Chapter 23

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The past week with Payton was fun. We went out to Chick-Fil-A a lot, and by a lot I mean every day. We also made some music and he asked if we could make a video for his YouTube channel. I agreed to it, but I asked him to wait with posting it. I'm just not ready to be out in the public yet. Of course some of Payton's fans came up to us throughout the week, but they were really nice. I can't imagine what people were saying on social media. The thought of that gives me anxiety. Last week Jaden and I talked a lot, mostly at night but we were good again. I really missed him, but I just need my space and time. Speaking of Jaden I'm on facetime with him now.

"Can you please show your face?", he asked pouting. The screen faced up to the sealing and I was changing into some comfortable clothes. "I'm changing Jae", I chuckled. "Well it's not something I haven't seen", he said. I could feel him smirking saying that. "You're gross", I said laughing. I quickly put some legging on and an oversized hoodie. "Okay I'm done", I say picking up my phone. I sit on my bed and hold my phone with my feet. "Is that my hoodie?", Jaden said putting his phone closer to his face. His face looked funny like that. I looked down and smiled, "I guess." "I already wondered where it went", he said smiling. I was putting my hair up in a messy bun. "You're flying tomorrow right?", he asked. I nodded and grabbed my phone. "Yeah, actually in six hours", I said looking at the time. I'm flying early in the morning so I would arrive around 10 am in Tennessee. "Shouldn't you sleep then?", he said. "No, I don't really feel like it and I would rather talk with you", I said smiling at him. He smiled back and we were kind of staring. I looked away and was blushing. "So... uhm... where is Payt?", he asked breaking the silence. "He is out with Riley", I say wiggling my eyebrows up and down. "Oh he is getting some", he said laughing. "Yeah he is practically drooling over her, but they are cute", I say smiling. Payton looked really happy with her. I haven't seen him this happy since this summer when he had something with Avani. They are good now, but he was definitely heart broken. He really liked her. "Payton told me you guys made a video", he said with big eyes. "I hoped he wouldn't mention that, but yes", I said embarrassed. "Kate you're really good", he said. "Yeah, I don't know. I'm just not comfortable with singing in front of the whole world", I said, "especially after this." "I get that, but everything will be fine. And the guys went live the other day and cleared up some stuff", he said. "Is it bad?", I asked looking down. "What is?", he asked frowning. "The hate", I whispered. "Kate, look at me", he said softly. I looked up and saw his sad face thru my little screen. "I'm not gonna tell you, but just know we are here for you", he said seriously. "I know, I just- ", I started. "No, don't think about it, please. I want- w-we want you to be good again. We love you", he said cutting me off. "Thanks Jae", I said slightly smiling at him. We talked the whole night and I still needed to pack. We stayed on the phone while I was packing and he actually stayed on the phone until I needed to leave for the airport. We said goodbye and I texted the group chat for a while. I really missed my friends, but I needed time to figure my stuff out.

"Hey Kate, you ready?", Payton said walking in. "Yeah", I said getting of my bed. I walked to the bathroom and made myself decent and brushed my teeth. Even tho it was 2 am I still needed to look normal and not dead. I grabbed my last stuff and walked downstairs. Payton already got my suitcase in his car. I walked into the kitchen and walked up to Faith and Joanne. They really made me feel welcome this week. I was sad to leave them again. "Joanne thank you for letting me stay here, you have an amazing home", I said smiling at her. "No problem honey, you are always welcome, always", she said hugging me. After that I went to Faith. "Do you really need to go?" She asked pouting. I nodded and took her in for a hug. "Thank you for being a sister for me that I never had", I said with a shaky voice. "Same for you, babe", she said pulling away. "Know you can always text and call me", she said. I nodded and walked to the front door. They walked with us and I gave them one last hug. "Feel better soon", Joanne said letting me go. I smiled at them and walked to Payton's car. "Ready?", he asked. "Yeah...", I said. He drove off and I waved. We arrived at the airport and we walked inside. We were running a bit late, so I needed to go to security immediately. I turned around to Payton already having tears in my eyes. I walked over to him and hugged him. I didn't want to see him sad. "Don't cry Kate. We'll see each other soon", he said rubbing my back. I was sobbing quietly on his shoulder. "T-thanks Payt. For everything", I said hugging him tighter. We pulled away and he wiped my tears. "Promise me one thing", he said. I nodded. "Figure out what you need and what you want. Make your dreams come true and be yourself", he said seriously. I hugged him again and whispered, "I promise." We let go and his eyes were glistering. "And you go get your girl", I said winking. "And you get your man", he said copying my actions. I blushed at the thought of Jaden. I grabbed my stuff and gave him one last hug. "Love you sis, let me know when you've landed", he said kissing my forehead. I nodded and said, "Love you." I walked away and didn't look back. I was trying to hold my tears back, but it didn't happen. They were already streaming down my cheeks. I arrived at the security. "You alright, darling", the woman asked looking at my face. "Yeah, just hate saying goodbye", I said smiling weakly at her. She have me a tissue and smiled. "Thank you", I said taking the tissue. I went thru security and got some ice coffee from Starbucks before boarding my plane. I quickly texted the group chat with the boys and Jaden's mom that I was taking off. I turned my phone on airplane mode and put my music on. I soon dozed off.

