Chapter 33

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Hi guys, I just wanted to say sorry for not warning, for what happened the last chapter, could be disturbing or triggering for someone. Same for this chapter.

If you want to talk about anything, just message me. Sorry again!

~ Jaden's POV ~
She is still hyperventilating. I look at her eyes and see that they are very dilated. This not only alcohol. I know that, because it happened to me too once. He drugged her! She never did drugs not even when we were with friends who did. I was getting mad and really worried about her. I hate to see her like this. I was tearing up not knowing what to do. Normally I can calm her down easily, but she was upset, panicked and high. Bryce walked into the room and walked over to me. "She won't calm down! What do I do?!", I asked with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to scream, but i was scared something would happen to her. "Jay, calm down. Screaming won't help", Bryce said grabbing water from my bathroom. "Just lay her down and hug her, that normally helps right?", he asked. I nodded and pulled her up. She was still sobbing and breathing uncontrollably. I laid her down and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. "Stop! Please stop!", she screamed in between sobs. She was pushing me away. "Hey hey, look. Kate, it's me", I said grabbing her face making her look at me. She looked at me for a second and broke down again. I wrapped my arms around her again and this time she calm down. She was still crying, but not fighting me anymore. I kissed the top of her head and her breathing slowly calmed down. "We threw everyone out and called the cops for the guy who did.... This", Josh said walking in and looking at Kate. "How is she?", Tayler said walking in. He looked pissed, but still worried about her. "She calmed down and I think she fell asleep", I said pulling away a bit looking at her beautiful face. She looked so in peace even tho this just happened. Tayler nodded and leaned against the wall. I can see he is very upset. He slowly slide down the wall and started to cry quietly. I never seen Tayler like this, and i can tell this is affecting everyone. Bryce walked up to him and sat next to him.

After an hour everyone was in my room and nobody felt like sleeping alone. They got all the mattresses from their rooms and put them on the ground in my room. Surprisingly everyone got sober in seconds after it happened. We all went to sleep, and I kept Kate close to me. What hurt me the most is that I wasn't there. And another thing is that tomorrow is her actual birthday. What if I never left her all on herself? What if I never let her leave my sight? What if I threw Mads out the minute she arrived? My mind was going crazy and I couldn't turn it off. I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep, but it never worked.

~ Back to Kate's POV ~
I woke up with the biggest headache ever. What the hell happened? Then I realized what went down. Even tho I was drunk and drugged my mind has never been clearer. I started to panic. Where am i? Whose arms are this? I- what? I started to breath heavy and pulled away from the person holding me. I looked up and saw Jaden, he was already looking at me. He looked busted, like he haven't slept the whole night. I got tears in my eyes and he already looked like he had been crying. "Kate", he said with his voice breaking. I started to break down and sob silently. He pulled me close to him again and whispered in my ear. "You're safe. I'm here, we are all here", he started, "I-I'm sorry." I could hear the pain in his voice. I couldn't take it anymore. I just said everything was clear, but now it starts to get blurry. I let him go and get off the bed. "Where are you going?", he whispered leaning on his elbows. I turned around and looked at him. I was on the verge of breaking down completely. He stood up and walked me to my room to the bathroom. He locked it and I fell down on my knees. I couldn't talk I just cried loudly. "Kate, please calm down. I'm here. I should've been with you. I-I..... It's my fault", he whispered. I looked up at him and tears were already streaming down his face. "I-it's n-not", I said having hick-ups from crying. "Yes it is! I should've never left you like that. You were drunk and he took advantage of you!", he said raising his voice. I looked down thinking about what happened. I felt disgusting. I felt like throwing up. And that's what I did. Jaden pulled my hair back just in time and it came out like a filthy waterfall. "Let it all out", he said rubbing my back with his other hand. I started to sob again. I pulled my knees up to my chest and my head in my hands. I cried so much nothing came out anymore, just sobs. "W-what h-happened?", I asked with a shaky voice. "Kate, I'm not telling you. At least not right now", he said rubbing my back. "Please Jae", I said looking up at him. He let out a breath and looked the other way. "A-after what happened with Mads. Y-you bumped into me about an hour later. You w-were really drunk, and I had put you on the couch. I w-went to grab you water, b-but when I was back you were gone. Tayler and I searched for you and.... We finally found y-you", he said stuttering. He paused for a few second before continuing. "T-there was this guy.... H-he was on t-top of you a-and y-your clothes were a-almost off. H-he was about t-to....", he said. He puts his head in his hands and cried. "R-rape m-me?", I said with my voice breaking. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. How could I be this stupid? What if they never found me? Jaden nodded and I got a flashback. I started to breath heavy again. I was crying uncontrollably. Another panic attack.

