Chapter 15

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Currently I'm driving to the airport to pick up Jaden, Avani and Anthony. They are going to stay at Daniel's too. I'm probably going to share a room with Avani, because I don't know where me and Jaden are standing at the moment. I got out of the car and saw Avani running up to me in front of the guys. "I missed you bebe", she said. "I saw you two days ago, Vani", I said chuckling while hugging her. "So? That's way too long", she said pouting at me. "Well, I missed you too", I said smiling at her. They guys caught up on us and we put the stuff in the car, and I hugged Anthony. "Are you guys good?", he asked while still hugging me. "I don't know", I whispered. He pulls way and smirked at me. What's up with him. "Babe, can we sit in the back together. I want to sleep", Anthony said to Avani. He smirked at me and then Avani looked at me. She looked at me, not saying anything. I knew she was asking if I was alright with it. I didn't really want to sit next to Jaden the whole forty minutes ride back. I nodded at her and smiled that it was okay. We got in the car and I started it. "Can we stop for Starbucks on the way back?", Avani asked. I smiled at her in the rear window. "Of course, I think there is one on the side of the road", I say. "Yayyy", she said smiling at Anthony. They are the cutest couple ever, no cap. I smiled and drove off. Jaden and I haven't said a word to each other. But I didn't know where to go and I don't use my phone while driving. "Jaden?", I asked softly, but he heard me. "Yeah", he said looking at me. "Can you say where I need to go?", I asked. "Sure", he said grabbing my phone unlocking it. Yes he knows my password. I looked in my rear window again and say Anthony was trying to say something to me. He mouthed, "TALK TO HIM." I looked back at the road and after ten minutes I asked, "what did you do yesterday?" I saw Jaden looking at me. This is sooo awkward. "You have to go left, but I went to the spot", he said looking forward again. "Thanks, do you mean-", I started but he cut me off. "Yes, our spot", he said. I looked at him and his face turned red. I looked away and said, "oh, cool."

We stopped at Starbucks and got out of the car. Avani and I walked in front of the boys. They had their own conversation. "Why are you so awkward?", she asked whispering. "I don't know how to talk to him", I said back. "That's not it", she said looking at me seriously. "Okay, I don't want to give in. He really hurt me, but I'm also worried about him. He is acting down and I don't know what's going on", I said. "Oh that...", she said looking down. "Do you know too?", I asked looking at her. She nodded, "I can't tell you tho." "Why is everyone keeping stuff from me?", I asked getting annoyed. "He asked us not to tell you", she said, "it's not you, you now that." She puts her arm around me, and we walked into Starbucks. Avani lets go off me when we found a table and says, "ant, we're getting the drinks." We all know each other's orders, so they just walked off. Leaving me and Jaden alone again. I was so annoyed by Jaden not telling me what's going on. I just popped the question. "Jae, what's going on with you?", I asked looking at him directly. He looked at me and then looked down, "nothing." "Jaden, don't lie to me", I say still looking at him. "I don't want to talk about it, at least not here", he said looking up. His eyes were watering, and a tear was rolling down his cheek. "Jaden", I say. "Can we talk later?", he said wiping his tears. He looked at me and I just nodded. "Okay, we got the drinks!", Avani said walking over. She put it on the table and Jaden stood up. "I need to pee", he said and walked away. He was clearly upset about something. And everyone knew except for me. "What happened?", Anthony asked sitting down. "I just asked him what was going on with him and he got upset", I said. "Guys what is going on, he is clearly not okay", I say. Avani and Anthony looked at each other and then Avani said, "he needs to tell you himself, when he is ready." "Whatever", I say getting up and walking to the car. Obviously I'm not leaving without them, but I can't sit with them anymore. I'm really bothered by this and Jaden normally tells me everything. But we are not really on good terms so yeah. Avani opened the passenger's seat door and sat down next to me. "Kate", she said. I just looked at my drink and didn't make eye contact. "I really want to tell you, but Jaden wants to tell you himself. He is really upset about all this and just needs time", she said. "How do you think I've been feeling the past weeks, huh?", I say looking at her. "My friends are keeping secrets from me, and Jaden and I... I don't even know", I say raising my voice at her. She looked down at her hand and stayed silent. "We never had a fight this bad, Avani", I say getting tears in my eyes. She looked up at me and hugged me. "I don't even know how to talk to him", I say sobbing in her arms. "I know it's hard, but you will figure it out", she said. I pulled away and looked at her wiping my eyes. "Everyone keeps saying that, but I don't think we will", I say. "You will, I promise", she said. I nodded and looked down. "I'm sorry I screamed at you", I say. "It's fine, I know you didn't mean it like that", she said smiling at me. I smiled back at her and then the boys came in the car. I looked at Jaden and his eyes were red and puffy. He looked at me and looked away. I just started the car and we drove to the house.

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