Chapter 41

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"We went to a concert for my birthday, when he was back from the army for two months", I said smiling a bit thinking about that night. The concert was truly amazing. "And after that we were driving home. When we were almost home, we got cornered by two cars a-and then it happened", I said tearing up. I never talked about that night, because it gives me flashback every time and it hurts too much. "What happened?", Cameron asked. I looked at my hands trying to talk, but it was hard. "T-there were f-five shots. A-and then t-they drove o-off", I said stuttering. The tears were rolling down my cheek. "We know it's hard, but you need to tell us what you saw", Casper said. "I-I know... a-after the shots, I looked at David... h-he had t-three bullets in h-his chest. A-after that I f-fainted", I said crying. "I'm sorry, we needed to ask", Casper said. "Did you see anything else, the type of car, the person, something?", Cameron asked. "N-no, their head lights where on us, so I couldn't see anyone", I said looking at her. "What happened after you got out of the hospital?", she asked. "What do you mean?", I asked confused. "Where did you live after the incident", she asked seriously. I don't know, I get a weird vibe of her. She's not really a nice person, but she is doing her job I guess. "Jaden's mom got legal gradience of me and I lived with them", I said. "And who is Jaden?", she asked. "He is my best, sorry, boyfriend and his parent were friends with my dad", I said. After that they asked a lot of questions, mainly what my relationship was with my dad, David and even Julia. I told them everything, even that she abused me and her boyfriend too.

Then the conversation came to an end. "Can I ask something?", I asked walking to the front desk with Casper. "Go ahead kid", he said turning around. "Why is the case being reopened?", I asked. "Julia has been bugging us to relook the case and she came with new evidence every time. Most of the time it were lies, or it was made up. Two weeks ago she came to us again, and she handed over evidence that was actually real", he said. "What was it?", I asked knowing he couldn't actually tell me. "I can't tell you that yet, but it is worrying me", he said looking sad. "She has been trying to frame me for his murder for years", I said looking down. "We're gonna sort this out, okay? Just go home and we'll let you know", he said. "Yeah, bye", I said smiling at him and walking out of the station. I took my phone from my bag and saw it was two hours later. That took that long? I looked around the parking place and spotted Jaden in the car. "Hey, how was it?", he asked as I stepped in. "It was fine", I said looking at my hands. "What happened?", he asked putting his hand on my thigh. "They just asked stuff about that night and I think Julia is trying to frame me", I said looking at him. "That doesn't make sense, there was no evidence against you, right?", he asked. "Yeah, I thought that too. But Casper told me they found something, and he can't tell me", I said shaking my head. "You'll be fine, I'll be there with you", he said pulling me in for a hug. "Thanks Jae", I said smiling at him. "Wanna go to Starbucks?", he asked starting the car. "Is that even a question? Yes!", I said chuckling. "Okay okay", he said smiling and driving off.

We went to Starbucks and ordered our drinks. We talked for a bit while waiting for our drinks. When we got them we took them with us into the car. "Can we go somewhere?", I asked. "Where do you want to go?", he asked focused on the road. "Just follow my directions", I said taking a sip from my drink. I told him were to go and we arrived at the place. "Where are we? We haven't been here, right?", he asked getting out of the car. "You haven't, but I wanted to show you something", I said smiling and walking over to him. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I smiled and looked at him. "Come on", I said starting to walk into the forest. After twenty minutes of walking in the forest we arrived at the small cabin I used to come with my dad. And where I went when I was back in Tennessee a few weeks ago. I grabbed the key that was hidden and unlocked the door. "We're not breaking in, right?", Jaden asked laughing. "No", I said chuckling. We walking in and the place was warm. I guess the boys were here just a few minutes ago. They cleaned it up too. "Why are we here?", Jaden asked wrapping his arm around my waist turning me towards him. I put my arms around his neck and smiled. "This is where I used to go with my dad, when we wanted to escape the world", I said looking around still facing him. "Wait, you told me about this", he said letting me go and walking around, "it's really beautiful." I smiled at him admiring the cabin. "Is it you dad's?", he asked turning to me. "No, it's from an old couple. They live up the street", I said. "We should stay here some time", he said walking up to me smirking. "Yeah, we should bring your parents", I said jokingly. "No, I mean just us", he said chuckling and pulling me close. "I know", I said smiling. We looked at each other admiring this moment. We moved closer and kissed. It was a slow and passionate kiss.

