Chapter 32

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"What the hell are you doing here?!", I said standing in front of Jaden. "Jaden asked me to come", she said with the fakest smile ever. "I didn't", Jaden said standing behind me. "Jae, I know you want me back, she is not worth anything. She is a crazy bitch", Mads said. "Do not say that about her and I'm over you", Jaden said raising his voice. "Can you please leave, you are ruining the party", Bryce said to Mads opening the front door. "You can't throw me out", she said crossing her arms. "Well, actually this is our house so we can", I said smiling at her sarcastically. "If you put your hands on me, I'll go to the police", she said smiling. "I'm not touching you, we're asking you. If you don't leave WE are calling the cops", I said raising my eyebrows. "You know what, you are all awful people. You all got cloud from me", she said basically screaming. "Whatever you say Mads, please leave", I said trying to be nice with my last piece of patients. She turned around thinking she would leave. I turned around walking back into the house. All of the sudden someone yanked my hair and I fall at the ground. Mads. "It's all your fault! I lost fans and I lost Jaden!", she screamed as she pinned me down on the ground punching me. "You're a bitch, you are crazy, and everyone should know that!", she continued. Let me tell you she hit me good, but not good enough. I knew I couldn't punch her back because she is seventeen. After a few minutes I got a grip of her wrists and I pushed her of me. Bryce pulled her back and Jaden pulled me up. "What the hell is you problem, Mads!", I said covering my lip which was bleeding. "You are leaving", Bryce said dragging her out of the house. At this point everyone was watching the fight. "Are you alright?", Jaden asked studying my face. "I'm fine", I said pissed that she did this on my party, but mostly in front of other people. "I'm fine, guys. Go on with the party!", I said signaling the DJ to continue the music. I walked toward the stairs and Jaden followed me.

"Go in my bathroom", Jaden said pointing at his room. He grabbed a cloth and some painkillers. He put it down on the counter and stood behind me. I looked in the mirror at my face. "Shit", I said under my breath. I felt dizzy. I hit my head pretty hard on the ground. "Come", Jaden said turning me around and lifting me up to sit on the counter. "Why does everybody want to mess up my face", I chuckled. I immediately flinched feeling my lip sting. "Even tho I love seeing you smile, don't do it now", Jaden said smiling at me wetting the cloth. "Here take these", he said giving me painkillers and a bottle of water. I took the pill and swallowed it. "I like the look", he said laughing wiping away some blood. "Shut up", I said chuckling hitting his shoulder. "Why didn't you hit her back?", he asked wiping my lip. "She is seventeen, I'm not trying to get sued", I mumbled. "Ahh", I said flinching. "Sorry", he said. "I don't think you need stitches", he said smiling. "I do have glue for wounds", he said searching in his counter drawer. "You really over her?", I asked breaking the silence. "Yeah... I'm definitely over her. Just not over what we had, you know?", he said looking at me. I nodded knowing I felt the same about Johnny. "Okay, this is probably going to hurt, so beforehand I'm sorry", he chuckled. "You think?", I said chuckling. He moved closer to me and grabbed the glue. "Ready?", he asked. "Nop", I said closing my eyes. I feel his hand on my chin. Then I felt the cold glue on my lip. I flinched because it stung. "Sorry", he said pushing my lip together. Damn this hurts! I pressed my eyes shut and bald my fist to put the pain somewhere else. After a minute he lets go and I let out a breath. I opened my eyes again and Jaden was looking at me. "You okay?", he asked. I nodded. He took me off the counter and I turned to look at the mirror. "Looks like nothing happened", I said with tears in my eyes, still with a stinging feeling in my lip. Jaden wrapped his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder. I felt myself getting dizzy, so I closed my eyes again. Jaden's grip tightens around me. "You sure you want to go back to the party?", he asked. I nodded and opened my eyes. "Let me clean myself up and I'll be downstairs", I said smiling slightly. "Please don't smile, it's gonna get open again", he said chuckling. "Then you don't smile either", I said smiling. "Stop!", he chuckled. I looked at him raising my eyebrow. "Okay", he said with a serious face. "Go, I'll clean this up", he said letting me go. I turned around and hugged him. "Thank you for patching me up", I said grinning. We pulled away and he kissed my cheek. I started to blush, so I walked out of his bathroom to my room. I can kiss him right now, in this moment. But now I can't because of my lip. I hate Mads!

