Chapter 50

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The rest of the day was amazing. I had a chance to talk to a lot of my supporters and my dad's old friends. All the stories people were sharing with each other made it feel like we were one big family. I truly loved it. Later that night Gus came up to me and told me that they fully rented the place, so the exposé could stay open. It would be open to visit, and all the proceeds would go to charity. I loved the idea and thanked him. When everyone started to leave I sat down on a bench in front of my dad's painting. It was a painting of a little girl. I never really knew what the painting meant, and the girl didn't looked like me when I was young. I kept staring at it and didn't notice people were standing behind me. "Hey", Avani said sitting next to me and side hugging me. I hug her back and give her a little smile. "What's up?", I asked turning around and smiling at everyone. "We want to go out for dinner, since it's a special night", Anthony said standing behind Avani. "Sure just let me talk to Samantha", I said standing up. "It's all right, go with you friends", Samantha said walking in. "Are you sure?", I ask her. "Yes, now go", she said hugging me. I hug her back and we walk off to the cars. I drove my own car and Jaden, Anthony and Avani jointed me.

"Are you okay?", Jaden asked putting his hand on my thigh. I blush and smile. "I'm just overwhelmed, I guess", I said looking at him for a second. "It looked amazing, your dad would be proud", he said. Anthony and Avani were having their own conversation, so they didn't hear me and Jaden talk. "Thank you", I said quietly already tearing up again. "For what? Are you crying?", he asked studying my face. "Just thank you", I said giving him a small smile as a tear rolled down my cheek. I had so much more to say to him and my friends and everyone who was here tonight. It's just a lot. He didn't say anything. He wiped away the tear from my cheek and grabbed me hand squeezing it slightly. Moments later we arrived at the restaurant and we went in. We got a big table, and everyone was here. The boys from Sway, the Hype House and some people that lived on their own. All my friends were here, and I cherished this moment. I sat next to Jaden and Payton was on the other side. "I'm proud of you", Payton said hugging me. I gave him a smile and hugged him back.

Dinner went by fast, but it was amazing. I don't think I've ever seen so many people I care about together. As we were leaving we said goodbye to everyone, and everyone went home. I went back into the car with Jaden, Anthony and Avani. We just dropped Anthony and Avani off at her place. They were together for 4 months today, so it was there special night. As we were driving home Jaden offered to drive and I didn't mind, I was exhausted. Second after we leave Avani's apartment I fall asleep.

"We're home", Jaden said whispering and slightly shaking me. I open my eyes and lock eyes with him. "Come, let's get you to bed", he said giving me a kiss. I smiled at him and we got out of the car. Outside of the house we heard the music from inside. I guess the guys are having a little party. We walked in with our hand locked into each other. "Heyy!", Addison said hugging me. "Hi", I said hugging her back, "who is all in the house?" "Just the boys and their girlfriends", Addison said smiling. I nodded and said goodnight to her, and Jaden did the same. We walked to my room and I already felt my eyes going shut every step of the stairs. We walk in and I sat on the edge of my bed. "Do you want to shower? Or just sleep?", he asked taking off my heels that were killing me. "Are you joining me?", I asked running my hands thru his hair. "If you want", he said looking up at me and smiling. I nodded and he took my hands and pulled me up. We walked to the bathroom and undressed ourselves. Jaden stepped in first as I was taking off my make-up. I opened the shower door and saw Jaden not facing me and just standing under the shower. I started at him and he turned around. "Come here", he said chuckling. I blushed and stepped in. He pulled me close to him and we just looked at each other. He turned us around and now I was standing under the shower. I couldn't see anything because of the water so I just closed my eyes. All of the sudden Jaden kissed me, and our bodies were even closer. I smiled into the kiss and moved out of the water. He smiled back at me and grabbed some shampoo. "Turn around", he said. I did as he asked, and he started to massage the shampoo in my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. After a few minutes I washed it out and did his. He is taller than me so I couldn't really reach his hair. He laughed at me and turned around. "You're cute", he said cupping my face. "You're cuter tho", I said pouting and smiling right after. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He washed out the shampoo and we got out after finishing everything else.

