Chapter 38

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~ Kate's POV ~

After a long day full of meetings, again, I came home and went up to my room. It was very quiet at the house, and that never happens. I guess everyone went to a party or something. It was already 11 pm and I had to pick up Payton from the airport in two hours. I decided not to sleep and just get into the shower. As I went to grab some clothes I hear the front door open. I guess they are home. I haven't talked to anyone in the house, or even anyone at all. My meetings were very busy and honestly I could sleep for a week. I grabbed my clothes and walked to my bathroom, but then my door opened. "Kate, are you home?", Jaden asked walking in. I turned around and smiled. "Hey, how were the meetings?", he asked giving me a hug. He smells good..."Exhausting", I said sighing. "Go to bed, I'll tell the boys to be quiet", he said getting out of the hug. "I can't, I have to pick up Payton in two hours", I said. "You can't even drive, you're gonna fall asleep", he said chuckling tucking my hair behind my ear. "I'll drive, then you can take a nap", he said smiling. "Okay", I said smiling tiredly. "Can we get food before we go?", I asked. I haven't eaten for a while and I was starving, as usual. "Sure", he said pushing me towards the bathroom. "Go, and don't fall asleep in the shower", he said chuckling. "I'll try", I said yawning. He closed the door and I went under the shower. After a few minutes I got out and dried myself. I brushed my hair and dressed myself. I walked out and grabbed all the stuff I needed. I walked downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen.

"Hi guys", I said hugging Bryce and then Anthony. "Hey, we haven't seen you all day", Bryce said. "Yeah, I had meetings", I said smiling. "What did you guys do today?", I asked sitting on the counter next to Jaden. I rested my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist. "We filmed 'Tea Talk' and went to the Hype house just now", Josh said. "Aah, okay. Are you and Chase good now?", I asked. "Not completely, but kinda", he said shrugging. "That's good", I said looking away. Ever since the whole thing went down between Jaden, Josh and Chase I haven't talked to him. I tried to text him, but he would ignore me or just sent short messages. When we were on tour me and Chase were really close, but it seems like he is mad at me or something. "Why are you so sad?", Anthony asked. "It's nothing", I said looking up and smile at them. "No tell us, it definitely has something to do with Chase", Bryce said. I lifted my head off Jaden's shoulder and sat straight. "It's just that after you guys were 'fighting' he completely ignored me", I said looking at my hands. "What do you mean?", Josh asked. "Well, I tried texting him, but it seems like he is mad at me. And when they went to Hawaii I texted him asking how it was. And he said, 'you just want tea for Josh's video' and then he blocked me", I said shrugging, "even Charli is not talking to me anymore." "Really?", Jaden asked. I nodded and looked at him. "And I don't know if I did or said something, but we are not on good terms now", I said. "He literally just told me he talked to you", Anthony said looking confused. "No he didn't, we haven't talked for a few weeks", I said frowning. "Wow, he is really trying to start something", Bryce said. "Let him be, I'll talk to him soon", I said. "It's not your fault Kate, you know that, right?", Anthony said, knowing I feel guilty even tho I didn't know of what. "I know", I said under my breath. "We should go, before we are late", Jaden said hopping of the counter. "Where are you going?", Josh asked. "We're picking up Payton", I said hopping on Jaden's back. "He is moving in right?", Bryce asked. I nodded smiling and Jaden started to walk to the front door.

"We're taking your car?", he asked with still me on his back. "Yeah, Payton demanded me", I said chuckling. He grabbed my shoes from the floor almost dropping me and walked out. He opened my car door and sat me in the passenger seat. "Here you go princess", he said handing me my shoes. "Thank you sir", I said bowing my head. We both started to laugh, and he walked to his side. "Where do you wanna eat?", he asked starting the car. "What about... McDonald's?", I asked. "Sure", he said driving off. I connected my phone to the car and played my playlist. Most of the songs were songs we listen to all the time, especially when we have our late-night drives. After ten minutes we arrived and quickly ordered and ate. We were running late so we took our drinks into the car. As we were driving he puts is hand on my thigh. I feel my cheeks getting red and his hands were warm, as always. I looked at him and smiled. He looked at me for a second and smiled too. My eyes became heavy and I fell asleep leaning against the window.

