Chapter 20

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It's been a week now since Mads posted that video. If I tell you it got worse, trust me when I tell you it did. I got a lot a hate on the daily and I even got death threats and that I should kill myself. It was insane. And knowing that most of that wasn't true was eating me up. Two days ago my phone number got leaked and that made it even worse, if that was possible. A lot of people started to text me or call me. It became to the point I couldn't use my phone, because it was lagging. I was sitting on my bathroom floor with my back against the door, crying my eyes out. I couldn't do this anymore. I've had a few panic attacks last week and they got worse every time. I don't wanna be here anymore. Maybe LA wasn't the right move for me. But I love living with my friends and seeing them every day. People here are toxic. I need to get thru this. I can't do this, I can't... My head felt like it was going to explode. I was breathing uncontrollably. I felt like I was gonna pass out. I can't see clear anymore. Tears were still streaming down my face. I can't do this anymore!

~Anthony's POV~
I was walking upstairs to Kate's room. I'm leaving tomorrow to the Bahamas with some friends. I'm really excited. I'm also really worried, about Kate. She looked awful this morning and I haven't seen her like this for a long time. I walked into her room, but she wasn't there. I heard someone sobbing and breathing loudly from Kate's bathroom. "Kate?", I said knocking and listening to her. "I- I can't b-bre-ath", she whispered but I heard what she was trying to say. I opened the door and she moved a bit. When I saw her I immediately knew what was going on. I sat down next to her and took her in for hug. "Kate, calm down", I said worried. I know she has panic attacks sometimes, but this one was definitely bad. "A-Ant, I c-can't do t-this any-more", she said in between breaths. "Try not to talk. Breath in and out", I said. I looked at the floor and saw her phone blowing up. This is taken way too far. Her breathing didn't calm down and she was shaking. "Kate, please. Listen to me, you're gonna be okay", I said with tears in my eyes. It hurts me to see her like this. At that moment Jaden walked in with a shocked and sad impression on his face. "Jay, she won't calm down", I said. My voice cracked. I was really scared, for her. Jaden sat down and hugged her from the other side.

~Back to Kate's POV~
I got pulled to the other side and I didn't know who it was. "Kate, listen to my heartbeat, focus on it", the boy said. I immediately recognized his voice. Jaden. "You're okay, you're here, you're gonna be okay even if it doesn't seem like it right now", he said. I tried to focus on his heartbeat, and he knew it calmed me down. I started to breath normally again and slowly everything became normal. I let go off him and looked at him. "You're okay?", he asked. I just looked down. I didn't know what to feel. I felt numb and exhausted. "Kate, why are there unknown numbers calling you, like a lot", Anthony said picking up my phone from the ground. The screen was cracked because I dropped it. I didn't respond and started to cry again. No, I had a full on break down... again. "I can't do this anymore! It's too much! I- I c-can't...", I said sobbing with my head in my hands. "Kate, what happened?", Jaden asked lifting up my face. "S-someone l-leaked my number, a-and now people are c-calling and texting m-me", I said tears streaming down my face. Anthony picked up my phone and unlocked it. He looked at the messages and showed them to Jaden. "What the- ", Jaden started. "This is not okay", he said. I could hear he was really mad. "When did this start?", Anthony asked. "Two days ago", I whispered. "Two days?! This is going on for two days?!", Jaden screamed at me. I winced because he scared me. "Jaden, calm down. I don't want her to have another one of these", Anthony said sternly at Jaden, "why didn't you tell us, or anyone?" It went silent for a bit. "I can't take it, Anthony. People are saying these things and they truly hurt. They told me to kill myself and that I k-killed David", I said tears streaming down my face. "You know that's not thru", Jaden said. "Does that matter?! Huh? No, because they all believe her. I can't do anything about it. I haven't been able to use my phone for two days! Even people who I thought were my friends say these things", I said half yelling. It went silent again. The only sound was my phone vibrating on the ground. "Maybe this place is not for me", I said quietly while looking at my hands. "Kate, you don't need to leave because of this", Jaden said taking my hands. "Maybe I should, Jae. I don't want to be here anymore. I just can't, it's too much", I said looking at him, crying again. He looked down and let go of my hands. He stood up and walked out. Great. I started sobbing and Anthony hugged me. "You need to do what's good for you", he started pulling out of the hug. "Even if it means you need to.... Leave", he said. I could see he was sad about it and I hate to see my friends sad. "Just go take a shower and then you could help me pack, because I don't know where to start", he said slightly smiling. I nodded and he grabbed my hands to pull me up. He walked out of my room and I just stood there. I turned around and looked in the mirror. Jeez.

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