Chapter 43

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So the past days have been crazy. The morning after the video got released, I got a call from Casper that I had to come in again. I already guessed it, but it still felt horrible. They asked a lot of questions and I didn't really knew where they were going. I got home after that and went up to my room. I was laying on my stomach with my head in my pillow. I'm not crying, that's a change, but I was just tired of everything. The bed dipped beside me and I thought it was Jaden. "I'm so done with this", I mumbled still with my head in my pillow. He didn't say anything. "Can we just get food and hang at our spot tonight?", I asked still mumbling. "We can", I hear about 10 people say at ones. I shot up and looked around the room. Everyone was here and I mean EVERYONE. "What are you guys doing here?", I asked with a shaky voice. I said I wasn't crying, well I'm starting now. "We want to be here with you and get you thru this", Payton said sitting next to me. I looked at him and smiled. "Thanks guys", I said. We talked the whole night and as planned we got a bunch of food and went to the spot. Almost everyone was in couples:
·      Addison and Bryce (yes, they decided to try it again)
·      Josh and Nessa
·      Anthony and Avani
·      Payton and Jackson
·      Quinton and Cynthia
·      Jaden and I
Griffin and Kio couldn't come because of filming a show and Kio was going to Florida.

Jaden was talking to Payton, so I walked up to Quinton. "Hey", I said hugging him. "Hi, how are you?", he asked hugging me back. "Better now that everyone is here", I said smiling and looking at everyone. "Good", he said. "Did the boys treat you good?", I asked laughing. "No they nearly killed me... I'm kidding of course", he said grinning. "Can I ask something?", he asked. "Sure", I said grabbing a drink. "What happened between you and Cynthia?", he asked. I looked at him confused, "what do you mean?" "She told me you two stopped talking after the summer. She thinks you're mad at her because she and Chase broke up", he said shrugging. "Really? I thought she didn't wanted to talk to me because she was upset with me", I said looking at her. "I'll talk to her", I said walking up to Cynthia. "Can I sit here?", I asked as she was talking to Nessa. She nodded and I sat down. "I'm not mad at you", I said smiling at her. "What?", she asked looking up. "I'm not mad at you, for whatever happened between you and Chase", I said. "Really?", she asked smiling slightly. I nodded and she gave me a hug. "Why would I even be mad at you?", I asked letting go of her. "Because, you and Chase are close friends and I thought that he turned you against me", she said shrugging. "Yeah we were, I just wanted to give you space", I said smiling. "What do you mean, 'you were'?", she asked. "Chase and I are not really talking. I don't know why tho", I said pressing my lips together. "Oh, well I'm glad we are good. I missed my big sister", she said smiling. "I missed you too", I said hugging her. "Can I steal her for a sec?", Jaden asked standing in front of us. I let go of Cynthia and smiled at her. "Talk soon!", she said as I walked away with Jaden.

"What's up?", I asked as we came to a stop. "Nothing much, just this", he said putting his hands on my cheeks and kissing me. Halfway thru I started to smile. "What was that for?", I asked smiling as we pulled away. "Because I wanted to", he said smiling and rubbing his thumb against my cheek. I smiled at him and pecked his lips. I could stay here with him forever. "Ready to go home?", he asked. I nodded since it was midnight by now. We walked back to the group and cleaned everything up. They all went to a motel not far from Jaden's house and we went back home. When we arrived I went to take a shower and Jaden went to his room. I grabbed some clothes to change in for after showering and locked the door. I put my clothes down and opened a cabinet and something fell out of it. It looked like a small bottle with pills in it. There was a label on it, but I didn't know what it stood for. Since Jaden and I share a bathroom I started to think. Is it his? Is he taking drugs? He wouldn't, right? I decided to just drop it and took a quick shower. It's probably nothing.

~ Jaden's POV ~
We just arrived home from chilling with the group. It was really fun to do that, we haven't done that in a while. Kate went to take a shower and I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. I felt myself getting anxious and my mind was getting blurry. I needed the pills. I started to frantically look around in my room, not knowing where I left them. Then I remember I put them in the bathroom, where Kate was... I sat down on my bed trying to calm down, telling myself that I don't need them. I don't need it. I don't need it. I do need it. I know what your thinking. 'why would you take drugs?'. I know. It started at the birthday party of Kate and since then I've been hooked or something. I do want to stop, but my body says something different. I haven't told Kate, because I know what she thinks about taking drugs. I started to panic. What if she finds it? She is going to kill me for this. What would she think of me? My own mind was driving me insane.

I hear the bathroom door open and I walked, well almost ran, to the door. Kate just walked out and I walked in closing the door behind me, locking it. "Are you alright?", Kate asked knocking. "Yeah I just needed to pee, I drank too much", I said fast. "Okay, I'm in my room", she said. I waited as I heard her door close and I searched for the little bottle. I found it and took one pill out of it. I could use two.. Or three right now. I finally decided to just take one for the night, because I'm not trying to overdose. I took the pill and swallowed it. I just stood there looking at myself. I'm a mess. I feel the pill working slowly and I felt better within minutes. I flushed the toilet, even tho I didn't even pee. I walked out and went to Kate's room. I need to get my head straight.

~ Back to Kate's POV ~
Jaden is acting a bit weird, but he usually does so... I was laying on my bed strolling thru Instagram, waiting for Jaden. Minutes later he walked in and closed the door. I put my phone down and he laid next to me. He started to spoon me, and we just cuddled. After a few minutes I turned around and looked at him. He looked back at me and just smiled. His pupils seem dilated. I gave him a little smile and hugged him. "Something wrong?", he asked hugging me back. "No, just nervous I guess", I answered trying not to let him notice something bothers me. Something else than the whole situation. "Hmm, goodnight", he said pulling me closer. I felt like something is wrong with Jaden, but I didn't know what. I was too tired to say anything, because the next thing I know I was asleep.

A week later court day came. Yes, court. They believed the video, even tho my medical records say that I was shot two times and was in the hospital for two weeks. We all sat down and I was really nervous. It was the first time I saw Julia in three years. She had this nasty grin on her face knowing exactly what she was doing. My attorney made sure everything was said. We even pulled some old receipt of Julia using my dad's money, he left for me, to buy alcohol and a lot of other stuff. I hated to talk about the time I lived with her, but my attorney convinced me to tell about the abuse. And I did when I got the chance. A lot of stuff she told was made up and I knew that. She said I had problems growing up and was a very disoriented kid. She said that I had a motive for killing David, because my dad passed away. I could never do that, and I love David as my own brother.

We just came back from a break and the sentence was going to be said soon. (A/N: I have no idea how this goes in real life, so go with it) "The prosecutor and defendant please rise", the judge said. I was getting nervous. My hand started to shake, and I looked down at my feet. "In the state of Tennessee, Katherine Zoë Loyal, you are....", the judge started. God, can you say it already! "Not guilty for the murder of David Christian McGee", the judge finished. I looked up at him and looked at my attorney. Tears starting to form in my eyes, and I wanted to jump around, but I couldn't just yet. They said a few stuff about what money Julia owes me and after a few minutes the hearing was done. I hugged my attorney and walked up to Jaden's parents. "We are so proud of you", Amy said hugging me tight. "Thank you, for everything", I said whipping away my tears. I hugged John and walked to my friends. I hugged all of them and if I'm honest it really helped with them here. "Where is Jae?", I asked Payton. "I don't know. Maybe the restroom?", he said shrugging. I nodded and walked off. Where is he? Why would he need to pee, now? There is something up...

Here is an extra chapter! Thanks for all the lovely comments <33

Hope you had a blessed day!

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