Chapter 36

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We came home after driving for twenty minutes. We got out and we walked in. I could hear the boys scream so I figured they were filming a video. I gave Jaden a hug and walked upstairs to my room. I have been blushing ever since the beach, I just can't stop thinking about Jaden and what he said. I still feel guilty not saying it back, but I do want to mean it. I walk in and sit on my bed. I grab my phone and called Avani. "Hey bebe", she said thru the phone. "Hi, are you coming over today?", I asked. "I'm already here", she said walking into my room. "Oh", I said smiling and hanging up. "What's up?", she asked sitting on my bed. "Well...", I started but she cut me off. "Wait, how was it with Jadennn", she squealed dragging his name. "I was gonna tell you", I said chuckling. "Sorry", she whispered smiling. "Okay, so yesterday he gave me my birthday gift. And it was really beautiful and thoughtful. And this morning we went to grab breakfast. We talked a lot and if I'm honest I really missed that with him. Then he took me to the beach and just walked besides the water", I said blushing and smiling like a little kid. "A-and then he starts to get nervous to tell me something. He s-said 'I love you' and I said it back, but he meant it differently. And then I started to cry", I said stuttering and looking down at my hands. "Wait wait, he said 'I love you' as in 'I LOVE you'?", she asked raising her eyebrows. I nodded still looking down. "Did you say it back?", she asked. "Not the way he meant it", I said almost whispering. "Why not, you talk about him all of the time, you love him right?", she asked making me look up. "I-I don't know", I said. "Okay, we're gonna do this again", she said looking serious.

I looked at her confused. "What did you feel last night and this morning, being with him?", she asked. "Well, last night I was mostly overwhelmed, because of what he got for me. But I loved it", I started smiling. "And we went to sleep cuddling, like usual. But... this time it felt different. It felt...", I said trying to find my words. "Better?", Avani said. "Yeah, I guess. A-and when we were at the café, it was great spending time with him again. He always makes me laugh and make me feel safe, like that night at my party", I said looking down. I still hate talking or even thinking about what happened that night. "A-and when we were at the beach when he said all those things my body was just exploding on the inside. I didn't know what that was, but It felt kind of right", I said looking back up at her. "Do you wanna know wat I think?", she said smiling. "Yes", I said. "I think that you like Jaden", she said. "Do you think?", I said being sarcastic. "I wasn't done yet", she chuckled, "and that you're falling in love with him, if you haven't already." I looked at her not knowing what to say. "And I know it's a scary thing to admit it. I had the same with Anthony, it took us a long time to admit is because we were both scared. But Jaden told you the way he feels about you, and he gives you the time you need to figure out what you feel", she said grabbing my hand. "I know, he told me that too...", I said, "I've never felt like this, Vani." "Then you know it's different", she said smiling. "Just think about it, okay?", she said pulling me in for a hug. "Thanks Vani", I said pulling away. "Well Anthony and I are going to film a video, so we talk later okay?", she said getting up. "Yep, have fun!", I said as she walked out of my room. God, help me please!

~ At the same time, Jaden's POV ~
Kate and I just arrived at the house and she went upstairs. I need someone to talk to. I told her I love her, like more than a friend. I shouldn't have. She probably doesn't feel the same way. Or is it too early? I walk up to Bryce's room and see he that is editing. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?", I asked sitting down. "Yeah, what's up?", he asked turning in his chair to face me. "So, I told Kate that I love her", I said, "as in more then friends." "Really, that's great dude", he said. "But... she didn't say it back", I almost whispered. I thought it wouldn't bother me as much, but I feel bad. Not only that she didn't say it back, but also because I don't wanna force her. "Oh, I'm sorry", Bryce said. "What did she answer?", he asked. "She said she loves me too, but as friends. And then I said it again, really meaning it. And she started to cry, because she felt guilty not saying it back", I said looking down. "And I don't want to force her to say it", I said. "That doesn't mean she doesn't love you, maybe she is not ready", he said.

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