "I would never do that to you. You are my best friend and Anthony too. I love the both of you so much and you two deserve the world. You two deserve each other", I said smiling slightly. It went silent for a while and we sat there looking at each other. I hope she doesn't believe her. I hate seeing her like this. "I-I'm so sorry", she said hugging me tight. "It's not your fault. I would doubt it too", I said pulling away smiling at her. Finally she smiled, weakly. "Oh my god, Anthony is gonna hate me. I basically ignored him the whole day", she said looking down. "Just tell him to come over and tell him", I said, "I will stay until he's here." She nodded and texted him. "Vani, you know we are just friends? Anthony and I?", I asked her, wanting to make sure she knows. "Yeah... I j-just... can I ask you something?", she asked nervously. "Yeah", I said. "What happened between you and Anthony this summer?", she asked really fast. "Are you sure you want to know that... now?", I asked. "Yeah, it's fine", she said looking down. "Okay.... Well, we became friends on social media four years ago. He dm'ed me and we talked a lot. We became friends and talked every day. Three years in we never met in real life. When we met we became closer. One night on tour we kissed, but we didn't feel good about it and decided to just stay friends. And I thought I liked him, but I guess it was just in the moment", I said uncomfortable to talk about it. "What about Ant", she asked. "I don't know, we never really talked about it", I said. "But know that he likes you a lot and is always, and I mean ALWAYS talking about you. He adores you a lot, Vani. And I don't like him, I think I like someone", I said blushing. "Oeehh, tell me", she said smiling. I was happy she felt better again. "It's Jaden", I said blushing even more. "Well, that's not really a surprise. But good you've realized now", she said shrugging. "Yeah, I guess", I said smiling. "Ant, told me. Have you talked to him yet?", she asked. "No... I don't know how to and I'm kind of scared, I think", I said. "I know it's scary to admit, but I'm like 99,99% sure he feels the same", she said grinning. "I think I'll talk to him tonight", I said smiling. Then there was a knock on the door. Avani opened and there stood Anthony with red and puffy eyes. She immediately pulled him in for a hug. If I'm honest that got me in my feelings. "Well I'm gonna go guys", I said getting up. "Thank you for coming", Avani said hugging me. "No problem and tell him", I said smiling at Anthony. "I will", she said also looking at him. He still looked upset and confused. I hugged him and whispered, "it's all good." He nodded and I left.

After thirty minutes I arrived at home. I stopped to grab some coffee and some food. And yes it's 11 pm, but I just wanted coffee. I walked in and heard the boys scream. They are probably playing videogames. Normally I would tell them to be quiet because Anthony goes to bed early, but he wasn't here. I walked into the kitchen and ate my food. Honestly I could sleep for a whole day, but I knew I needed to talk to Jaden. I threw my trash away and walked to the room they were sitting in. "Hey, you're home!", Bryce yelled still focused on the screen. They all greeted me still not looking away from the tv. "Jae, wanna talk?", I asked. "Yeah", he said smiling. He got up and we said goodnight to the guys. He walked up to me and hugged me. I really needed that, from him, and only him. I feel them again, butterflies. I never realized how much I liked him. Every time he smiles or hugs me I feel like I am walking on clouds. We walked upstairs to his room and I sat on his bed. "What happened with Avani?", he asked sitting down next to me. I explained everything and I was still pissed on Mads. "I can't believe she did that... well actually I do", he said looking mad too. "Yeah, I do want to confront her about this. This is not okay", I said with a stern voice. He nodded and he laid down. "Cuddle?", he asked with puppy eyes. I moved up to him and snuggled into his side. After a few minutes I decided to finally tell him. "Jae?", I asked not knowing if he was still awake. "Mhh", he mumbled. "I want to tell you something, but you can't say anything until I'm done okay?", I asked sitting up. He opened his eyes and smiled. "Sure", he said still laying down. "Okay, so... the past weeks I've been thinking a lot. And one thing seems so stay on my mind", I said. "You are my best friends, and you've been now for nine years. You mean a lot to me and I love you. Remember last year when we.... Well you know", I said a bit embarrassed bringing it up. "How could I forget", he said winking at me. "Well, I lied to you", I said. "What do you mean?", he asked confused. "When we said we didn't feel that way about each other, I lied. Because I think I did", I said looking at him. And here comes me rattling. "And honestly I think I never stopped. I realized when we kissed before I left, that it felt right. And I know we are friends and I don't want to ruin anything. Because I can't lose you. But it's just that I wanted you to know that I like you. And if you don't feel the same th- ", I said when all of the sudden his lips were on mine. I was startled by it and first didn't know what to do. After a second I kissed him back and it felt like the world stopped. It felt like it was just us. I want this to last forever. Then he pulls away. He was still holding my face and I started to blush. He had a huge smile on his face. We just looked at each other. "I like you, Kate. I never stopped", he said breaking the silence. I hugged him tight and smiled at him. "Can I say something now?", he said chuckling. I nodded and was still blushing. I got lost in his eyes again. The touch of his hands made me have a thousand butterflies. It felt amazing. "Okay so...", he started.

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