Chapter 35

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I woke with a warm breath on my neck. Shivers went down my spine. It felt great, but I did had a headache. Probably from crying the past days. I wonder what happened to that guy from that night. What if he got out. We never got a call from the police or whatsoever. I started to overthink everything. I turned around and faced Jaden. He always looks so peaceful when he sleeps. It's cute. The sunlight hits his face perfectly. It outshines every perfect features of his face. His hair was in his face. I had the urge to move it out of the way to see his face completely. I moved it and his grip around my waist tightens. This boy loves his cuddles. I brush my fingers over his eyebrows. He scrunches his nose and pulled me closer. "Stop, it tickles", he said with a raspy voice. It gets me every time. Ugh. I smile down at him and he looked up. "What time is it?", he asked hugging me again. "Uhm, 7 am", I said looking at my phone. "Why are you up?", he mumbled. "Headache", I said playing with his hair. "Hmm", he hummed. "Jae?", I asked. "Hmm", he hummed again. "Can I ask you something?", I asked. "Go ahead", he mumbled. "Uhm... what happened to that guy... from the party?", I asked stuttering. "What?", he asked looking at me. "They guy who, you know...", I said not wanting to mention the situation. "He's locked up, they told us that he will never get out", he said looking at me. "How are you sure?", I ask looking away from his eyes. "He had a history, and did really bad things", he said putting his hand on my cheek, "he can't hurt you anymore." I looked at him and smiled. "Wanna get breakfast?", I asked. He nodded and I got out of his bed. "Be ready in fifteen minutes", he said as I walk out.

We we're both ready and went to this little café we discovered a few weeks ago. Not a lot of people know about it, so it's not crowded. We sat down and I ordered pancakes for me and Jaden. We we're both tired because we had a short night but talking to him made me feel more awake. We always have something to talk about, he never bores me. When we got our food we ate in a pleasant silence and just had some small talk. When we were done I paid. It wasn't easy, but I manage to do it before he could. We went into the car and Jaden drove off. After a few minutes I didn't recognize the road we normally took to go home. "Jae, where are we going?", I asked looking at him. "Just somewhere we haven't been for a while", he said still with his eyes locked on the road. I nodded and smiled. I grabbed my phone to change the music. All of the sudden he puts his hand on my thigh. I was taken by it first and didn't know what to do. His hand was hot to the touch but is was comfortable. It felt like every butterfly in my body woke up. I look at him and see him grinning a little bit, still looking at the road. I looked back at my phone smiling and got a text from a few people.

My flight is tomorrow, I land at 1 am
I know it's early, but can you pick me up?
If not, it's fine. I'll Uber


Are you crazy?!
Of course am I picking you up
Are you alright?

Thanks, sis
Not really...

What's wrong?

I'll tell you tomorrow
Pick me up with your new car, I want to see it

And yess, I need to show her off :)
See you tomorrow, Pay

Byeee <3

(read: 9:54 am)


Where are you guys?
They are filming at the house,
So be quite when you come back

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