We got dressed and went straight to bed. I bury my head in his chest and he plays with my hair. "Goodnight", he whispered. "Hmm", I mumbled and closed my eyes. Even tho I was tired as hell I wanted to ask him something. So that's what I did. "Jae?", I mumbled. "Yes?", he asked. "I hope you don't mind me asking this", I said pulling away from him and looking up at him. "I won't", he said smiling. I hope you won't... "Have you used something the past days?", I asked looking away from his eyes. It stayed silent for a few seconds before he spoke. "Yesterday...", he said. I could feel he was upset. "But I instantly felt worse, so yeah", he said. I looked up at him and didn't know what to say. Like, I'm not mad, not at all. I know it's hard, I just want him to be okay and himself again. "I'm here, you know that right?", I asked. "I know... I'm really trying", he said tearing up. "Hey hey, look", I said lifting up his face, "I'm not mad, I want you to be okay. And I know you are trying, I know it's hard. But you can do it." I gave him a little smile and he hugged me. He started to sob quietly as he buried his face in my chest. I stroke his back and hair. He never really gets emotional in front of me, or anyone. "What's wrong Jae?", I asked as he pulled away. "I-I'm just scared of losing you. I thought you would leave me", he said whispering. "Jae, I could never. Remember that, okay? I love you", I said pulling up his face again. "I love you too", he said giving me a little smile. "Let's sleep", I said pulling him close to me. "Goodnight", I said kissing the top of his head. "Goodnight", he mumbled. Everything feels good with him. I'm happy that we're good again.

~ a month later ~

~ Jaden's POV ~
I've been clean for a month. And if I'm honest I don't have the urge to take anything anymore. I'm truly happy with the current life I'm in now. My music career is going well and I'm releasing a song in a few days. Kate and I have been great. Mom and dad came to visit last week, and we showed them around. I also told them about my drug use and to my surprise they weren't mad. We just dropped them of at the airport and Kate and I are driving back to the house. We stopped at Starbucks and got some coffee. Before we really head back we stopped at the beach and just sat there. The sun was setting, and it was truly beautiful. Just like the girl beside me. "What would you name your son if you had one?", I asked looked at the waves. "Uhm...", Kate said chuckling. "Well, my dad wanted to call his son Elijah, so I think that. What about you?", she asked looking at me with a smile. "Never thought about a name for my son. I want a daughter first", I said smiling at her. "Okay, what would you name her?", she asked playing with the ring on my finger. "I once read something about a name, and I really liked it", I said starring at the waves. "Well, tell meee", she said whining. "Okay okay", I said chuckling. "It's Star. It means a soul that shines bright on the people around them and lighting up their world. And also a person that has a positive mindset and thinks on the bright side of things", I explained and looked at her. (A/N: I don't know if this is true btw) Is she crying? "Kate, what's wrong?", I asked wiping the tear off her face. "My dad used to call me that", she said smiling thru her tears. "I-I'm sorry", I said stuttering feeling bad for making her feel upset. "No, don't be. I think it's beautiful to call your daughter that", she said smiling at me. I gave her a weak smile and we watched the sunset as the sun fully went down. We grabbed our stuff and went home, for real this time.

I looked at Kate as she was driving and singing along to the music that was playing on the radio. I didn't know I was starring, but honestly I could get lost in her. Her smile is beautiful. Her eyes are like a rainy forest. They are green with a little bit of grey. Her voice is as soft as the waves we just watched. I love her. I'm gonna marry her. And we are going to name our kids Elijah and Star. I love you, Kate.

@Always_Alison123 , Thank you for the idea about the name. I really liked it so yeah <3

?Question of today? (it could be anything): What is something you want to ask someone, you've never asked them?

I'm almost at 140 K!!! That insane!!!

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