"Uhm hi?", a voice said behind us. We both stopped and turned around. It was Chris and Xavier. "Oh, hi guys", I said blushing. "Sorry, we interrupted... that", Xavier said chuckling. They walked up to me and I hugged them. "It's fine. This is Jaden. Jaden this is Chris and this Xavier. Their grandparents own the cabin", I said smiling. "What's up", Jaden said putting his hand on my back. He looked very serious. "What are you doing back in Tennessee?", Chris asked. "Ohw, personal stuff", I said smiling uncomfortable. "You should come inside and see our grandparents, they would love to see you", Xavier said. "You okay with that?", I asked looking at Jaden, knowing it was already getting late. He nodded and we followed the guys to the house. I have been talking to them a lot the past weeks and they are coming to LA soon. They are also getting quite popular on TikTok. We arrived at the house and walked in. I could tell Jaden was tense, but I didn't know why. We walked into the living room and I saw them, Laura and Mark. They didn't age a bit. "Grandma, grandpa, we found someone you might know", Chris said stepping aside. I looked at the couple that looked away from the television. They looked at me and recognized me. I walked up to them and greeted them. "You've gotten so big, Katherine", Laura said looking at me up and down. I smiled at her. "You look just like your dad", Mark said standing beside her. "And who is this fine young man?", Laura asked looking at Jaden. Jaden walked up to me and stood next to me. "This is Jaden, my boyfriend", I said smiling at him. "Nice meeting you", Jaden said smiling at them. "Is this the one from high school", Laura whispered so only I could hear. I nodded blushing and she looked at Jaden again. "You got a good one", she said.

After talking and sharing stories for an hour, Amy messaged us to come home for dinner. We said our goodbyes and left. I really missed them, they feel like my own grandparents. When we got home we immediately ate and talked about what happened at the police station. I also told them about Chris and Xavier. Every time I mention them Jaden's mood goes down, and he just stays silent. Is he jealous? After dinner I did the dishes with Amy and Jaden walked off without saying anything. "What's up with Jaden?", Amy asked. I shrugged and said, "I don't know. He seems upset or something." "You go talk him, I'll finish this", Amy said taking the drying towel from me. "Are you sure, he can wait for a bit", I said. "Yes, now go", she said pushing out of the kitchen smiling. "Okay, thanks", I said walking off and walking up to his room. I knocked on the door, not knowing if he was in the mood to talk. "Who is it?", Jaden asked with a mumbled voice. "It's me... Kate", I said still with a closed door in front of me. He didn't answer so I just opened the door. "Jae, are you okay?", I asked seeing him on his bed, with his face in a pillow. I walked up to him and sat next to him. "What's wrong?", I asked putting my hand on the back of his head, playing with his hair. "Nothing, it's stupid", he mumbled. "Can I guess?", I said smiling already knowing it. "Shoot you shot", he said still not looking at me. "Are you jealous?", I asked trying not to laugh. "It's not funny, and maybe", he said turning around laying on his back, still not making eye contact. I chuckled slightly and put my hand on his cheek making him look at me. "What are jealous of?", I asked tilting my head looking at him. "It's stupid", he said looking away and taking my hand in his. He starts to play with the ring on my finger. "Is it because of Chris and Xavier?", I asked smiling. He nodded not looking at me.

"Jae, look at me", I said. He looked at me and stopped playing with the ring. "You have nothing to worry about. They are just friends and they are too young for me", I said chuckling. "I know, but I just felt jealous and I don't want to be that kind of boyfriend", he said looking away, "it just happened." "It's fine, you can tell me if you feel like that", I said chuckling. "Stop laughing at me!", he said starting to blush. He turned around now with his back toward me. I smiled and got on top of him. "You know, you're cute when you're jealous", I said smiling. He turned back on his back and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Just promise me not to break my heart", he said being serious. "I could never", I said. He looked at me even more serious. "I promise", I said kissing him. We started to move in sync, it was slow and really nice. But then we got interrupted yet again, but this time by a call on my phone. I groaned moving off Jaden and grabbing it. It was Anthony. "You should probably look on Instagram, I don't know what is going on", Anthony said with a worried voice. "Jae, can you go on Instagram?", I asked him frowning at Anthony's comment. I was still on the phone with Antony and I could hear people talk in the background. "What the hell?", Jaden said under his breath. "What?", I asked moving closer to him looking on his screen. What the... that isn't possible!


I'm really mad, because of what's happening right now. Black lives matter! Don't make a difference between races!

Please be safe and I luv all of you!

Tell your family and friends you love them <33

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