After I was done doing my hair again and a little bit of my make-up I walked downstairs. I walked to the kitchen and saw Avani. "Heyy, you alright?", she said slurring her words. She is definitely drunk. "Yeah, you like the party?", I said grabbing a cup. "Yesss, Anfony looks sooo sexy", she said looking at him from across the room. "Go get him girl", I said chuckling. She left almost falling over her own feet. I chuckled at my best friend that was going to have a huge hangover tomorrow. I grabbed some alcohol and mixed it with soda. I also grabbed a straw since no liquids should get on the wound on my lip. That was the stupidest thing to do. Alcohol, a straw and painkillers. If you know you know. I was drunk within minutes. I stumbled my way over to the dance floor. I bumped into someone, but I didn't know who. "Wow... Kate?", Jaden asked pulling me up straight. "Hiii", I said slurring my words looking at him. "Did you drink?", Jaden asked chuckling. "Yess sirr with a straw!", I said excited. "Oh god... okay stay here, I'm getting you water", he said putting me on the couch and grabbing my drink from me. "Okayyy dad", I said pouting. Before I knew he disappeared from my sight, for what was left of it.

~ Jaden's POV ~

Kate is really drunk. She shouldn't have drunk any alcohol, she is on painkillers. I did that once, and I got sick the morning after. This is going to be a long night. I put her on the couch and walked to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "Hey, how is Kate?", Tayler asked. "Drunk, but fine", I said chuckling. "How drunk?", Tayler asked with a serious face. "Kate drunk?", I said kind of like a question. "I'm going over to her now, you can come", I said walking back to the couch I placed her on. I walked thru the crowd and looked at the couch. She wasn't there. Are you kidding me? "Where is she?", Tayler asked yelling over the music. "She was just here" I said pointing at the couch. "Well, where is she now?", he asked looking at me. "Does it looks like I know!", I said raising my voice. She won't do anything stupid, right? "Okay let's search for her, she can't be far", Tayler said. "Yeah, you look outside, I'll look here", I said walking away. I walked back to the crowd that was dancing and I looked around. There were so many people here and she is not a tall person. I walked thru the crowd and walked to the kitchen. I saw Avani basically sucking off Anthony's face. "Av, Ant, have you seen Kate?", I asked. They pulled apart. "She is having fun, Jay", Avani slurred. Anthony was smiling goofy. Okay they are drunk, no help from them I guess. "Thanks guys", I said walking away. I walked to the front door and saw Tayler. "She is not outside", Tayler said. "Not in here either", I said, "let's look upstairs." He nodded and we walked up the stairs. 

The house is really big, and we have a lot of rooms. We looked in the first rooms. There were people making out or playing games. We looked into the rooms and there was no Kate. We walked down the hall and came up to Bryce's room. We walked in and saw Addison on top of Bryce. "Dude!", Bryce said. Let me tell you he didn't had a shirt on. "Sorry!", we said closing the door laughing. We moved on to Josh's room. There were a lot of people in there just talking. "Hey Josh, did you see Kate?", Tayler asked him. "No, haven't seen her since the fight with Mads", he said shrugging his shoulders. We nodded and walked out. Then there was my room. Maybe she is here, passed out or something. But she wasn't. Then her room. Maybe she just went to bed. She was pretty busted. I typed in her code. Yes I know the password to her room. Hehe. I opened the door, but is was empty. "Where the hell is she?", Tayler asked looking around. We walked out and locked the door. There was one room left. It was our spare room. Tayler was staying in it for the night. "Did you close your door?", I asked approaching it. "No, I don't think so", he said shaking his head. We stood in front of the door. We were not sure to open it, in case some people were doing stuff again. "Should we go i- ", Tayler started. "Shh", I said listening to the noises in the room. There is definitely people in there. I heard mumbled voices, but I didn't recognized it. I only heard a guy's voice and some mumbling from a girl I think. "Stop, please", a girl said. It sounded like she was crying. "Tay, did you hear that?", I asked concerned. He nodded and frowned his eyebrows. "Stopp", she said again. This time I recognized it. Kate. I almost broke down the door and see a guy pinning her down on the bed. "Stop!", she sobbed. Almost all her clothes were off. Tayler walked past me and grabbed the guy. I didn't knew who he was and who invited him. I ran up to Kate taking off my hoodie. I pull it over her head, and she started to cry even more. I hear Tayler punching the guy and yelling a lot of stuff. I couldn't hear what he was saying, I could only focus on Kate. Did he...? Almost... raped her? My blood was boiling to this point. Josh and Bryce walked in and Josh pulled Tayler of the guy. I picked Kate up and walked to my room. She was still crying, sobbing uncontrollably. I think she is going to have a panic attack. "Kate, please breath", I said pulling her close to me. "I-I c-can't", she said sobbing. Her breathing became even shorter. This is not good. I'm going to kill this guy for doing that to her! "Kate breath!"

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