Chapter 13

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It's Sunday. That means that I'm flying to New York tonight. I'm really excited, but I am also irritated. I don't know what happened between me and Jaden. I'm so over this. Let me tell you, I'm not going to talk to him and Mads is not welcome to New York anymore. I got dressed for the day and started to pack my suitcases again. I was listening to my music with my AirPods in. Someone taps me on my shoulder, and I turned around. "Jesus Payt, you scared me", I say chuckling. "Sorry, didn't mean to", he said laughing at me, "your voice is beautiful." "How long have you've been standing there?", I asked. "The past 3 songs", he said smiling. "Thanks creep", I say laughing. I stood up and sat next to him on my bed. "How are you feeling? About all of this?", he asked. I looked up at him. "Well, I just said to myself that I'm not going to talk or ague with Mads nor Jaden. I'm just not doing it anymore", I said. He nodded and asked, "What about New York?" "I really want Jaden to be there but Mads is not welcome anymore. I need to tell him that tho", I said looking at my hands. "Do you want me to do it?", he asked. I shook my head, "No I want to do it." "Okay, just tell me if you need me", he said taking me in for a hug. "Yes, thanks Payt", I said into the hug. "No problem", he said back. "We are getting food later, do you want to come?", Payton asked. "Yeah sure, I'll come down in a bit", I answered. He nodded and left my room. Well let's talk to Jaden...

I walked up to his room and knocked. "Yeah?", he asked. His voice sounded shaky, that was weird. I walked in and saw his face. "Hey...", he said. I gave him a weak smile and sat on a chair in his room. "Can we talk?", I asked not making eye contact. "Sure", he said softly. He looked up and I accidently looked at him. His face looked tear stained. I really wanted to ask him if he was alright or why he had been crying. I just didn't know what to say. "Uhm... I just wanted to say that I still want you to come to New York", I said looking at my hands, "but I don't want Mads to come." I looked at him, but he was looking down. He just nodded and I took that as a yes. "Kate, I just want to sa-", he started with a shaky voice. I feel tears forming in my eyes and cut him off. "Jaden, I can't talk to you right now, I just can't", I said standing up walking out of his room. "Kate, please...", he said with tears in his eyes. I turned around and saw his face. This really breaks my heart. I just want to hug him and talk. But I can't. I won't. "Sorry, Jae", I said sobbing and walking back to my room. Our rooms are right next to each other and I can hear him yelling to himself. I locked my door and fell onto the bed. I just started to cry loudly in my pillow. I heard a knock on my door, and I stopped sobbing, well tried to. "Kate, unlock the door", Anthony said. "What happened?", Payton asked. "Why is Jaden yelling and crying?", Bryce asked. I couldn't answer that. I don't even know what's going on in Jaden's live right now. It's been a while. Why is this happening? I didn't answer them and just waited for a few minutes. "Kate, talk to us", Anthony said again. "Guys thanks, but I just want to be alone right now", I started, "please check on Jaden if he is alright." "Yeah no, not happening", Bryce said. I stood up from the bed and walked to my door. I unlocked it and looked at the three boys. "Guys, he is your friend too", I said tears still running down my face. "Yes, but he hurt you", Payton said looking at me worried. "Yes I know but he is upset about something else, so please check on him", I said looking at Payton. "How do you know?", Anthony asked. "I just know okay, please", I said looking at all three of them. "Fine, but just because you said so", Bryce said. They walked off, but Payton still stood there. He looked at me and I knew what he was going to ask. "I know what you're thinking, but I'll be fine. Just check on him, please", I said. he nodded and hugged me and walked to Jaden's room.  I closed my door and decided to take another shower and just cry. Because you can't see the tears when you are in the shower, right?

We all went out to go eat at Chick-fil-A. We always try to have like a family dinner ones a week, that was today. I wasn't really feeling like it, but Payton insisted that I would come along. We were with the whole house, plus Payton, Olivia (Kio's girlfriend), Riley and Nessa. For a change Mads wasn't here. I like that she is not here, because she doesn't feel like 'family', but I can see Jaden is off. I try to get my mind of it and just enjoy the time with my friends. We ordered our food and just talked a lot. We were mostly talking about New York. They were all making plans on where to go and what to do. Jaden was really quiet, and he still looked upset. When we were done eating we just sat there for a while. All of the sudden my phone started to buzz. Daniel was calling me. "I'm going to take this", I say to Payton who sat next to me. He nodded and I excused myself. I got out of the boot and walked outside. It was a facetime call again. "Heyyy", I say answering it. "Hey, did I interrupt anything?", Daniel asked with a wide grin on his face. "No, we are out for dinner. But it's fine", I say smiling at him. "So, I have some news", he started, "I told you that the men's team of New York are playing too, right?" "Yeah", I said. "Well... you know Brandon?", he asked smiling widely. "Of course I do, he was my crush back then", I say blushing. "Well...", he said. "Get to the point Daniel!", I say laughing. "Okay okay, he heard you were coming, and he said that he talked with the team", he said. I nodded for him to continue. "And he is captain, you know", he said. "Oh my god, spill it", I say chuckling getting impatient. "He asked if you want to play with their game too", he said really fast. He smiled and waited for my reaction. I didn't know what to say I just smiled really big. "Is that even allowed?", I asked grinning. "It's a friendly game so it will be alright", he said, "So??" "Yeah, yes. Of course I would", I said fast smiling like crazy. "Well, I gave him your number and he said he is going to text or call you when you get to New York", Daniel said. "Ok-ay", I stuttered still taken off guard by all this. "He said he is taking you to get gear for the game, he got everything settled", he said. "Really?! That's sick, thank you so much", I said smiling at him. "No problem kid, just text me when you are about to land tomorrow", he said. "Yes, will do", I said and hanging up. I couldn't believe this. IM PLAYING WITH BRANDON FRICKING LANCE!!! I walked back inside and walked to our table.

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