Chapter 19

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I sat on my bed as a watched Mads video: "Kate is a crazy, psychotic, manipulative bitch. She is the reason that Jaden and I broke up. She made sure that we wouldn't last. She always took him from me and was really obsessive. She used to be like that with her pervious boyfriends too. I know for a fact that her ex-boyfriend died in a car crash because of her. They were fighting or whatever, but I'm not gonna get into that. Here are some things she doesn't told you guys about her. She never grew up with a mother and her dad died. She had a stepbrother that got killed at gun point. People say that she did it and looking at what kind of person she is it wouldn't surprise me. Also her step-mom said that to me. I just wanted to share this with you, and I know this all from a reliable source. Love you, bye!!"

I was crying my eyes out looking at all the hate comments I got on my socials. I couldn't believe that she was saying all of this and it was not true at all. She is turning everything around. And how did she even talked with my step-mom. I haven't seen her since I left. I didn't notice everyone was standing by my bedroom door. I looked up and locked eyes with Jaden. He had tears in his eyes. I was so mad at him. I stood up and walked towards him. "How could you do this to me?!?! Why did you tell her?!", I screamed in his face. He looked down and didn't say anything. "Jaden, answer me!", I screamed sobbing and stepping closer. "I- I'm... sorry", he said whispering. "No, don't. I trusted y- you", I said having hick-ups from crying. "She wasn't supposed to tell anyone", he said still looking down. "And you trusted her?! Now the whole world knows!", I screamed again. "Kate, calm down", Anthony said grabbing my arm. "No, don't", I said pulling my arm out of his grip. "I-I... p-please leave", I said whispering. "Kate, you shouldn't be alone right- ", Payton started. "LEAVE!", I screamed. Tears were streaming down my face and I looked at everyone. "Come on guys give her space", Bryce said trying to get everyone out. "We are downstairs if you need us", Anthony said half hugging me. I didn't hug back. "Kate, don't push them away", Jaden said trying to grab my hand. "Jaden, do n-not t-touch me... I'm done, we're done", I said. "Kate please. Don't do this", he said sobbing. "Jaden. Leave", I said. "Please", he said. "Jaden, I can't trust you anymore. You've hurt me more than anyone ever did. I can't do this anymore. I-I c-can't...", I said breaking down and falling to the ground. Payton walked over to me and tried to get me up. "Jaden, just leave okay?", Payton said to Jaden. Everyone walked out and Bryce closed the door. "Kate...", Payton said, "it's okay." "Nothing is okay Payton!", I yelled at him. "I didn't mean to yell", I said. "I know. Just try to calm down", he said rubbing my back. My breathing became normal again and I kinda stopped crying. Not really but deal with it. "Just take a shower and come downstairs", he said smiling slightly. "Can you tell them I didn't mean to scream at them?", I said looking at my hands. "I think they know that, but sure", he said smiling. He stood up and he reached out for my hands. I took them and he pulled me up. I felt weak in my knees. I just wanted to crawl up in a ball and cry. He walked me to my bathroom and said, "I'll be right here if you need me, okay?" I nodded and he closed the door. I slit down the door and started to cry again. Why did he tell her? He wasn't supposed to tell anyone. She wasn't even telling the truth. I never killed anyone. And what happened to Tyrone (A/N: her ex-boyfriend that passed away, that's a story for later) wasn't my fault, right? What hurt me the most is that I trusted Jaden with everything, and he just told her like it was nothing. After ten minutes quietly sobbing on my bathroom floor I stood up and undressed myself. I stepped in the shower and turned it on. I just stood there. Letting the warm water hitting my back. I didn't know what to feel. I was definitely mad at Jaden, but mostly livid at Mads.

After twenty minutes I turned the shower off and stepped out. I wrapped a towel around my body and looked in the mirror. I was a complete mess. My eyes were red and puffy. I went to grab my clothes, but then I realized I didn't had any. I opened my door a little bit and saw Payton sitting on my bed. "Payt, can you grab me some clothes", I asked. He nodded and walked to my closet. He grabbed some sweatpants and walked towards me. "I don't have a top", I said. He handed me the sweats and he took off his hoodie. "Take this", he said. I smiled at him and I grabbed the hoodie. "Thanks Payt", I said closing the door. I put the clothes on and brushed my hair. I walked out of the bathroom and Anthony was sitting on my bed. He stood up and walked over to me to hug me. He didn't say anything, and we walked downstairs. We walked to the kitchen and everyone was just chilling there. Jaden was there too, he sat on the counter with his face down texting someone. I really didn't want to be here. I just wanted to be in my room. Alone. I stood in between Payton's legs, who sat on the counter. I was just listening to there conversations. "Kate?", Griffin asked. I looked up at him and he continued. "What was Mads talking about, if you don't mind me asking", he said. Bryce gave him a dead stare, and Anthony nudged his shoulder that he shouldn't had asked. Jaden looked up and our eyes met. His eyes were red and puffy, just like mine. I looked away from him and looked at my hands. "You don't need to tell them if you don't feel like it", Payton whispered in my ear. "No, I want you guys to know", I said with a shaky voice. I never told anyone about Tyrone, only Jaden, Payton and Anthony know. I never really talked about my past and they didn't know about my dad and step-brother. I started telling about my dad and that I grew up without my mom. Then I told about my step-brother and the abusive home I lived in. I had tears in my eyes of thinking about my dad. I really needed him right now, same for David. Then the hard part came. Tyrone. I never talked about him, because it still breaks my heart. Jaden looked at me and he knew that it was hard for me to talk about it. I took a big breath and started. "Okay. So when I was 15 I had a boyfriend. His name was Tyrone. He was my first love", I said. Tears were forming quickly in my eyes. "He was two years older than me, but that didn't matter. He made me really happy and loved. He meant the world to me... he still does", I said with tears running down my face. Payton hugged me and put his head on top of mine. "He was always there for me and he is the most generous person I've ever met. You guys would have liked him", I said smiling. "He really was", Jaden said looking at me with tears in his eyes. I knew how much it hurt him talking about him and about what happened. Everyone looked a bit confused at Jaden. "Tyrone was Jaden's best friend, he introduced us to each other", I said. "We were together for six months. One night we got into a stupid argument. I wanted to go to a party, and he didn't wanted me to go. It was stupid, but we got really mad at each other", I said tears streaming down my face again.

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