Chapter 5

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I just hopped out of the shower and put my clothes on. I was wearing grey sweats and a stripped tube top. Since the girls were coming to the house and we were not gonna leave I figured to just dress comfy. I blow dried my hair and didn't straighten it. I then cleaned my room since my room was a mess. After that I hear Anthony calling me. I came down the stairs and saw all the boys ready to leave. "We are going out for a while, you and the girls have the whole house to yourselves", Anthony says giving me a hug. "Okay, have fun", I said and smiled. I hugged all the guys and Jaden was the last one. "If you need anything just call or text me, okay?", he said. I nodded. "I mean it, Kate", he said lifting my head up. "Yes Jae, I will. Now go, they are waiting", I said back hugging him. He gave me a kiss on the top of my head and left the house. I closed the door and texted the group chat.

the babes

loyal angel
Where are you guys?

Renegade girl
We are almost there

Do you have foooddd :)

loyal angel
Hahaha yes,
but didn't you guys just eat?

I need my food!!

Baddest Biatch
Yeah, actually... same

loyal angel
you guys.....
are you here yet?

'Happy' girl 
Yes we just pulled up

loyal angel
read (8:04 pm)

I opened the door and got hugged immediately by 5 girls. I missed them so much. They are my only girl-friends, that are real. We pulled out of the hug and they walked into the house. We went to the living room with two couches and a big white wall where we projected movies on. "The house is so cool", Charli said looking around. "Yeah, Bryce did a great job", I said. We went into the kitchen and got drinks and a whole lot of snacks. We would do this once in a while. I missed it a lot. We went back to the living room and sat on the couches. "I know we shouldn't talk about it, but what happened with Johnny", Madi said. I looked down at my hand and just tried to keep my tears in. I didn't think I was gonna talk about this tonight. "Well...", I started. I told them the whole story and surprisingly I didn't cry. "I am going to kill him!", Avani said frowning her eyebrows. "That's exactly what Jaden said last week", I said laughing a little bit. "That's why I like him", Avani said crossing her arms. "By the way, how are things between you and Jaden?", Dixie asked. "Good? Why?", I asked confused. "It's just, I saw him a lot with Mads lately and I thought you guys were really close. Are they a thing?", she said. "Uhm, yeah they are together. And yes we are close but just as friends", I said. "I always thought that you two were something", Charli said. "No, never were and probably never will be", I said chuckling.

We then put on a movie but didn't really watched it. We were talking about boys and just some stuff that's been going around.
Madi and Chris were still together so that was good. Avani and Anthony were a thing, but I'm sure they will get together soon. Addison and Bryce decided to cut things off and just stay friends. And Dixie is not really seeing anyone at the moment.

We ended up watching another movie and we watched it for real this time. In the middle of the movie I got a text from Jaden.

Hey you alright?
How is Girls Night?

Heyy, it's good
We are just watching a movie
What are you guys doing?

We are now heading back to the house
Can we talk when I get back, I want to ask you something

Yeah, of course
Is it something serious?

Just want to ask you something
Nothing major


(read 10:47 pm)

I didn't know what to think. What did he want to ask me? I just tried to focus on the movie.

The movie came to an end and the girls were about to leave. Avani was staying because she was gonna stay with Anthony. "Hey, are you alright?", she asked after we said goodbye to the girls. "Yeah, I'm just tired", I answered. "Why were you looking at your phone like that at the end of the movie?", she said. "Ohh, Jaden texted me that he wanted to ask me something. It made me nervous to be honest", I said. She nodded and at the same time the front door opened. "Hey guys", I said. They all greeted us, and Jaden signed me to go upstairs with him. I went up the stairs behind him and we went to his room. "What's up", I said sitting down on his bed. "So.... Uhm ..... I-", he said. "Spit it out, Jae", I said chuckling. "Mads asked if she could live in the Sway house. And I asked the boys and they are okay with it. I just wanted to ask you if you are alright with that, if you are not then its fine. I just- ", he rambled. "It's fine", I said back. He looked up and said, "really?" I nodded. He walked over to me and hugged me. "Thanks", he said. I nodded and was getting up from his bed. "Where are you going?", he asked me. "I'm going to bed, I'm tired", I said walking away. "Okay, goodnight butterfly", he said. "You too, Jae", I said. I walked to my room and let my body fall onto my bed. Why? Why does she have to live with us? She hates my guts and she doesn't really know any of the guys. And I thought that the boys said no more girls moving in. Well, I have to get over it. I see that she makes Jaden happy, so I'm gonna need to accept it.

I didn't even change and just went underneath my bedsheets. It's gonna be a hell living with her...


I don't really like this chapter but here it is. I got busy with school and had no time, but...
School got cancelled, because of corona, so now I have enough time. A few chapters are coming soon. Thanks for reading this.

A few new contact names
(In the girls group chat)

loyal angel = Kate
Renegade girl = Charli
Addiebae = Addison
Baddest Biatch = Madi
clown girl = Avani
'Happy' girl = Dixie

(in Jaden's phone)
Butterfly = Kate

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