Chapter 52

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I opened the little box he gave me, and it was beautiful. I couldn't say anything, I was startled by all this.

I just looked at the little ring that was in it and started to tear up

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I just looked at the little ring that was in it and started to tear up. I looked up to Jaden and he grabbed my other hand. "Kate, I can't promise you that bad things won't be thrown at us in our life and in the future. I can't promise you that tomorrow would be perfect, and that life is easy. But I can promise you that I'll be by your side, hold your hand and listen. I can promise you that I'll give you all my strength, loyalty, respect and all the love I have for you. I can promise you that even if life gets hard and everything seems to be destroyed, I'll fight for us. I can promise you that I'll dream with you, build with you, encourage you to do new things and always cheer you on. I can promise you that I'll be anything you ever need. I promise you", Jaden said talking really slow and also having tears in his eyes. "I love you, Kate. I want to spent my whole life with you, get married, live in our house and have kids that we can raise together. And I know we're young, but I am gonna ask you to marry me someday... I want my life with you and only you", he said. "I love you, Jaden", I said smiling, "I want to spent my whole life with you too. You've made me feel loved and important enough to live. I want you to know I'm always here to talk and make you feel safe. I want you to feel like you can be the best self you can be, with me. I love you." He stepped slower to me as a tear rolled down both our cheeks. He cupped my face and kissed me. It was a slow and passionate kiss. There was so much happening in my head, but in that moment it felt like time stopped and the whole world was focused on us.

After we pulled away we both smiled. "Can I put it on?", he asked looking at the little box. I nodded and he took it out. I held my hand out and he slipped it on. I looked at my hand and smiled widely. I looked up at Jaden and gave him a hug. All of the sudden we hear people clapping and cheering. I let go of Jaden and look at the entry we came from. Everyone stood there. All of our friends. The boys from Sway walked up to us and gave Jaden a bro hug and hyped him up. The girls practically ran over to me and gave me a big group hug. Jaden walked up to Madi and gave her a hug. "Thanks sis, for helping me", he said. "You knew, didn't you?", I asked smiling at her. "Yep! I'm THE best friend ever!", she said putting her hand up. That makes sense. We all laughed, and everyone started to exit. Jaden and I were the last one and I still could believe what just happened. "You okay? You look a bit sad", he asked looking down on me. I'm thinking too much. As usual. I didn't answer as I was thinking about a lot. "Kate?", he asked making us stop in the hallway. "Yeah?", I asked looking up at him. "Why are your eyes teary?", he asked looking worried. I didn't even noticed. "Uhm, it's nothing", I said looking down. "You can tell me", he said softly. "I-It's.... That you said that we were gonna get married, b-but my dad won't walk me d-down the aisle or my brother i-if we would", I said stuttering and letting the tears fall. "Awh babe, it's gonna be fine. And know that your dad and David are watching from up there", he said pulling me into his chest and stroking my back. We stood there for a couple minutes and I calmed down. "We're gonna figure it out", he said kissing the top of my head and letting me go. I nodded and smiled at him.

The rest of the night was really fun. We made lots of pictures and danced our asses off. I was really tired, and Payton wanted to bring his date home. We all got back in the car and for my surprise they weren't drunk, not even tipsy. As I was driving off we just talked about the night. "Kate?", Emma asked. "Yeah?", I asked stopping at a red light. "How exactly did you and Jaden meet? You two are really cute together", she said smiling at me thru the rear window. "Thank you, and Jae and I?", I said looking at Jaden who fell asleep against the window. "My parents and his parents were, and still are, best friends since high school. When me and my dad moved to Tennessee we went to their house for dinner on the second night. And ever since our parents introduced us to each other we connected", I said having a big smiled on my face. "That's so cute, but did you never liked him in all those years?", she asked, "if you don't want to answer it, it's fine." "No it's totally fine, and yes. I started to have feeling for him in freshman year", I said, "what about you and Payt?" Payton also fell asleep but on Emma's lap. "I really like him, like really. It's just that... I've been hurt in the past and I'm really scared to fall again and get my heart broken", she said stroking Payton's hair. "I know it's scary, but you can't choose who you'll fall for. And even tho falling in love with someone is one of the scariest things, it's okay to fall", I said smiling at her. "Thank you, I never talk to anyone about this", she said looking sad. "You don't have friends or your parents who you could talk to?", I asked. "I love my parents and they are always here for me, but I don't like talking to them about it. And my friends... they never seem to care", she said looking down. "You can always talk to me, okay? Whenever, I'm always willing to listen", I said letting out a little chuckle. "Thanks, it means a lot", she said giving me a little smile. "Do you want Chic-Fil-A?", I asked turning around the corner seeing the restaurant. "Yes please, I'm starving," she said smiling.