After a few hours of talking and crying with Jaden, I decided to take a shower. Jaden wanted to send one of the girls, but I needed to be alone for a bit. I took a long shower, just crying and overthinking everything. I'm so stupid! Tayler is going to kill me for this. I promised him... I got out and put Jaden's clothes on. That includes his sweats and a hoodie. I walked out and I felt numb. Like I didn't know what to do and I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone. Avani, Nessa and Addison walked in. I immediately got tears in my eyes and they walked up to me. They gave me a group hug that lasted for at least five minutes. We let go and sat down on my bed. "I-I feel so disgusted with m-myself. A-and Jaden is blaming h-himself for t-this", I said stuttering. "It's not your fault, Kate, and not Jaden's either. And the guy who did this to you, will never get to you again", Avani said grabbing my hand. "We asked everyone, and we all didn't know who he was and who invited him", Addison said. "He really just came here to cause drama and pain", Nessa said with a shaky voice. That scared me even more. There are people in this world that want to hurt us this bad? And like this? I could see all three of them were shaken up by this too. "I-I never did.... Drugs. I-I. H-he drugged m-me", I stutter and cry loudly. "We know, and we won't let this happen ever again", Addison said grabbing my other hand. "T-Tayler is going to be mad", I said whispering. "He wouldn't. He is just mad at th- ", Avani started but Tayler came thru the door. "Can I talk to you? Alone", he said with a steady voice. The three of them looked at me and I nodded. They hugged me and walked out, passing Tayler.

I already knew what was coming. I was just scared how bad. "Look Kate. I'm honestly so sorry that this happened last night... but... You promised me to never get this drunk again", he said almost too calm. He was a bomb about to explode. "I-I know, it- ", I started. "Kate, you promised me! This is the second time now! Who knows what could have happened!", he said raising his voice. "I-I'm sorry. I just...", I started looking down. "Just what?! Huh?! You just wanted to get fucked up and get raped?! Did you just wanted to be the person everyone is saying you are?! A slut?! Huh?! Tell me?!", he yelled at me. That genuinely scared me, but I know he was right. I didn't had any reason the get drunk and especially like this. "H-he drugged me, Tay. I-I n-never wanted t-this to h-happen", I said almost whispering with tears in my eyes. "I know that and I'm sorry for screaming at you. And if I'm honest I'm furious. But you know what happens when you get drunk", he said normally again. "The last time I got to you in time, this time we were almost too late", he said quietly. I can hear he's upset about this and I know I disappointed him. I want to make him proud, he is like my big brother and then this happened. "I'm sorry", I said looking up at him. He looked at he and he also had tears in his eyes. He pulled me in for a hug and I started to cry again. I just knew Tayler is always there for me, even when I disappoint him. "I am scared as shit something is going to happen to you. I just want you to take care of yourself and be safe. If something would've happen last night I wouldn't know what to do with myself", he said looking at me seriously. "I know, and I'm trying", I said looking down. "Just know I'm not mad at you. I just want you to realize that people care about you, a lot. And that you're not alone, okay?", he asked. I nodded and gave him a weak smile. We got up from the bed and walked downstairs.

The mood in the house was awful and very sad. Nobody left and was just chilling. I walked up to Jaden and still having tears in my eyes. I just wanted to crawl up in a ball and just be invisible. Jaden hugged me and it made me feel safe. He always does. We hugged for a long time like there was nobody around us, when Bryce said, "yo, Tay come look at this." Tayler walked up to him and looked at something on Bryce's phone. "What?", Tayler said looking both confused and angry. I let go of Jaden and walked over to them. "What's going on?", I asked still with a shaky voice and sore throat. "I'm sorry bro, we didn't know they could hear it on live", Josh said who was sitting next to Bryce. "Guys?", I asked confused. "They were live and people screen recorded me screaming at you. And now they are saying I am a horrible person and hit you, since you have that cut on your lip", Tayler said walking back to Jaden. "I'm sorry Tay", Bryce said. "It's fine", he mumbled. "No it's not, because you had every right to be mad at me. And you would never put your hands on me", I said. "We know Kate, but they don't", Josh said pointing at the phone. "These comments are horrible", Bryce said reading them. I need to clean up my mess. Even if I don't feel like doing anything besides crying right now.

I just saw the tweet from Jaden about Mads and him. I feel so sorry for them. It's just ridiculous they need to tell everything that is going on, to not have people judging and hating on them. Hate that!

I hope you had a great day! <33

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