Chapter 7

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We arrived at Starbucks and got coffee and something to eat. We sat down and Anthony started to look at me. I was staring at my food. I didn't really had  an appetite, I felt like I was gonna be sick. The thought of seeing Johnny again twisted my insides. Brooke was probably gonna be there and I don't want to see the grin on her face of enjoying my pain. "You good?", Anthony asked, snapping me out of my gaze. "Uhm... yeah.....I guess?", I questioned myself. "You're literally shaking Kate", he said pointing at my hands. I look down and see my hand shaking. I put them under the table and smile a little bit. "I'll be fine, just let's get this over with", I say, trying to sound confident. But that didn't convince Anthony and honestly not even me. "It's okay to feel like this Kate. He hurt you.... a lot", he said sternly. "I know, I just don't want to think about it and get my stuff", I said back. He stood up and stuck out his hand. "Let's go then, buttercup", he said. I smiled big and grabbed his hand. We got in the car and drove to Johnny's house. There we go.... For real.

I rang the doorbell and heard some people talking. I thought I heard Johnny's voice and I got a lump in my troth. You can do this, you can do this. I was telling myself that, but it wasn't convincing. Anthony put his hand on my shoulder, and I turned around and smiled at him nervously. "I'm here", he said. I nodded and at that moment the door opened. I let out a breath when I don't see Johnny at the door. It was his brother Luke. Luke and I became pretty close when me and Johnny dated. He and I use to talk a lot, but ever since we broke up we haven't talked. "Hey, Kate?", he said looking confused, "what are you doing here?" "Hey, I came to get my stuff that I left here", I said smiling sadly at him. "Oh okay", he said, stepping to the side so we could walk in. "Didn't Johnny tell you I was coming?", I asked walking in. "No, he is... uh.... kinda busy", he said looking down at the floor. "You don't need to feel sorry for me Luke. I'll just grab my stuff and leave", I said walking towards the stairs. "Wait, just let me check real quick", he said. I nodded and he run upstairs. "Okay, you guys can come!", he yelled from upstairs. Anthony and I started to walk up the stairs to Johnny's room. "I'm sorry it's a mess, but just find you stuff, I guess", he said awkwardly. I nodded and want to grab my clothes and I found my stepbrothers necklace. I wanted to cry looking at it, but I kept it in. I miss him so much right now. I just want to tell him what kind of dick Johnny is.

When I grabbed everything the door of the room opened. It was Johnny. With Brooke. "What the hell are you doing here, bitch", Brooke said looking straight at me. I didn't say anything. "None of your business, Brooke", Luke said. "Did you get everything", Johnny asked looking at me. I nodded looking down at the ground. "Okay, then leave", he said walking up to his bed where I was standing. When he walked by me he bumped into me with his shoulder. "Oops", he said sarcastically. I started to walk out of his room with Anthony and Luke behind me. "Kate,", Johnny said. I stopped walking and turned around. "I just want to tell you that I don't regret any of this. At least she wants to have sex with me", he grins at me finishing his sentence. "Well... congratulations", I said turning around and heading downstairs. Anthony and Luke followed me. I was already starting to walk out of the front door. "Hey", Luke said grabbing my wrist, "I'm really sorry about my brother, I never thought he would do this. At least not to you". "You didn't do anything, and its fine. I'll be fine", I say smiling and leaving the house heading towards my car. We sat in the car and we just sat there for a second. I didn't even cry or yelled I thought to myself.

Well... never mind. I started to cry and just breakdown once again. Anthony grabbed me and hugged me tight. "Why does he do that. I don't deserve this", I say in between sobs. "I know, I know", Anthony whispered stroking my back. After a good five minutes I pull away and look at Anthony's hoodie. "I'm sorry", I say drying my eyes and pointing at his hoodie. "It's all good, it was already prepared to get wet", he said trying to make me smile. "Eww Ant, that sounded so wrong", I said slapping his arm. "I know, but you're smiling again", he said. I hugged him. "Thank you. For coming with me", I said and pull out of the hug. "Always", he said, "Let's go home". I started the car and drove home.