We stopped and got food. When we came back the boys had woken up and we ate in the car. As soon as we were done we drove Emma to her house and said goodbye. Then we drove home. When we arrived we were the first ones to come back from the party. Jaden went to take a shower and I went to my room to change into some sweats and Jaden's hoodie. "Can I come in?", Payton asked knocking. "Yeah", I said sitting on my bed. "So...", he said sitting next to me on my bed. "So...", I said mocking him. He was clearly nervous. "Do you like Em? If you don't that's fine, I won't date he- ", he said rambling. "Wait, why are you asking for my approval?", I asked chuckling. "Because, you are like a sister to me. And I don't want to stop talking to you or hang because you two don't like each other", he said shrugging and looking down. "Payt, I like her. I like her for you. She is really nice, and we talked for a while on the ride home", I said putting my hand on his, "but that shouldn't matter, because I would be happy for you and accept anyone you'll be with, okay?" He nodded and gave me a hug. "It means a lot, Kate", he said letting go and giving me a smile. "No problem, and please don't let her slip away", I said chuckling. "I wasn't planning on it", he said getting up, "I'm going to bed." "Okay, goodnight Payt", I said giving him a little hug. "Goodnight. Goodnight Jay!", he yelled as Jaden was in the bathroom. "Goodnight!", Jaden yelled back. We laughed and he left the room.

I decided I do want to shower. And maybe only because Jaden is in it. He he. No dirty things.... Right? I walked into the bathroom quietly opening the door. I closed it and undressed myself. I took of the promise ring and opened the shower door. Jaden turned around and looked me up and down. I looked down and smiled. "Come here, beautiful", he said standing under the shower. I walked over to him and he pulled me close to his body. I put my arms around his neck and our faces were inches apart. "Do you know what you're doing to me", he asked looking dead ass serious. "No... tell me", I asked acting to not know what he was talking about. He grinned at me and started to kiss me. We were making out, again, in the shower. He started to move down to my neck. I bit on my lower lip, not wanting to make a sound. No dirty things? Well... I guess not. And no I'm not telling you, dirty minds. But I'll let you know that we did a few... rounds. And that I wasn't able to.... walk. Yep... that.

He laid me down on his bed and he started to spoon me. "I'm sorry", he whispered chuckling. He clearly wasn't 'sorry'. "I'm fine", I said smiling. "Hmm", he said moving his hand to my thigh making me wince. "Sure", he said smiling and moving his hand back to my stomach. He kissed my cheek and said, "goodnight Butterfly." "Goodnight babe", I said smiling to myself. "Did you just... call me... 'babe'?" He asked sitting up slightly. I could feel he was smiling and obviously happy about the fact I called him that. "Yes, now cuddle me. I'm tired", I said turning around and giving him a peck on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my face in his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "I love you", he said kissing the top of my head. "I love you", I mumble. Soon after that we fell asleep. I love him. I'm gonna marry him. And we are going to name our kids Elijah and Star. I love you, Jaden.

Okay, so...
The story is gonna end soon, in like maybe three chapters...
So I'm sad, because I loved writing it!

Hope you liked the chapter and I luv you xxx

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