~skip the flight~

I got off my plane and grabbed my luggage. I texted Jaden's mom.

Baby Kate
Hi, I just landed and got all my stuff

Momma Hossler
John is picking you up he is with his car
I'll be home in a few hours

Baby Kate
Okay, see you soon x

Momma Hossler
Yes, I need a good hug from you

Baby Kate
Same <3

Momma Hossler

Baby Kate
(read: 10:37 am)

I put my phone away and walked outside. I looked and saw the car. I walked up to it and John stepped out. "Hey kid", he said hugging me. "Hi", I said. We let go and he took my suitcase and put it in the trunk. We sat in the car and took off. "How have you been?", he asked. "Yeah, fine I guess", I said looking down. It went silent for a while and he then said, "We are happy your home for a while." "Me too", I said smiling at him. "You're hungry?", he asked. I nodded franticly since I haven't eaten for a while. "Why did I even asked. You are always hungry", he said laughing. I smiled at him. He wasn't wrong. We pulled up to this little café we used to go to with my dad, Jaden and his parents. We know the owners and they are really kind. We walked in and sat at the bar. "Heyy Kate", I hear someone say behind me. I turned around and saw Candice, the owner. "Hiii", I said getting up and hugging her. She knew my dad really well, they were also high school friends. "What are you doing back home?", she said walking behind the bar. "Just visiting for a while", I said smiling at her, "I missed it." She nodded and filled two glasses with coke. "Can I get you guys something to eat?', she asked. "Yeah I'll take the hamburger with fries", I said. "Same for me", John said. She nodded and walked away. "How has LA been, with the boys and all", John asked turning in his seat. "It's crazy but fun. We are all really close. They house it amazing", I said chuckling. "That's good. Have you met other people?", he asked. "Not really, I just met up with Avani and the other girls, but no one new", I said, "except Johnny, but yeah." "I'm really sorry about that", he said looking sad. "Yeah, it's fine. I'll get over him", I said smiling slightly.

After a while we got our food and we talked for a long time. We just caught up on what has been going on. I told him about the whole Mads situation and it actually felt good talking about it. We got back to the car and drove home. When we came home right after Amy walked in with three other woman. I guess they are her friends. "Kate", she said walking over to me. We hugged for a long time. I really missed her. "How are you feeling?", she asked pulling away. "Better, now I'm here", I said smiling. "Good. I want you to meet some of my friends", she said excited. I nodded and walked with her to the backyard where they were. "Girls, this is Kate. Jaden's best friend, she is like my daughter", she said putting an arm around my shoulder. I waved at them and they smiled back. One of them looked very familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it. "This is Caitlyn, Zoë and Nora", she said pointing at them. That name. Zoë. I knew it. But from what? I was so confused. I really did know her. "I-I'm gonna put my stuff in my room, okay?", I said stuttering. "Yeah", she said hugging me and letting me go. I looked at the woman again and walked away. Why don't I know who she is? I know her, I know it! I grabbed my stuff and walked up the stairs to my room. I put my stuff down and plopped on my bed. I texted Jaden and Payton I was home and they texted me back with 'okay's' and 'talk soon'. I put my phone down and dozed of again. Who was this woman? She looked so familiar. And that name. Zoë. I don't know.

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