Chapter 25

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After driving for twenty minutes I arrived. No one actually knew about this place. I parked my car and started to walk onto the sand path. My dad told me it used to be owned by this old couple. They passed away a while ago, but they always told us we could come here. After walking for five minutes I saw it.

The little house made of wood and glass

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The little house made of wood and glass. You can see no one has been here for a long time. My dad and I used to clean it up, because the elderly couple couldn't do it. I walked to the door and took the key that was still placed under the little flowerpot. I opened the door and switched on the lights. It was a little dusty and spiderwebs everywhere but is was fine. I turned on the heaters hoping they would still work. I took the plastic sheets from the couch and sat on it. It was always so quite here. The only thing you could hear were the birds and the water that was not far from the house. It was peaceful. After a while it started to get warmer and I got more comfortable. I look at the other couch my dad would always sit on. "Hi dad, it's me, Kate. I don't know if you're here, but I wanted to tell you something", I said knowing I wouldn't get an answer, but I still waited. "I found your letter this morning... I'm really sorry I haven't found it earlier", I said tearing up. "I miss you, a lot. And I love you. I just want you to know I'm fine... well I will be", I said looking at my hands. "I finished high school by the way", I said smiling looking around. "I moved to LA a few months ago. It's amazing there. It reminds me of when we were there ones. It's still the same, you know?", I said chuckling. "I had a few boyfriends... didn't really work out tho... but I have made a lot of friends, thanks to Jaden", I said smiling to myself. "Jaden's parents took good care of me and they still do. I just wished you were here, and David too", I said with a tear rolling down my cheek. "I m-miss you, I hope you hear this. We will see each other again", I said sobbing to this point, "I-I l-love you." I just sat there crying. I just want him to be here with me, now.

"Are you okay?", a low voice asked. It startled me and I stood up, looking at the front door. "I'm sorry, I was just leaving", I said grabbing my phone and keys walking up to the two boys at the door. "How do you know about this place?", the other boy asked. "I could ask you the same", I said wiping away my tears. "Okay fine, it's our property. Well our parents'", the boy said, "now you." "Oh, well I used to come here when I lived in the neighborhood", I said a bit embarrassed. "Wait did you know our grandparents? Laura and Mark?", the other boy asked. "Actually yeah, they told my dad and I we could come here if we wanted to", I said smiling. "I thought I recognize you, they had pictures of you and your dad in their house", the boy said. "Really?", I asked. "Yeah, they were very found of you", the other boy said smiling. "I didn't introduce myself, but I'm Kate, Kate Loyal", I said shaking their hands. "Nice to meet you Kate. My name it Xavier and this is my brother Chris", Xavier said. "Nice to meet you too", I said smiling. "Well I should go, I need to go to the store", I said walking to the door. "You can still come here if you want, you're always welcome", Chris said smiling. "Thanks, but I am leaving soon again", I said turning around. "What do you mean leave?", Xavier asked. "I live in LA. I'm just home for a bit", I said smiling. "Sick, can I ask where", Xavier asked, "I don't want to sound creepy or something." "No problem, but I live in Belair with my friends", I said chuckling. "Wow, I would love that. Living with my friends that would be amazing", Chris said smiling. "Well, it can be crazy sometimes, but definitely fun", I said smiling. "You can come by the house if you ever come to LA", I said. "Are you serious?", Xavier said. "Yeah why not, you two seem like nice guys", I said shrugging. "Let me get your numbers and I'll text you tonight okay?", I said. They nodded and put their phone numbers in my phone. "Well, I'm leaving then. It was nice meeting you", I said smiling. "Yeah you too", Chris said. I walked out and walked back to my car. They have a familiar face, like I've seen them on TikTok.

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