Chapter 24

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Amy always made them to make me feel better and it always helped a bit. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I looked at the mirror and I started to look a little bit less tired and dead. Even tho I still felt like it. I walked to Jaden's room and he still had some of his clothes here. I grabbed one of his old hoodies. It smells amazing. It smelt like him. I put it on and walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and Amy was there, making pancakes. "Good morning", I said walking over to the kitchen island. I sat on the stool and Amy turned around. "Hey, you're up early", she said. "Yeah, the smell of pancakes woke me up, and I can't miss them", I said smiling. She grabbed a plate full of pancakes and put it in front of me. "Enjoy", she said smiling. "Thank you", I said. "Good morning girls", John said walking into the kitchen. "Hi", I said with my mouth full. "Looks good, honey", he said towards Amy. He sat next to me and we all started to eat. "Do you have plans today?", Amy asked. "Uhm, I want to go to my spot and just be there for a bit, but nothing else", I said. She nodded. My spot are two places. The first one is the one my dad and I used to go all the time, mostly at the time the sun was setting. And the other one is the spot Jaden and I used to go when we lived here. They are both beautiful and I'm going over there today. "Can you get some groceries when you head back?", she asked. "Yeah sure, just make a list", I said smiling. "Yes, I will", she said. "Is the group coming here today?", John asked Amy. "Yeah, everyone is coming actually", she said. "What group?", I asked being curious. "Oh, we have this one monthly thing where we gather with our old friend group from high school", she said. "Your dad used to go too", John said. "That's really fun", I said smiling. I can't remember my dad going to them, but I knew their friend group is really close. "You already met some of them yesterday, but I'll introduce you to the rest", Amy said smiling. "Oh about them, were that woman named Zoë and my dad good friends?", I asked. "Yeah, they were. They were in a relationship for a long time", she said, "Why?" "I don't know, I recognize her but I just don't know from what", I said shrugging. "Probably from the pictures my dad showed of the group and you", I said. "Yeah, probably", she said. "Well I'm gonna get dressed", I said standing up putting my plate in the sink. They nodded and I walked up stairs.

I got into the shower and did my usual thing. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body. Today I'm gonna dress comfortable. I walked to my closet and grabbed my clothes. When I grabbed my clothes I notice a box on the ground. I knew what was in it, but I haven't open it for about four years now. I walked back to the bathroom and got dressed. I was wearing this.

I blow dried my hair and put some make-up on

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I blow dried my hair and put some make-up on. I walked back to my room and walked up to my closet again. That box. I grabbed it and put it on the floor. I sat down with my legs on each side of it. I read what was written on it with a Sharpie. Markus Loyal. My dad. I opened it and saw all the stuff. I took it out one by one. Most of it were trophies and medals. It also had some of his old camera's and pictures. I started to tear up at the pictured of us. I never really looked at pictures of my dad because it hurts. I miss him so much and he was gone too soon. I thought I got everything out of the box when I saw a brown paper map on the bottom. I took it out and there was nothing written on it. I opened it and a note fell out of it. It read:

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