Chapter 40

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Two days after the call of the deputy I got a flight back to Tennessee. Jaden went with me and the rest stayed home. I didn't want anyone of my friends seeing me like this, and they don't know everything about the situation. Not even Jaden... We just landed in Tennessee and Jaden's parents picked us up. The whole ride home was silent. I haven't talked to them, because Jaden called them to tell them about it. We arrived at the house and we put all our stuff in our rooms. I just sat on my bed in my old room, not wanting to face Jaden's parents. I got lost in my thoughts, meanwhile Jaden was standing by my door frame. "You okay?", he asked. I looked at him confused, "what?" "Are you okay?", he asked walking in. "I don't know, I just- ", I started. "Kids, dinner!", John yelled from the kitchen. I sighed and stood up. "Kate, if you don't feel like eating that's fi- ", Jaden started. "I'm fine", I said cutting him off and walking downstairs. I don't mean to cut him off like that, I just don't want to talk right now. I walked into the kitchen and sat down. Amy made my favorite food, just like the time we moved to LA. I smiled at her and she smiled back putting the pan on the table. It was just as quite as in the car. I was playing with my food, nervous about... I don't even know.

After a few minutes Jaden broke the silence. "Can we just act normal, this silence is killing me", he said looking at all of us. "How has LA been?", John asked after a few minutes. "It's good", I said smiling and looking down at my food. "How is you project going, Kate?", Amy asked. "We're getting there", I said looking up at her. "What project?", Jaden asked. Oh yeah, I haven't told him yet. "Uhmm, i-it's for my d-da- ", I said stuttering and tearing up, "I can't, I'm sorry." I stood up and ran up the stairs. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I sat on the ground and pulled my knees up to my chest. It's too much, everything. I cried and my breathing was shortening. I can't have a panic attack again. I was wearing David's necklace and held it in my hand. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I feel stupid for crying every time something happens, and for running away from it. I just needed my dad right now. "Kate please open the door", Jaden said knocking. I reached to the door and unlocked it. He opened the door and sat next to me. "Just talk to me, or anyone, please", he said grabbing my hand. I looked away from his eyes knowing he could break me in a second. "I'm tired Jae", I said almost whispering. "Okay, come on we'll go to bed", he said almost getting up. "No Jae, I'm tired of... crying, fighting, proving myself, just everything", I said with tears rolling down my cheeks again. He pulled me into his chest, and I cried even more.

~ Jaden's POV ~
I hate seeing her like this. It breaks me up and even my parents are acting weird. After an hour I put Kate to bed, and she fell asleep in my arms. This was the most amazing moment, but I had to talk to my parents. I took her arms and head of my chest and tucked her in. She moved a bit but didn't wake up. I walked downstairs because I heard them talking. "Is she okay?", mom asked. I nodded and sat down at the couch next to them. "Do you think she did it?", I asked looking down. "No, of course not", dad said frowning. "Then why are you acting all weird around her. The whole ride home you didn't say a word, the same at dinner", I said raising my voice a bit. "I'm sorry kid, we just didn't want to upset her even more", dad said. "I can't see her like this, I just can't anymore", I said putting my head in my hands. Without me knowing tears were coming out of my eyes and I was sobbing slightly. This hurts. "We know, but you have to be there for her. She's hurting", mom said. "Don't you think I know?! I have to see her get hurt and be upset every f*cking day!", I screamed at them instantly regretting it. "I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to yell at y-you", I said sobbing again. "We know Jaden. She just needs her best friend now. You know her the best", mom said putting her hand on my knee. "I can't see her hurt again... she haven't been happy, like truly happy, since .... I can't even remember", I said looking down. "You make her happy son. You always have", dad said, "and knowing her. She is not gonna be happy that your upset right now."

