Chapter 16

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I woke and wanted to get up and get ready. I tried to sit up, but two strong arms pulled me back. Then I heard a groan I smiled to myself. "Jae, we need to get ready", I said chuckling. "Whyyyy", he said with a raspy voice. Well, let me tell you I missed that. Okay Kate stop drooling! "Because the others are going to be at their hotel in 3 hours and we're grabbing lunch with them", I said. "That's in 3 hours, we have enough time to cuddle", he said tightening his grip on me. "Jae..", I said. "Please", he whispered in my ear. He needs to stop this, now! I groan and I turned my body around. Now facing him. I looked at him and he opened his eyes. "Yayy", he said smiling at me. "You are such a kid", I said chuckling at his goofy smile. "I know, now cuddles", he said pulling me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his torso and dug my face into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and I fell asleep again.

"Look Ant", a voice said. "Awh, they are so cute", the other voice said. I'm pretty sure it's Anthony and Avani. "I'm gonna take a picture", Avani said. "We need to wake them up actually", Avani said after a minute. "Wait, we can pour some water on them", Anthony said chuckling. After a few seconds I hear the water running and I knew what was going to happen. I tried to get up, but Jaden pulled me back. "Wait", he whispered only so I could hear. I laid down and waited. "Okay do it, I'm going to film it", Avani whispered. Before I knew Jaden let me go and he jumped at Anthony. I turned around and the cup with water was all over his sweater. "I just put this outfit on", he said looking at Jaden. "That is what you get for waking us up", Jaden said chuckling. Avani and I started to laugh and eventually Anthony too. "The group texted us saying they are on their way to the hotel", Avani said. I picked up my phone and looked at our group chat. "So get ready so we can go", Avani said walking out of the room still laughing a little bit. Jaden and I nodded. "Well, I'm gonna change, again!", he said throwing his hands in the air and walking out. I chuckled and got off the bed. "I'm gonna take a shower", Jaden said. I nodded and walked to my suitcase. I moved it last night, so I don't have to go into Avani's and Anthony's room, because you never know what you'll see. If you know what I mean. "Oh Kate,", Jaden said sticking his head out of the bathroom door. "Yeah", I said turning around looking at him. "Can you choose an outfit for me?", he asked with puppy eyes. "Yes, for sure", I said smiling at him. "Thanks!", he said closing the door and getting in the shower.

~Jaden's POV~
I just put the shower on, but I wasn't in it. I am so tired. I didn't really sleep last night, because I couldn't get my mind off Kate. Why tho? She is just a friend, my best friend. I'm really happy we're good again, but I feel weird. I actually don't feel sad, what I actually should be feeling. My heart is aching but not really? I don't know. "Jae, hurry up, we are already late", Kate said knocking on the door. "And I need to brush my teeth", she said laughing. That laugh. That laugh can make me laugh even when I don't feel like it. She is so beautiful when she laughs. I was smiling like crazy thinking of her. Jeez, Jaden. Hurry up already! I got out of my thoughts and turned off the shower. I wet my hair to make it look like I showered. I put on my boxers and unlocked the door. "Why are you taking so long", she said chuckling walking past me. "Oh... just thinking", I said. About you. Stop! She nodded and brushed her teeth. "You clothes are on the bed", she said muffling with a toothbrush in her mouth. I nodded and walked out of the bathroom. "Thanks, Kate", I said. "Hmm", she said spitting out her toothpaste. I put my clothes on.

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