Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Kate Loyal. Let me tell something about myself. I'm 18 years old, I have a following on Instagram (1,6 M) and I have TikTok (1.5 M). I live in Tennessee and I am now packing all my stuff. You may ask why? Well I'm officially moving too LA. It's been a dream for me to move to LA, so tomorrow is the day.

I'm moving into this house, The Sway house. I think most of you guys know what house this is. Yes, only boys live there and yes, I am the only girl there. Let me explain something. Jaden is my best friend and have been for a long time now. The other guys are also good friends of mine. I met them throughout the last year, mostly because of Jaden but some of them I already knew myself. For example, Anthony. I met him on social media, and I can tell him everything.

So back to me packing. Most of my stuff is already in LA at the old house of Tayler and Bryce. I've lived with them for a few months together with Jaden, after the Lights Out Tour. Jaden and I flew back to Tennessee for Christmas. We spent an amazing time with his family and visited our secret spot a couple times, because we won't be here for a long time. If I'm honest I'm gonna miss this place. Most of my childhood I've spent at this house and in this state. I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't noticed that Jaden was right there calling my name.

"Kate? Hellooo, KATE!!", he said. "Yeah, yes, sorry", I said apologizing, "what's up?". "My mom made your favorite food, are you coming?", he said laughing at me. "YES! I'm starving", I chuckled jumping of my bed. For your information my favorite food is homemade quesadillas, with a LOT of cheese. And if I tell you that Jaden's mom can make them the best, believe me, she can. I came down the stairs after Jaden. I breath in the delicious smell of the amazing food that was just put on the table. I have a huge smile on my face and run to Jaden's mom en give her a huge hug. I'm going to miss her so much, you can't even imagine. It got me in my feelings again and I didn't wanna let go of her. "Sweetie, you need to let me go, otherwise the food is gonna get cold", she said softly letting go of me. I loosen my grip and smile at her while having tears in my eyes. "Ohh, don't cry, you're gonna be alright there in LA, and you can always call me", she said reassuring me. I nodded quietly and sit next to Jaden. He rubbed my back and smiled to me. "Now, let's eat!", Jaden's dad said, while everyone smiled.

The whole dinner we were talking about the great memories we had and what we are going to do in LA. After dinner me and Jaden offered to do the dishes since we were both done packing. I was drying and Jaden was washing them. "Hey, you alright?" he asked looking down to me. "I don't know, Jae. Like, I don't know how to feel. I'm really excited to move to LA, but I'm gonna miss it here so much", I said while tears were forming in my eyes. "Come here", he said while holding his arms out. I started balding my eyes out and leaving stains on his white t-shirt. "It's gonna be okay, we can always fly back or call, okay?" he said. I just nodded while still hugging him. I don't know what I would do without him. He kissed my forehead and we continued washing the dishes.

Once we were done, I went up to my room. Just when I entered, my phone started to ring. I took it off the charger and looked at the contact name, PayBae. Yes, the one and only Payton Moormeier. He is one of my other best friends. About a year ago Jaden introduced us to each other and since then he is like my little brother. I immediately picked it up, getting greeted with his cute face. "Hey you", I said. "Hi, sista, how are you? Already done packing? When is your flight? Where is Jad- ", he said, while I cut him off. "Calm down with the questions little one", I laughed. "Hey! I'm still taller than you and I'm just exited for you and Jaden to move to LA", he said pouting. "Yeah yeah, I know. But I'm good and yes all done packing. And Jaden.... I don't know where he is", I answered. "Right here", Jaden said making me jump up. "Jesus", I said. "Did I scare you, Butterfly?" he said smiling while hugging me from behind and kissing my cheek, while Payton was laughing loudly on the background. I looked up at Jaden and frowned. Jaden than took my phone and started talking to Payton about some stuff. I wasn't paying attention and started cleaning my room. I hear you thinking, 'they are definitely together', well sorry to disappoint, but we're not. Jaden and I know each other for almost 9 years now. We are really close. And he has a girlfriend, so. I won't say that I see him as my brother but as my number one best friend. Don't tell Anthony I said that tho.

After a few minutes Jaden comes back to my room and says, "your 'boyfriend' is texting you", with a disgusted look on his face. "Jae, be nice" I say taking my phone. I look at the texts and say, "Payt, we will talk later. I have to text Johnny back, I'm sorry." "But I thought I was more important", he says looking upset. "You are, I just need to text him back, I'm sorry. You know I love you right?", I say. "Yeah, I love you too", he says back. I blow a kiss to him and Jaden waves before I hung up. "Don't let him push you away from your friends, Kate", he says looking seriously at me. I shake my head and smile at him. He nods and leaves my room. I can say that Jaden doesn't really like Johnny, more like hates his guts. But he is happy for me, at least that is what he tells me.

I look at the texts from Johnny.

Hey babe
What are you doing?
Call me
I miss you
Are you done packing?
What are you doing???
Answer me NOW.
Are you with Jaden again?!

Chill I was facetiming with Payt
And yes all done packing :)

Why were you talking to him?
We talked about that.

Babe I already told you, they are just my FRIENDS.
And I told you I'm NOT going to stop talking to them because you said so.

Wow, easy with the attitude
Can't you see that they like you?!

Does that matter? And they don't like me.
And Jaden has a girlfriend, BTW.
We are just FRIENDS!

If you say so...
I don't want you to talk to them!

I'm not doing this right now
Text me when you're done acting like this.

What are you talking about??
Read 22:34

Fine, leave me on read
Read 22:46

I let out a sigh. He is so overprotective. He doesn't get that I'm just friends with them. Hell, they are my best friends! I let my body fall on my bed and just stare at the sealing. I feel my eyes close, I'm so tired of this and just in general. Before I completely close my eyes there is a knock on my door. I sit up en see Jaden standing there. "You alright?", he asked while walking in my room sitting next to me on my bed. I nod and smile at him. "Is he being an ass again?", he asked looking me right in the eyes. "Kinda...", I said looking at my hands. "He is not supposed to make you feel like this, you know that right?", he said taking my hands in his. I look up at him and just nod. If I say a word I'm going to cry. He lays down on my bed and holds his arm open. I lay next to him and burry my face in his chest. We just laid there cuddling until we both fell asleep.

I hear him say, "I love you, butterfly", while kissing the top of my head. I smile and fell asleep fast.

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