Chapter 8

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So it's been a week and now I'm on my way to the airport. I'm picking up my best friends! I haven't seen them in so long. I parked my car and decided to text Payton.

Did you guys land jet?

Yes we are getting our luggage and then we walk out
We're should we meet?

Do you guys want Starbucks?

Yeah sure

Okai then meet me there
I'm kinda nervous...
Idk why

It's not like the first time
I'm so excited 
I'm literally jumping

I don't believe you

You can ask Riley
But we got our luggage, walking to Starbucks now
See you soon bestieeee

Okaii <3

I was standing in front of the Starbucks and was watching all the people walking by. I was really nervous too see him again. I don't even know why. I was really busy at the airport, the usual in LA. 5 minutes past and I still haven't spot them. I started to get my phone out of my back pocket. Then I felt to arm wrap around me and it kinda startled me. "Payt, is that you?", I ask hesitating. "Uhmm, nooooo", I hear Payton say. I turn around and see his cute face. Boy I missed him, everything about him. We hug again and then I go to hug Riley. "Hey girly", she said. "Hai, I haven't seen you for so long", I say pulling out of the hug. "I know right. The last time was when you came to visit", she said. I nodded and took them inside Starbucks. "What do you guys want?", Payton asked, "wait I already know". He smiled at us and I stood up. "No Payt, I'm paying", I say trying not to smile. He shook his head and was walking up to the counter. "Can I please have one Pink Drink, a venti iced caramel macchiato and a venti black coffee?", he asked. I walked up behind him and stood next to him. He looked down on me and put his arm around you. "I know what you are doing, Kate. It's not happening", he said grinning. I look like I don't know what he was talking about. "That would be $14,80, please", the girl behind the counter said. Payton smiled at her and took his card out. I grabbed his wrist to put his hand back down. "Kate, let me pay. You're already driving", he said. "Okay fine, but I will pay the rest of your time here", I say looking at him. He didn't say anything, and I let go of his wrist. He payed and we got our drinks. We sat there for half an hour just talking about whatever. "Should we go, the boys are blowing my phone up", I said showing them my phone. All the guys texted me where we were. They both nodded and we went to my car. Well actually Jaden's car and took off.

"Why are you driving in Jaden's car?", Payton asked. "Oh long story short it got wrecked", I say irritated. "What do you mean? What happened?", riley asked. "Well... before we left Tennessee I went to this place where they transport your car for you, because I was not gonna drive to LA. We made an appointment and I left my car there. Last week I got a call from Jaden's mom asking me where I was. Obviously I was at the Sway. Turns out that the guy we talked to was not someone that worked there and sort of stole my car. Then he got into a car accident in Florida. It was a hit and run, but nobody was really injured. The police got the license plate and called Jaden's mom. We explained everything and I had to call with the police to tell them I wasn't in Florida. And yesterday I got a call saying that they found my car burning down in New Jersey. So yeah my car is gone", I say pouting. "Wow. Well do you get money back, or?", Payton asked. "Yeah, so I'm getting a new car soon. It just takes a while", I say. He nodded and after a while we arrived at the house. We dropped Riley off at the Hype House. She was staying there, and Payton was staying with us. We walked in the house and all the boys greeted him. While the boys were talking to each other I took Payton's stuff and put it in his room.

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