Chapter 47

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I turned around as a tear fell down and hit the hoodie is was wearing, Jaden's hoodie. I couldn't face him. I'm hurt, disappointed, mad, and so much more. Why won't he just talk to me? Is it because of me? Everyone seems to know except for me... I grab my car keys from my table and walk down the stairs, still crying. I hear Jaden coming after me, calling my name. "Kate, please", he said grabbing my wrist as I open the front door. I turn around and look at him. He was crying too. "I'm sorry...", he said whispering with his voice breaking. "What is going on with you?", I asked looking at the ground. "I-I feel l-like.... Nothing", he said. "No Jaden, don't bullshit me. What is wrong and it's not 'nothing'", I said raising my voice a bit. He didn't answer and just looked at the ground. "I'm worried about you", I said stepping forward and putting my hand on his cheek. The second I touched his skin he stepped away and let go of my other hand he was still holding before. "Jae... don't do this", I said. He is becoming distant and I don't know how to fix it. He looked up at me and his whole expression changed. I don't recognize him. "I think we should break up", he said. Please tell me this is a dream. Why? What did I do wrong? I couldn't believe he just said that. "W-what?", I said stuttering and tearing up again. Please tell me he is joking. "We should break up", he said again. This time it stung even more then the first time.  There was no emotion in his face, it's like his soul is gone. "Jae, you're not thinking clearly", I said stepping toward him. He stepped back again and said, "I know what I'm saying... we're done." I know this is not him. I looked at him trying to find my best friend somewhere in the emotionless body in front of me. He's gone.

I turned around and walked out of the door. I couldn't bear to see him or even say anything after that. I got into my car and started to drive. It's the middle of the night and no one was on the road. After a few minutes I stopped the car on the side of the road and turned it off. The tears started to come out, and they didn't stop. I was fully breaking down and my heart was in a thousand pieces. I didn't only lost the boy I love and fell so hard for, but also my best friend who promised me we would never lose each other. Everything happened so fast and I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I started to hyperventilate. Panic attack. I lost him... for good now...

~ Anthony's POV ~
I woke up hearing people talk. I got out of bed slowly not trying to wake up Avani. "Babe, where are you going?", she asked sitting up. "Some people are downstairs, I'm just gonna check", I said giving her a kiss on her forehead. She nodded and curled up again. I smiled at her and walked out. I saw Kate's door open, but there was nobody in it. I frowned and walked down the stairs. In the middle of the stairs I stop and hear Jaden and Kate talking. Why are they crying? "... don't bullshit me. What is wrong and it's not 'nothing'", Kate said. She looks upset and pissed. I hear a noise behind me and see Bryce and Payton standing behind me. I hush them to be silent and they listen to their conversation. "I'm worried about you", Kate said. Jaden flinched and stepped back. What is wrong with him? I frowned looking at his actions. "Jae... don't do this", Kate said. Bryce tapped my shoulder and mouthed, "what's going on?" I shrugged and turned again. "I think we should break up", Jaden said. WHAT?! "W-what?", Kate said tearing up. "We should break up", he said again. Is he stupid?! I turned around and looked at Bryce and Payton who had the same expression as me. "'re not thinking clearly", Kate said. "I know what I'm saying... we're done", Jaden said. What is going on?! Kate just looks at him and turns around walking out of the house.

I walked down the rest of the stairs and Bryce and Payton followed me. "Dude, what are you doing?", I asked standing in front of him. "Shut up", he said walking to the kitchen. "No bro, what did you just do?", Payton said walking behind him. Jaden turned around and looked at us. He looks like a zombie. "None of your business", he said leaning against the counter. "To hell with that, Kate is our friend too", Bryce said. "You did not break up with her just now", Payton said. I wasn't saying anything, because if I would it wouldn't be nice. "Guess I did", Jaden said shrugging and grinning. He did not just smile. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You just broke up with your girlfriend! She's your best friend!", I said raising my voice stepping towards him. I could care less if the whole house woke up. "It's not you problem", he said wanting to walk away. I stepped closer to him and pushed him back. "It is. You don't treat a girl like that! Especially Kate", I said inches in front of his face. "Leave me alone", he said trying to push me off. "No! You first use her for sex and now you broke her heart, because of what?! Huh?! Because of these little pills you need?!", I said practically yelling at him. "Fuck off", he pushed me, and I let him go.

