Chapter 17

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The past days we mostly went in the city, I had training with the guys and a few meetings. Apparently everyone knew who I was. Probably because off my dad. Today was the day. The day of the game. I was really excited but also really nervous. I got dressed for the game and went out to the coach room. It was Daniel's since he became the coach for the men's team. I couldn't quite believe it. He always talked about it and he always trained the guys. He deserves it, really. "Heyy", I said walking in his room. "Hey kid, you ready?", he asked. "Yeah, I guess... I'm just nervous", I said chuckling at him. "No need to be, you were amazing at training, just like I remembered", he said smiling. "Awh, thanks", I said. I sat down on the chair on the other side of his desk. "Your dad would be so proud of you, you know that", Daniel said. I nodded and looked down. I wish my dad could have been here. But I know he's watching from above. "Hey, head up. I got a little gift for you", he said. I looked up and smiled at him. He grabbed something from the ground. It's an ice hockey stick. "It's yours", he said handing it to me. "Really?", I said. "Yeah, look at it closely", he said. I looked but couldn't see anything. "Daniel, what do you mean. I don't see any- ", I started. Then I saw it. My dad's signature. Then I looked at the whole thing. I recognize the stickers and drawings he made on it. I started to tear up. I looked up at Daniel and said, "are you for real?" "Yes, it's yours now. I've had it here for a while and I knew you would use it sometime", he said smiling. "T-han-ks", I said sobbing. I walked up to him and hugged him. After a few minutes we let go and I dried my tears. "Let's go", Daniel said opening the door for me.

~Jaden's POV~
So, we're at the game and we are in the VIP zone. This is truly amazing. I still can't believe Kate is playing, she always dreamt of it. "Hey, are you and Kate good?", Payton asked nudging my shoulder. I nodded. "Yeah, we talked, and I think she forgave me, but it's not really the same", I said. "It needs time, you were pretty harsh, Jay", he said. "I know, I know. If I could take everything back I would, but I know I can't", I said looking down. "And I'm sorry if I offended you with anything", I said looking at him. "You're all good, with me. And I think with the other boys too. We love you", he said giving me a genuine smile. "Thanks, Pay", I said smiling back. Then the game started.

~skip to after the game~ (cause I'm lazy)

~Back to Kate's POV~
The game was amazing. We won both of them. Honestly it felt great playing with the guys again. We were on our way back to the house and we were going out for dinner. The guys asked me if I would come to a sort of after party, and I could bring my friends. That's the plan for tonight. When we would come home I am going to change in some party clothes immediately. We were going to grab dinner with my friends and Daniel's family. I walked into the house and I saw Avani running up to me. "You were amazing bebe!", she screamed. "Awh thanks babe", I said. "I don't really understand the game, but you looked hot in that gear", she said. I shook my head and Anthony gave me a hug. After that I gave Jaden a hug. It was a long one. "Your dad would be proud of you", he whispered before letting me go. I gave him a small smile. "Are you alright, it looked like you cried before the game started", Anthony asked. "Yeah, they were happy tears", I said to them. They all looked with questioned faces. "Daniel gave me my dad's old ice hockey stick. It made me sad for a bit, but I knew my dad was watching so yeah", I said smiling with tears in my eyes. "Awh, don't cry", Avani said taking me in a hug. "I'm fine, I just really miss him", I said looking at my hands. Jaden took my hands in his and I looked up. "Just remember that he was watching the whole time. And David too", he said, "they would've been really proud of you. And so are we." Anthony and Avani nodded agreeing with Jaden. I hugged him again and a tear rolled down my cheek. "What would I do without all of you", I said wiping my tears pulling out of the hug. "Nothing, honestly", Anthony said shrugging. We all laughed, and we got ready for dinner and the party.

Here are the outfits:



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