Chapter 14

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I just arrived in New York. The flight was quite boring. I slept most of the time. I already texted Daniel and was now waiting for my luggage. I texted the group chat and Jaden's mom that I landed, but they were all still sleeping since it was 6 am in the morning in LA. I got my luggage but then my phone rang. I looked at the unknown number. I picked it up and said, "Hi, with Kate Loyal." "Hey Kate, this is Brandon. Do you remember me?", the voice that was allot deeper than I can remember. "Yes of course. How are you?", I say excited to talk to him. "I've been good. How was your flight by the way?", he asked. "It was alright, I slept most of the time so yeah", I said back. "Oh good, well I'm picking you up around 12 am to go buy you some gear and lunch of course", he said. "Ah, that's so nice, thanks", I said. "No problem, where can I pick you up?", he asked. "Uhm, well I'm probably going to be at Daniel's house. Can you pick me up there?", I asked. "Yeah sure, I have his address already", he said chuckling. "Okay, see you soon", I said smiling. "Yes, bye bye", he said hanging up. I was lightly squealing. People looked at me and I shot a smile at them and walk out of the airport. I can't believe I just talked to Brandon. I used to play with him when I lived here. He always was older than me, but I had a huge crush on him. He was really cute when he was little. I am wondering what he looks like in person, obviously I follow him on my socials but that's different. I looked up from my phone looking for Daniel. All of the sudden I see him standing next to his car and smiling at me. I walked up at him and smiled. I haven't seen him for so long. I hugged him tight and we stood there for a while. "You've grown kid", he said still hugging me. "I missed you and Elena so much", I say. Tears started to form in my eyes, and I was so happy seeing them again. "We missed you too", he said. We got out of the hug and he grabbed my suitcase. "Thanks", I smiled at him. He nodded and gave me a smile. He put my suitcase in the trunk and told me to get in the car. "Hi", a high pitched voice said behind me. Honestly it startled me. I looked back and saw a little girl sitting there. "Oh my god, Maya. You are so big", I say hugging her from my seat. "I missed you Katie", she says. She always calls me Katie, ever since she was little. Daniel got in the car and smiled at us hugging. "Why didn't you tell me that she came?", I asked getting back in my seat. "Just a little surprise", he said shrugging and chuckling starting the car. "Okay, no more surprises when I'm here. It's too much", I say looking at him laughing. "No promises", he said grinning. I honestly hate surprises, just don't like them. I hear Maya chuckled behind me. Maya was like a little sister to me that I never had. She was born when I lived in New York. I left when she was 2. She only remembers me because of the facetime calls or Daniel must have told her.

We drove for forty minutes and arrived at their penthouse. They lived in the middle of the city. They moved here two years ago, because Daniel got a promotion within the hockey world. He never really told me. But he got a lot of money now. We walked in and it looks amazing. "This place is beautiful, Daniel", I say looking around with my mouth half open. He laughs at my face and thanks me. From the corner of my eye is see a little puppy running up to me. "Awwhh", I say getting down. "This is my dog, Cece", Maya says kneeling next to me. "What a cutie", I say petting it with her. "There she is", Elena said walking in the room. I got up and smiled widely walking up to her. She is like my second mom. Jaden's mom is my first, kinda. We hugged and she pulled away. "Wow you look just like your dad", she said looking me up and down. I blushed a little and smiled at her. "Do you want something to drink?", Daniel asked standing in the kitchen. "Yeah", I said walking over with Elena. "So how is the LA life?", Daniel asked pouring me some soda. I sat down at the little bar in their kitchen. "It's fine, the house we have is amazing", I say. "Yeah I saw it. How is living with the boys?", he asked. "It's better than I thought. They are pretty clean, you know", I say chuckling. "How is Jaden, haven't spoken to him for a while", he asked. "He's fine, I think", I say looking down at my hands on the table. "What do you mean, he is you best friend, right?", Elena asked. "Yeah.... Kinda.... I don't know actually", I say looking up. I got sad really quick. I remembered that we said we are talking later. "What happened? Last time I remember you guys were really close", Daniel said looking worried. "Yeah, we were. It just got a little bit heated after the fight at the party. Some stuff was said, and we weren't really talking the past two weeks", I say fast, "but he was really upset before I left last night. I said goodbye to him. But I don't really know where we stand right now..." "Oh, I'm sorry", he said. "You guys will figure it out", Elena says rubbing my back, "you always do." She gave me a smile and we talked for a while. Daniel told me about the plans for the week and the flights for the rest of my friends. Jaden, Avani and Anthony are coming tomorrow. Bryce, Griffin, Kio, Payton and Tayler are coming on Wednesday. And Nessa and Josh are coming on Friday, they had other plans for the week. When it was 11 am I went to the guestroom I was staying in and changed into some normal clothes, since I was wearing sweats and a t-shirt. I unpacked my stuff and settled in a bit. I grabbed some purple pants and a black shirt with a long sleeve under that. I washed my face and put my jewelry on.

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