Chapter 28

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A week past by and I still haven't talked to Jaden about my feelings and about the stuff that happened the past weeks. It's not like it's awkward between us, because we've been great the past week. It's just that it's eating me from the inside and I just want to be honest with him. But I'm also scared to tell him, or something like that.You're just avoiding it Kate. I'm not! I just can't handle myself sometimes. I woke up today pretty early and I got dressed. The boys were free today, I do have three meetings. One is about tour this summer. The boys are going on tour, with some other people, and I'm kind of their manager. The second one is about their merch. The organization that does it for them asked me if I want to design it for them and of course I said yes. And the last one is something else. I took a shower and washed my hair and body. When I was done I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I walked up to my closet and grabbed some casual but chic clothes, since I have important meetings. I was wearing this.

I walked back to my bathroom and started to blow dry my hair

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I walked back to my bathroom and started to blow dry my hair. All of the sudden Jaden walks up behind me and hugs me. I look at him in the mirror and smile at him. He smiles back. I turned off the blow-dryer and put it on the counter. "How are you up this early?", I ask him chuckling. "I couldn't sleep anymore, and I heard you sing in the shower", he said smiling at me thru the mirror. I turned around to face him and smiled at him. "Why are you up this early?", he asks. "I have meetings all day", I said pouting. "Ahh", he said pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back and buried my face in his chest. He smells amazing. Like vanilla or something. Butterflies again... he drives me insane! He was swaying us from side to side. We stood there for a good five minutes I think. "I need to finish getting ready", I mumbled still hugging. He lets me go and pouts. "I'm sorry", I pouted back, "we can cuddle tonight, okay?" He nods and gave me a kiss on my forehead. "Can we get breakfast before you go?", he asks. "Sure", I smiled at him. He nodded and walked out of my room. I just stood there, watching him walking away. This boy... I walked back to the counter and curled my hair a little bit. I did my make-up and grabbed my phone and purse. I put it in my backpack and walked downstairs. "Anthony and Bryce are joining us", Jaden said pointing at them. "Okay", I said smiling. "Good morning kid", Bryce said walking up to me. We hugged and walked out. "Good morning Ant", I said flicking his head. "Sorry, I...", he started looking at his phone again. "You?", I asked grinning. "I'm texting with Avani", he said a little bit sad but still smiled back. "Are you alright?", I asked concerned. "Yeah, I think... she is just acting weird and won't tell me what's wrong", he said. "Oh, do you want me to ask her?", I asked getting in the back seat with him. "Maybe later, I'm going over to her today. So maybe she'll tell me", he said shrugging. "Okay, let me know if anything changes", I said smiling. "Thanks", he said smiling. I nodded and we drove off.

We had breakfast and just talked about the summer what the plans are and what was going on in our lives. Apparently Bryce and Addison are 'talking' again, if you know what I mean. Bryce totally lights up when he talks about her. And Addison told me she still really likes him, so I saw it coming. After breakfast they dropped me off at the company for my first meeting. It was pretty normal. We talked who was going to be on tour, how long and were we were going. "Okay so, Janice is going to repeat everything. If we miss anything just yell and we will put it in", Adrien said. Adrien is the head of TalentX and he arranged the tour for the boys.  "Okay. The creators are Bryce Hall, Anthony Reeves, Josh Richards, Kio Cyr, Griffin Johnsen, Jaden Hossler, Quinton Griggs and Payton Moormeier. This are all the boys. Then the girls are Addison Rae, Avani Gregg, Nessa Barret, Cynthia Parker and Kate Loyal", Janice said. "Oh, I'm just there as an organizer. I won't be there as a creator", I said raising my hand. "Kate, are you sure? All the supporters love and know you too", Adrien asked. "Yeah, I'm gonna be around all of the time, and I'm not really a creator. It's fine", I smiled at him. He nodded and she went on. After the meeting Adrien asked if he could speak to me. We walked into his office and I sat down. "I wanted to ask you, because you're not going to be there as a creator, if you want to be the manager of the team and like the presenter for the shows", he asked sitting down. "Really?", I asked. "Yeah, we've talked to the boys and they would love you to be a part of it", he said smiling, "so?" "Yeah for sure!", I said excited. "We'll sent you all the information you need, and we will see each other in a month", he said standing up to shake my hands. "Yes, thank you so much", I said shaking his hand and standing up. I walked out and had a huge smile on my face. I ordered an Uber and went to my next meeting.

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