Chapter 37

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I got out of the shower and put some sweatpants on and a hoodie. I put my hair in a messy bun and walked to Jaden's room. I walked in without knocking, because I usually don't knock. I was looking at my phone, so I didn't notice Jaden just walking out of his bathroom, with only a towel around his waist. I looked up from my phone and saw him. "Oh, I'm sorry", I said turning around. I was blushing, let me tell you that. "What are you sorry for?", he asked. I could feel he was walking up behind me. "That I didn't knock", I said fidgeting with my hands. "It isn't the first time you saw me like this, right?", he said now standing right behind me. I couldn't say anything. I was frozen on the spot I was standing on. "Can you turn around?", he asked whispering in my ear. I could feel he was smirking. I turned around slowly looking up in his eyes. If I'm honest I wanted to look somewhere else, but let's not get into that. "Are you okay?", he asked grinning. I nodded still not saying anything. "You're a bit red", he said stroking his thumb on my cheek. That made me blush even more. "Stop", I said chuckling and turning around covering my face. I hear him chuckle and walk to his closet. He then walked back to his bathroom and closed the door. I let out a breath and turn around. I walked up to his bed and sat down. After a few minutes he walked out fully dressed now. He sat next to me and didn't say anything. He just looked at me. "What?", I asked chuckling. "Nothing, just looking", he said looking away.

"Can I hear your song?", I asked still looking at him. He nodded and grabbed his phone. He searched for it and pressed on play. The music started to fill up the room and his voice went thru my body. His voice always made me feel things I didn't know I could. He told me that the music he makes, are for the most part about his past and how his life is. So most of the things he sings about are already things I know. You could always feel the pain in his voice, and it made me upset. Because he has been hurt to many times. Then the song came to an end and I had tears in my eyes. "It's amazing, your voice is beautiful", I said wiping my eyes. "Are you crying?", he asked looking at me. "No, why would you think that?", I asked chuckling looking away. "I know you are, look at me", he said laughing. He turned my face with his hand on my cheek. I look at him and smile, while a tear rolled down my cheek. "Awh Kate, what's wrong?", he asked wiping away my tear. "It's just that I can hear your pain in your voice and knowing what it is about", I said shrugging. "What do you think it's about?", he asked removing his hand from my cheek. "Your ex, Mia?", I asked. "Hmm, you know me to well", he said smiling and looking away. Mia was the girl he dated when he was fifteen. She left him for one of his best friends. And maybe he was young, but he was deeply hurt by her. And since then he was always sceptic with his friends going well with his girlfriend. That friend of his was kicked out of the group. "Yeah, because we tell each other everything", I said smiling. He looked back at me and smiled.

"Jae, can I ask you something?", I asked getting nervous. Am I really gonna tell him I love him? "Yeah", he said sitting up. "Were you upset this morning when I didn't say it back? And be honest with me", I said looking away. It went silent for a second and then he answered, "yeah, a little bit if I'm honest. But I don't want you to feel pressured or anything." "I know, it's just..", I started. I'm scared. I'm sacred to get heartbroken again. I'm scared of losing him... our friendship. "That... I'm scared", I said fast and silently. "Scared of what?", he asked. "Scared of... losing you. Scared of losing our friendship. Scared of committing and getting hurt again. Scared of being screwed over, again. And I know you wouldn't, but it keeps crossing my mind", I said rambling. "I know it's a scary thing. And we both haven't really got a good beginning in all of this", he said chuckling. I smiled at him. It was true, we were both cheated on several times. "But I want you to know that whatever happens between us, can't break our friendship. We have had a lot of ups and downs and I think we can handle anything at this moment. And I like you, and I want us to try this", he said. "You're right. And you know me, I'm not a person to confess my feelings that fast. That's mainly because of everything that happened. But I like you, a lot. And I never stopped liking you. And even tho I'm scared of the things I'm feeling every time I spent time with you, or even thinking about you, I know what I'm feeling...", I said pausing for a second looking down. You love him Kate, you know that. Just tell him! I can't. Yes, you can! My own mind is driving me insane, like usual. "I am falling for you, Jaden Hossler", I said blushing.

I looked up at Jaden who was already looking at me. The smile on his face grew every second and that made me smile. The butterflies I was feeling, grew stronger every second I looked in his eyes. Our faces became closer and he puts his hand on my waist. He pulled me on top of him, so now I was on his lap with my legs on both sides of him. I was getter redder by the second and I could see he was too. His hands were on my thighs and it made me go crazy on the inside. I moved myself closer to his face and kissed him. I wanted to do that for so long. I got out of the kiss and looked at him. He looked confused why I stopped. "I love you", I said softly. He looked at me and put his hand on my cheek. "I love you", he said and started to kiss me again. It felt good telling him that and meaning it. We started slow, but it got heated fast. He turned me around and I was on the bottom now. He kisses down my neck and I have my hands in his hair. I let out silent moans enjoying every time his lips touch my skin. My mind was clear, nothing else came into my thought other than him. After a good make-out session for about 20 minutes we started to cuddle. I wasn't comfortable to do anything now, mainly because of what happened a week ago. Jaden was laying on my chest, while I played with his hair. I could hear his breathing slowing down and not long after that he fell asleep. I could feel his heartbeat and it felt like music. I got tired and fell asleep to. With the boy I love in my arms.

~ Jaden's POV ~
I woke up feeling amazing. Yesterday was a great day. She told me she loves me. I can't believe it. And just kissing her, felt magical. Man I love this girl. I still had my eyes closed, because the bright sunlight was shining thru the curtains. I feel around in my bed, but it was empty. I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the light. Kate isn't in my bed anymore. I went to grab my phone, but then I find a note on top of my phone.

Hi sleepy head,

I have a meeting until late today,

I'm sorry I left this morning :(

Thanks for last night, love you
Kate <3

I smile looking at the note. I put it back on my nightstand and grab my phone and walk downstairs. I go to the kitchen, because the most noise came from there. "Good morning", I said walking in. "So.... What happened?", Bryce asked sitting on the counter. "I don't know what you mean", I said pretending not to know what he meant. I walked to the fridge grabbing some juice. "Don't play dumb Jaden, Kate told me this morning", Anthony said smiling. "What did she say?", I asked still looking in the fridge. "Well, that she finally told you that she loves you and that you kissed, again", he said. I could feel he was smiling. Anthony always supported us and gives the best advice about these things. I started to blush, this girl make me go insane. "So.... How was it?", Josh asked nudging my shoulder. "No comment", I said closing the fridge. I turned around and smiled. "Oeehh, someone is blushing!", Bryce said grinning. They all started to bug me about me blushing and being a simp for Kate. "Stop", I said chuckling. "Then tell us", Josh said. "Okay fine... I like her. Like a lot. I can't imagine life without her. And not only because I like her, but also because she's my best friend. She means the world to me and I can't lose her ever again. I love her", I said rambling. "Wow, if you would say that about me, I would be wet right now", Bryce said chuckling. "Shut up", I said blushing even more. "But we know you love her, man", Josh said. "How?", I asked sitting next to Bryce on the counter. "Bro, I've never seen you like this. All blushing and smiley", he said. "Yeah, he's right. And the way you talk about her, is just... I don't know, beautiful?", Anthony said. I smiled at them. "Just know, if you'll hurt her again, you're dead. I mean that", Bryce said with a straight face. "I promise", I said shaking his hand. We stayed serious for a second, but then everyone started to laugh. I love my friends.

Okay, there it is. She finally said it!

I absolutely love Angels & Demons! I hope you had a great day and love yourself <333

PS. Thanks for the 78k reads🥺!!!!

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