"Kate, we're here", Jaden said shaking me lightly. "Hmm", I said opening my eyes and smiling at him. "Payton texted you, he just landed", he said taking the keys out of the ignition. I grabbed my phone and got out of the car. We walked into the airport and searched for a spot to meet. Payton wanted Starbucks so we waited there for him. Jaden and I were just talking when someone puts their hand over my eyes. "Guess who", he said. "I'm not stupid Payton", I said turning around and seeing him. I pulled him in for a hug and he did too. I missed my 'little' brother. "I missed you", I said with tears in my eyes. We pulled away and he looked at me. "Don't cry, I missed you too", he said chuckling. "And what about me?", Jaden said behind me. I let go of Payton and they did a bro hug. They were talking so I walked to the Starbucks and got us our drinks. "Ready to go?", I asked handing them their drinks. "Yes sir", they both said at the same time. I smiled at them and grabbed one of his bags. We walked back to my car and I drove home. I talked to Payton while Jaden fell asleep on the back seat.

"Excited to live with the boys?", I asked smiling. "Yeah, and you of course. I am going to miss my mom and sister", he said looking sad. "Is that why you were upset yesterday?", I asked. "Yeah, that's part of it", he said. "What's the other part?", I asked. "Riley told me she likes someone else, and we kinda called it quits", he said looking at his hands. "Oh, I'm sorry Payt. Do you know who?", I asked feeling sad for him. "She didn't want to tell me, but I can take a guess", he said, "it's Troy Zarba." "Really? I wouldn't have guessed that", I said. "Yeah, same for me. But he is a good guy and if she is happy with him then it's all good", he said shrugging, "I'm busy with music anyways." "You're a good guy too, Payt. A Great guy", I said smiling at him. "Thanks Kate", he said smiling too. "How is your music going?", I asked. "I have been working a lot from home, but now that I am moving to LA I can spent more time in the studio", he said smiling. I can see it makes him happy and he really enjoys it. "That's great", I said smiling. We talked for the rest of the ride home like we haven't seen each other for a year. We arrived home and we took all the stuff inside. I showed him his room and he went downstairs to talk with the boys. I said goodnight to them and went up to my room.

I changed into an oversized shirt and some shorts. Then there was a knock on my door. "Yeah?", I asked getting under my bedsheets. "Hey, I wanted to ask something", Payton said walking in and closing the door. He walked up to the bed and sat on the side. "So, remember the video we made, where we were singing?", he asked. I nodded remembering it, that was fun. "I showed it to my producer, and he asked if you would come to the studio the next time I'm going", he said smiling. "Payton!", I said slapping him jokingly, "you said you would keep it for yourself." "I know, but Kate, your voice is beautiful. And you don't have to sing, just come with me, please?", he asked with puppy dog eyes. I can't resist that. "Fine", I said smiling. "Yes!", he said smiling big. Then everyone walked into the room and made a lot of noise. I just wanted to sleep. Jaden sat next to me and looked at me. "Cuddles?", he asked. I nodded. "What is that? 'Cuddles'?", Bryce asked mocking Jaden. "Yeah, you always say that", Josh said sitting down. "Okay, so when I ask, 'cuddles' I hug his torso, and when he asks, 'cuddles' he hugs my waist", I said chuckling, "it's something we started a long time ago." "That's so weird", Anthony said. "Well at least I'm comfortable", Jaden said mumbling. Everyone laughed and went to sit around my room. I guess were hanging out here then. I started to play with Jaden's hair and just listen to their conversations. Then my phone started to rang. "Can you hand me my phone, Jae", I said. "Here", he said letting go of me. I sat up straight and looked at my phone. Unknown. This person has been calling me for the past few days. I just never picked up. I decided to pick up this time. "Hello?", I asked. "This is all your fault, you did it, admit it!", the person literally screamed thru the phone. I guess everyone heard that, because they were looking at me. "I'm sorry, but who is this?", I asked confused. "Don't play dumb, Katherine", the person said. Then I recognized the voice. I instantly got tears in my eyes and was scared of what the person just said. No one calls me Katherine, except for my dad and .....

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