I was furious. Before I knew my hand was at his jaw. I just punched my best friend. I am not an aggressive type, like the complete opposite. I hate fighting. I immediately regretted it, even tho he deserved it. "I'm sorry", I said offering to help him. "Leave me alone", he said pushing my arm away. He stood up and said, "I guess you can fuck her now." WHAT?! I really wanted to go for him again, but then I saw Avani standing in the doorframe. "What happened? Where is Kate?", she asked walking up to me, as Jaden walked past her going back upstairs. "Please call her", I said whispering. "What happened?", she asked grabbing her phone. "Just call her, please", I said raising my voice. I never raise my voice towards Avani, and I wanted to say sorry, but she was already talking to Kate.

~ Back to Kate's POV ~
I've been sitting here for almost an hour. I'm broken, more then I already was. The past hour I had three panic attacks. I felt exhausted. My phone started to ring, and I saw Avani's contact. I picked it up and answered it. "Kate, where are you?", she asked. "I-I'm safe", I said with a shaky voice. "I don't know what happened, but please come home. We can talk", she said. "I don't want to talk...", I started to whisper, crying again. It went silent and my car filled up with the sound of me crying. "We don't need to, but please come home", she said. Her voice was shaky, and she sounded worried. "C-can we just cuddle?", I ask. "Of course, bebe", she said. "Okay...", I said starting my car. "I'll stay on the phone with you", she said. I didn't answer and just started to drive home. It was only seven minutes away, so I was home fast.

"I don't want to see any of the boys", I said as I pulled up at the house. "Okay...", she said. "Guys, just go to bed. We'll talk tomorrow", I hear her say to them. "Okay, they're gone", she said. "Okay", I said stepping out of my car and getting to the front door. I open it and see Avani standing there. I drop my phone and keys and fall to the ground. Breaking down again. "Sshh, I'm here", she said wrapping her arms around me. It hurts. Everything hurts. When is it going to stop? Maybe it's my fault? Why? Why him? Why? I couldn't stop crying. The last thing I remember is that I was sitting on the ground balling my eyes out. I just want it to stop...

~ skip a week forward ~

The past week has been worse. I haven't spoken to Jaden, actually no one had. He is isolating himself, and every time he talk to someone he starts a fight. Mostly just yelling. He looks worse every day. His mom texted me if something is wrong with him. I couldn't bring myself to say what was really going on, so I lied to her. I know that is the worse you can do, but I don't want her to give up on him too. I'm not saying I am, but I don't know what to do to help him. I'm scared he is gonna... no, stop thinking like that! He's not... right? My mind is driving me insane. I really don't have time to think about this, even tho I want to know what is wrong with him. In three weeks the event for my dad is going to happen. And I have a lot of meetings. I was sitting in my room reading some stuff online. Every time is start reading I get lost in my thoughts. I've read the first sentence like a thousand time now. I close my laptop frustrated and walked to the bathroom. I looked at myself and felt disgusted. I look like a mess. I decided to just get ready for bed since it was 11 pm. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I wanted to put my hair in a bun, so I opened the cabinet to grab a scrunchie. As I opened the cabinet a little bottle fell out. I picked it up. It looks the same as the one in Tennessee. These are Jaden's... I took one out and looked at it. Maybe my dad and Jaden took it to feel better. Maybe it works. Maybe it works for me. I never took drugs, not even smoked weed. What could go wrong? My dad took them too. Nothing went wrong... besides that night then... fuck it. I took the pill in my mouth and took a sip of water. I swallowed it and stood up. I felt nothing. I grabbed another one and swallowed that too. Still nothing after ten minutes. I decided to take a third one. The room started to spin, and I could feel myself smiling. This feels good. I close my eyes and that's the last thing I saw.

Okay... Well that happened... Stuff is about to go down. The next chapter their is gonna be a POV from Jaden...

I love the comments by the way!

Hope you had a beautiful day, and if not? Know it's gonna get better and try to stay positive <3

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