"No I'm not", Kate said standing at the end of the stairs. I wipe away my tears and looked at her. "Did I wake you up?", I asked. "Maybe, but it's fine", she said smiling weakly at me, sitting next to my mom. "I'm sorry I walked out of dinner tonight", she said looking at my mom. "It's fine, just know you can talk to us", mom said grabbing her hand. "I know... I really miss my dad", she said out of the blue. The room went silent and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I know kid but knowing your dad he would be super proud of you. I know I am", dad said smiling. I could tell my dad was sad too. Kate's dad was his best friend and losing him made a big impact in his life. "Thank you, John", Kate said smiling at him. "You probably don't want to talk about it, but when do you need to go to the police station?", mom asked. "Tomorrow, around 2pm", she said pressing her lips together. "Do you want anyone to come with you?", dad asked. "No, I'll be fine. It's just a few questions", she said smiling at him. "Okay, well go catch some sleep and I'm making pan cakes tomorrow morning", dad said smiling. "Looking forward to it", Kate said hugging them and walking up to the room. I said goodnight too and walked up with her. We got into her room and she sat on her bed.

~ Back to Kate's POV ~
"Goodnight Butterfly", Jaden said kissing my forehead. "Can you stay?", I asked. He nodded and walked to the other side of my bed. He got under the covers and started to spoon me. His warm body made me warm up, because I was freezing as usual. He puts his hand underneath my hoodie, and I got chills. His hand was warm, and it made me feel better. I winced as I had cramps from being on my period. God I hate my period!"Are you okay?", Jaden asked leaning on his elbow. "Yeah, just cramps", I said closing my eyes, hoping they would go away. "Can I try something?", he asked. I nodded and he starts to move his hand lower on my stomach. He stopped just above my waistband and placed his hand there. His hands were that warm that the cramps started to fade a little bit. "Better?", he asked. "Hmm", I said. He kissed my cheek and laid down again. I slowly started to fall asleep with his soft breathing on my neck.

The next morning we woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. The pancakes were delicious. We chilled the rest of the day and when it was 1:30 pm I was ready to leave. I said goodbye to Jaden's parents and walked to the front door. I couldn't find the car keys from Amy's car, because I was using hers. I was looking in my purse as I bumped into Jaden. "Sorry", I said chuckling still searching. "Looking for these?", he asked jingling the keys in front of my face. "Thanks", I said wanting to grab them. He moved his hand so I can't grab the keys. "I'm driving you", he said. "Jae, you don't hav- ", I started. "I'm driving you", he said kissing the top of my head and opening the front door. I shook my head and walked out. We got into the car and drove to the police station. After twenty minutes we arrived, and I hugged him. "Just call me when you're done, and we are getting Starbucks", he said smiling. "Thanks Jae", I said. "For what?", he asked confused. "Being here, getting me thru this", I said smiling and kissing his cheek. "I'll always be here", he said kissing my hand. I smiled and got out.

I turn around and looked at the building in front of me. I haven't been here for a long time and everything hits me in that moment. I take a big breath and walked up to the front door. I was greeted by Casper. "Hey kid, how are you?", he asked hugging me. I'm really starting to hate that question. "I'm okay", I said hugging him back. "We just gonna ask you somethings, it's gonna be recorded, but don't be nervous about it", he said guiding me to a room. "Do you want something to drink?", he asked. "Can I have water?", I asked. "Yes, I'll be right back, just get comfortable", he said smiling at me and walking away. How do I get comfortable in this situation?! I sat down behind the steel table. I looked around and recognize the room. It's the same one as 3 years ago. Casper walked back in and handed me my water. "This is Cameron, my partner. She is just joining us", he said. I shook her hand and introduced myself. They both said down and then it started. "Okay, so. David's mom, Julia, she contacted us about his case", Casper started, "she asked to look into the case again." "Can you walk us through the night of the incident?", Cameron asked. I thought I was ready for this, but it felt like a lump instantly formed inside my throat. "Uhm, yeah. So we", I started. How am I going to tell this, without breaking down crying?

Okay, so...

Yesterday I woke up to the news about Jaden and Bryce. I'm happy they are okay right now (or at least I think...)
My school year is almost done, and I am already stressed for getting everything done...

Okay enough of me complaining. I luv all of you! <333

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