We came home and I went up to my room. I grabbed the bag with all the stuff that I picked up at Johnny's. I saw the necklace of my stepbrother. I put it on and look at it. I walk up to my bed and let myself fall on it. I was so done with this day. I take my phone and look at the time. Its 2 pm, are you kidding me. That's way to long for me. I decided to go on my phone and just scroll thru TikTok. After two hours I went downstairs because I was hungry. When I came into the kitchen I see Mads sitting on the counter and Jaden in between her legs. They were literally making out. I immediately lost my appetite. Anthony walked into the kitchen and greeted me. That's when they stopped. "Hey Ant", I say side hugging him. "Oh, I didn't know you were back", Jaden said moving away from Mads. "Jaden, I just talked to you", Anthony said confused. "Yeah so?", he asked. "I was with Kate this morning remember?", Anthony replied walking to the fridge. That's when it went silent. After a good minute Jaden asked, "So how did it go". "Fine", I say. I was a little bit annoyed that he forgot. "No, Johnny is a dick", Anthony said standing next to me. I looked down at my feet fighting the tears thinking about what he said. "What happened?", Jaden asked walking up to me, "Kate?". I didn't want him to see me upset because he will get angry. "Nothing happened, I'm fine", I say fast and walk up to my room again. "Kate!", I hear Jaden calling after me. I really don't want to talk to him or anyone at this point. I walk into my bathroom and close the door. I slip down the door and started to cry. No, actually balling my eyes out. I don't want to feel like this anymore. Every time I think about him I cry. It's been 2 weeks now. When am I gonna move on?

After ten minutes I hear a knock on my door. "Please leave me alone", I say. "Kate, just open the door", I hear Jaden say on the other side of the door. "Jae, I just want to be alone", I say. "Kate please.... Talk to me", he said. I didn't say anything. "Kate please", he said. I stood up and unlocked the door. Jaden opened the door and saw me. I looked down at the floor and wasn't making eye contact. "Kate, come here", he said opening his arms. I went up to him and hugged him. I instantly started to cry again. "It's okay, you're gonna be okay", he whispered. "I don't know, it hurts Jae", I say sobbing. "I know", he said pulling away. He cupped my face with his hands and said, "you're the strongest person I know, don't let a boy ruin that. I know it hurts right now but you gonna feel better, I promise". "You can't promise that", I say. "Well then believe me, you will get thru this", he said. He hugged me and I hug him back. We stand there for a few seconds. "You know I love you, right?", he whispered. I nod into his chest and say, "I love you to Jae". "Are you alright, Kate", Mads says scaring both me and Jaden. We let go of our hug and Jaden turned around. "Yeah...", I say. She has this sympathy smile on her face. But I know it's not, she is just faking it. I don't understand that Jaden doesn't see this. "Jae, we need to leave for the restaurant", she said looking at Jaden. She did not just use MY nickname for him. "Okay. Text me if you need me okay?", Jaden asks. "Yeah", I say. "Bye, butterfly", he says hugging me goodbye. "Bye", I say. They walked out of my room and I just stand there. Why is she everywhere, every time? I sigh and sit on my bed. I decided to call Payton since I promised him I would call him when I got back from Johnny's.

"Hey, cutie", Payton says. "Hai", I replied. "How are you feeling?", he asked. "I'm 'fine', I guess", I say with quotating 'fine'. "What happened?", he asked. I told him the whole story about what happened this morning. I started to tear up again. "Hey, just keep you head up. And you always have me and the boys", he says trying to cheer me up. "I know, thank you Payt", I say smiling slightly. "Where are the boys by the way?", he asks. "Uhm, I think Josh is with Nessa. Griffin, Bryce, Anthony and Kio are playing games and Jaden is with Mads", I say. "How is that going? Mads and Jaden?", he asks. "Good I think. She still hates me so yeah", I reply. "Did she text you again", he says. "Actually no, but every time I come near Jae she looks at me like she is gonna kill me", I say. "Hmm, did you tell Jaden yet?", he asks. "Nop, I don't know how to, but I will figure it out", I say back. "Ooh, I almost forget. I got a surprise", he said almost jumping out of his chair. "What is it goofball", I say smiling at his excitement. "I coming to LA in a week!", he said practically screaming thru the phone. "You're kidding", I say. He shakes his head and I started to cheer. I get to see my best friend again after so long. "Riley is coming too, by the way", he adds. "Yayyyy, you made my night", I say cheering. "Glad I did", he said patting himself on the shoulder. "I need to go, my mom is calling me", he said. "Okay, text me your flight information. I'll pick you guys up", I say. "Will do! Bye bye", he said. "Bye Payt", I responded hanging up.

I got tired and decided to just go to bed. I'm glad this day it over. 

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